Sengoku took the stack of papers, swept them, and threw it aside. Enough people have spoken to him through various channels these days so it would be a colossus joke if he doesn't know what's going on at this time.

"Well, you have done well this time. Go back and rest."

"Hai (Yes)!"

Rowen nodded and turned away.

Sengoku frowned slightly in the back and couldn't help but ask, "Wait! Aren't you curious at all? Aren't you going to ask why I allowed Ace to become a Shichibukai?"

The biggest change in the cleanup of Jaya Island this time is Ace. As the executor of the mission and the main person involved in this, why is Rowen not curious?

One must know that if it weren't for Tsuru's thorough consideration in telling Rowen that he would still be able to keep his Military Merits, Sengoku would have been able to guarantee that Ace would have died that day hearing the tone of Rowen's voice!

And he will also stay out of touch with Garp, after all, the life-saving grace has been paid off.

Sengoku is ready to tell Rowen the truth so he doesn't get paranoid.

But as the main party involved in this incident, why is he so calm?

If something goes wrong then people would ask questions to satisfy their curiosity! So why is it that Rowen isn't asking anything?

Sengoku decided to ask to understood Rowen's thoughts.

"Fleet Admiral…"

Rowen stopped and smirked: 'Remember what I said the day before yesterday? There are some things that you tend to overthink or you take them way too naturally."

"Oh? I would like to hear the details…" Sengoku put aside the work he was doing and stared at Rowen.

"Ace will not agree to join the Shichibukai…"

"What I see in his eyes is the conviction, the unquenchable fire to achieve his dream and to prove something."

"Although he is not surnamed 'Monkey', he had inherited the temper and will of the 'Monkey' Family." Rowen left the office after saying that.

Sengoku stared at Rowen's back, remembering what happened in the office that day, and sighed silently.

"So that's how it is…?"


Leaving the office, Rowen released his Observation Haki and covered the entire Mairneford and found that Zephyr was not staying at Drilling Square and he had returned to the Recruit Camp.

At this time, Zephyr is standing on the high platform, talking to a group of recruits.

Not planning to disturb him from his work, Rowen used 'Blink' and went to Zephyr's office and sat on the sofa waiting for him.

Not long after, Zephyr returned as the training ground became noisy.

As soon as he entered the door, Zephyr was stunned for a second before he suddenly became furious.

"You brat, why don't you knock on the door like a normal civilized person! Is this my office or yours?!"

After saying that, Zephyr threw a punch towards Rowen!


After some time, Rowen rubbed his unrecognizable chin, smiled, and made a pot of tea for Zephyr.

"Calm down, Sensei. I waited for you inside because you were talking to the recruits outside. By the way, what were you saying to them?"

Zephyr snorted in response to Rowen's deliberate circumvention of the topic but he still took the teapot and held it, he poured out a cup and took a sip, before slowly explaining: "The annual combat exercise is about to take place, I have to give this group of youngsters some motivation and advice in advance."

"Annual Combat Exercise? Oh, I remember it now."

There are three biggest things that every Recruit goes through in the Recruit Camp and Rowen only experienced two of them.

First, the year-end evaluation at the end of the year determines the ranking of recruits for the same period.

Second, the survival training in Hell Island at the beginning of the year.

Then there is the Annual real-life Combat Exercise which would be taking place in the late summer.

Letting recruits go out to the Sea and fight the Pirates and experience some real-life combat, telling them that Marine is not an ivory tower where they can just relax and go about their life.

Rowen joined the Marine at a relatively coincidental time.

Only after the year-end evaluation was he qualified to participate in the Hell Island survival training, and then he directly went out of the Recruit Camp and became a Rear Admiral, so he did not know anything about the Annual Combat Exercise.

For ordinary soldiers, the Hell Island survival training is the last thing they need to care about.

They prepared for actual combat exercises in the first half of the year and then they work hard and train to participate in the year-end evaluation at the second half of the year.

The best ones out of these two participated in the Hell Island survival training in the second year, and the mediocre people take two or three years to go to the Hell Island for their training and this is the normal procedure.

"By the way Rowen…"

Zephyr suddenly remembered something, and said to him: "Would you like to go with me? The Annual Combat Exercise is such an important matter, I have to follow the Recruits to be safe, and I have no time to teach you."

Rowen looked shocked and stretched out three fingers: "I still have three months off!!!"

"You can train on the Ship too!"

Zephyr looked at him and said without any change in his expression: "And you have nothing to do now!"

"Gan Fall brought a Sky-Flying Ship Blueprint called Ark. Vegapunk transferred the Aircraft Force back to remodel it. So you don't have to go to Jaya island for a while if you want to trade with them after a few months… No, the G-10 is in charge."

No wonder the Sky Island Ship was not seen on Jaya Island, it was originally transferred back and remodeled…

Rowen silently thought for a while before he suddenly raised his head and asked: "Wait? Ark? Is the full name "Ark Maxim"?"

"That's the name, I think, you already know about it?"

Rowen: "…"

It seems that ... the butterfly effect is getting a bit exaggerated.

With Vegapunk's scientific research technology and with the Blueprint of "Ark Maxim"… Then, isn't the Ark Maxim going to be mass-produced?!

And then they will be equipped with Blue Sea advanced weapons and will be lined up all over the sky.

Isn't it the same as having an Air Force?!

Rowen couldn't help but sympathize with the Pirates for three seconds. Before he could even dare to bring out the three Ancient Weapons after finding them, the pirates would face challenges they had never faced before.

The mode of war in this world is backward and fixed. The strong decides everything and faced with attacks from the sky from which they would have no defense, it would be impossible to avoid it.

In the war, once the air supremacy is controlled by the Marines, it will end…

It's exciting to think about it!

Golden Lion is also uncaptured after all this time because of this. He could escape through the air by fling out and no one could follow him.

He could also use his Devil Fruit power to throw down islands from high up in the air on his enemy and even the Yonko's wouldn't be able to do anything against him other than being irritated.

Rowen, however, gloated for three seconds before he seriously thought about escorting the new Recruit with Zephyr and agreed.

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