Chapter 608

Dae Hyun cooked what Soo Yin and Jean ordered. Only two menus so it was not too difficult. As for the other menus, Aunt Xia prepared everything.

"Ah, I feel bad for troubling Mr Dae Hyun," Jean said shyly after finishing a plate of squid with sour and sweet sauce. Now her lips looked very smudged.

Chang Yuan was going to help clean it up but cancelled his intention because he felt ashamed because there were Dae Hyun and Soo Yin with them.

"You don't want the crab?" Soo Yin offered.

"Sir's cooking is delicious. Of course I do," Jean said with a small chuckle.

"Take it, if you want more my husband is still willing to cook it," said Soo Yin while glancing at her husband who was eating food.

"Just have Chang Yuan cook. His cook is also delicious," said Dae Hyun.

"It's fine, I already feel full," Jean replied.

Chang Yuan only flashed a faint smile. He always acted serious in front of Dae Hyun.