(From here on out, I will release 1 extra chapter if I receive 10 new reviews and 100 Power Stones.)

Three Admirals couldn't leave all at once, and there must be one Admiral stationed at the Marine Headquarters. Akainu didn't see any problem with this, as they weren't initiating the fight, and he didn't want to engage in any deceitful or unnecessary matters.

However, the colossal force presented before him today thrilled Akainu, and he almost wanted to give himself a slap.

Even if they weren't going to war, setting off with such a formidable force was an honor in itself!

It was the Marine's glory pursued by Akainu!

"That's why I won't let you go…" Sengoku glanced at the overly excited Akainu and silently thought, "I wouldn't be able to handle the consequences of your actions."

"Don't worry, Sakazuki. Although Kizaru is used to being indecisive, lazy, and a bit unreliable… um… the mission he's primarily responsible for has never gone wrong! You can trust him."

'If he's there, then I can naturally rest assured!

As fellow Admirals, they naturally knew each other's abilities quite well.

But that's not what I wanted to say!'

Akainu felt baffled as he stared at Sengoku and was unsure of how to continue.

"Alright then! Set off!"

"For Justice!"

Without giving Akainu a chance to linger, Sengoku coughed and announced.

"For Justice!"

"Justice will prevail!"

The earth-shaking shouts resounded across the sea, shaking the heavens!

From the time Roger initiated the Pirate Era until now, the largest military operation of the Marines began on this beautiful morning!

The Marine force didn't bother to conceal their intentions as they departed from Marineford, passing before the various forces on Sabaody Archipelago. They then split into several directions, moving like mobile land masses, densely advancing toward the deep sea.

Even those who didn't care about Marine's movements couldn't help but feel anxious upon seeing such a lineup.

After toppling two Shichibukai, the monster that was the Marine, which dominated the sea, finally turned its gaze towards the entire world, baring its fangs with mighty military might and soaring morale!

Wherever they went, no enemies dared to resist them. Faced with the unyielding Marine fleet, most of the pirate crews encountered were nothing more than targets of concentrated firepower. If the first round didn't work, there would be a second!

Along the way, common people waved their flags and cheered for them, sending their applause to the Marines.

The more powerful the Marines became, the safer they felt.

This was the collective voice of the people across the entire sea.

In the face of the heavily armed Marine fleet patrolling the sea, silence fell upon the entire ocean!

Even in the past, when operations were intense, the underlying chaos still persisted. But now, just by deploying the Marine Generals, even the most chaotic Underground World had to lay low, fearing being caught by the Marines as an example to establish dominance.

However, for now, all of this had nothing to do with Rowen.

The place he was headed to was Kano Country in the West Blue. At the moment, he was waiting with Kizaru on Sabaody, preparing to coat their ship.

As official personnel, in theory, they could have reached the New World through Mary Geoise without the need for the troublesome coating process. Although it took some time to submit the application in advance and then take the Bubble Elevator to Mary Geoise, it was still faster than arriving through the coating.

The Bubble Elevator was the resin bubble secreted by the Yarukiman Mangrove in the Sabaody Archipelago, a product similar to the Sabaody Bubble culture.

Although Mary Geoise was situated at an extremely high altitude and in the Yarukiman Mangrove climate range, even the Celestial Dragons ascended and descended from Mary Geoise through this method.

However, there was an unavoidable issue with that thing…

Weight limit!

If they entered the water, it would be fine. The resin secreted by the Yarukiman Mangrove had great toughness, and the pressure in the water would be distributed across the entire coating layer. Even the much larger Moby Dick could successfully cross the sea.

But if it was in the air, with all the weight pressing in one direction, the resin would definitely not withstand it.

Considering the tonnage of the War Behemoth… it was impossible to even think about taking that route!

Therefore, Rowen had no choice but to pass through Fish-Man Island.

Coincidentally, Jinbe mentioned that he was currently on his way back to Fish-Man Island, so Kizaru and Rowen could go there together.

"By the way, Vice Admiral Rowen, has Vegapunk ever contacted you later?"

In the subtly numbered "69" area of the Sabaody Archipelago, outside the Marine management zone, under a parasol, Kizaru sipped his afternoon tea and suddenly asked with a curious expression on his face.

He knew how important Vegapunk considered the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit), and the identification of Lineage Factor was not something that could be completed with just any blood sample. But since the completion of the Plasma Cannon development until now, Vegapunk seemed to have forgotten about Rowen, not appearing even once, and this confused Kizaru.

Rowen's expression froze as he held the teacup, and he turned to look at Kizaru with a strange expression on his face.

"Uh… why are you looking at me like that?" Kizaru asked.

"No… I was just wondering, Admiral Kizaru, aren't you a senior official of the Scientific Force? Why would you ask me this question?"

Kizaru: "…"

'That's a convincing argument if I have ever heard of one!' Kizaru silently thought.

He was a senior official, so why didn't he even know the whereabouts of his subordinate?!

But Vegapunk was just that special. Kizaru had no authority to interfere with his decisions, not even requiring him to report his whereabouts.

"Alright, let's just forget I asked."

Being stared at by a 50-year-old man with a resentful gaze, Rowen shivered and looked away.

The Sabaody Archipelago was a very peculiar place in One Piece World. On one hand, it was the backyard of the Celestial Dragons and you never knew when a Celestial Dragon would appear and publicly take away your wife and daughter.

Pirates of all kinds gathered here, and if you went out at night, nine out of ten times, you would be knocked out. Life here was far from happy.

On the other hand, as the end of the first half and the endpoint of Paradise, Sabaody offered great opportunities to make a fortune. People from all walks of life and various forces, even ordinary civilians, harbored dreams and ambitions, rushing to this archipelago one after another.

You can read up to 40 chapters on my patreon and I've also activated (date to date) subscription model on my patreon https://www.patreon.com/darkshadow6395.

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Read my other translated works:-

Galactic Garbage Station

Endless Plunder In High School DxD

Illimitable Until Death

I am in Marvel With Unlimited Cards

Heroes of Marvel

One Piece Thundergod Marine