(From here on out, I will release 1 extra chapter if I receive 10 new reviews and 100 Power Stones.)

Sabaody Archipelago, District 45.

Unlike other islands, Sabaody was not a normal island made entirely of soil. Each area here was actually the exposed roots of the world's largest mangrove tree, the Yarukiman Mangrove. The roots formed a cluster of islands, with a total of 79 root islands.

Among them, Districts 40-49 were the tourist areas and the gathering place for specialty shops. They were usually the busiest, and District 44 was particularly frequented by commoners and pirates. So, even though Districts 1-29 had various lawless areas, Districts 40-49 were still considered chaotic in terms of public order.

Who would have thought that the Celestial Dragons would come to District 45 for shopping?

Even Rowen never expected this.

What's even more astonishing is that the auction house in District 45 is a legitimate one! It doesn't trade in slaves or weapons; it's a completely clean auction house, just like any ordinary one.

Are pirates causing trouble just for the fun of it?

At this moment, on the main street of District 45, the Marines who received the notification rushed in from all directions. They protected the Celestial Dragons while searching for the criminals, turning District 45 into a chaotic mess.

A Colonel officer anxiously accompanied one of the Celestial Dragons, with sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Mjosgard-Sama, please come back to the barracks with us. It's not safe here!"

If someone dares to harm the Celestial Dragons' pet, there's no guarantee that someone won't harm the Celestial Dragons themselves. If something goes wrong, the Colonel officer will be held responsible.

"Shut up! I want to see who dares to hurt me?!"

The Celestial Dragons, known as Mjosgard-Aama, was a middle-aged man… or at least his appearance made him look like a middle-aged man.

He glanced at his "Pet" lying on the ground being urgently treated by doctors. When Mjosgard heard the news, he stood up in anger and roared, "Find all of them! I want to hang those pirates from the mast!!"


The Colonel officer felt bitter in his heart. The attackers on Mjosgard-Sama's Pet had been gone for several minutes already, and only the heavens knew if they could find him. But since the other party was a Celestial Dragon, he could only nod in agreement.


Pū Tōng, Pū Tōng, Pū Tōng!

A group of dark shadows descended from the sky and landed on the nearby street. Judging from their attire, they were the pirates who had injured Mjosgard-sama's pet earlier.

The Colonel officer's expression changed, and he unsheathed his sword.

"Enemy attack! Protect the esteemed person!!"

Huā Lā La!

The surrounding soldiers, equally startled, quickly raised their firearms and aimed at the group of figures.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets flew and scattered, causing chaos among the civilians on the street. But the soldiers continued to fire as if they hadn't noticed, shooting randomly.

The safety of the Celestial Dragons was at stake, and they couldn't afford to hesitate.


The final bullets missed their targets, and the Colonel officer ordered them to cease fire. He tightly gripped his weapon, his years of warfare experience allowing him to discern from the sound of the bullets hitting that there were no hits on the enemies.

The enemies might… no!

They were definitely still alive!

As the smoke gradually dissipated, the Colonel officer, who had been on high alert, looked stunned. After rubbing his eyes, he was filled with shock.

"What's going on?! What is this?!"

A blue barrier stood in the center of the street, where the bullets had struck. The high temperature melted the iron bullets, leaving only orange-red dots on the barrier, followed by the molten iron flowing down the barrier, making a hissing sound on the ground.

Despite the intense barrage of bullets, they couldn't even create a crack in the barrier, let alone harm the enemies behind it! Through the translucent barrier, the street behind it was clearly visible.

At the same time, the figures behind the barrier were also visible.

They were indeed the pirates who had attacked him earlier, but at this moment, they all had white smoke coming out of their mouths, and were completely unconscious!

"It's not the pirates' doing?"

The Colonel Officer stood in front of Mjosgard with a grave expression on his face. This power was extremely troublesome for them, indicating the unknown enemy's abilities! However, at that moment, the barrier dissipated and disappeared.

Ding Ding Dong Dong!

The bullets that had not completely melted fell to the ground, tapping against the stone pavement and making crisp sounds.

Zi Zi!

A ring of blue electric currents gradually converged, outlining a rough humanoid shape.

The figure had no distinct features, with only three light spots representing the eyes and mouth on its face. The blue threads forming its body constantly flickered, like a crude picture drawn by a child with a blue crayon.

Buzz! Buzz!

After a few electric tremors, the humanoid entity emitted a voice that could barely be heard.

"Originally… I was planning… to bring you their heads… since Mjosgard-Sama has other arrangements for them, I leave them to your discretion…"

"And you… you almost killed them, disturbing Mjosgard-Sama's interest!"

The voice started disjointedly but became coherent and natural towards the end, only taking a few seconds.


Although the Colonel officer had never seen this scene before, when he saw the scorch marks left on the ground where the humanoid figure stood, he immediately recalled something.

"You're… Vice Admiral Rowen?!" He asked tentatively.

In the current Marine, who didn't know about Rowen, the user of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit) ability? Not to mention that they were stationed so close to the Marine Headquarters on Sabaody.

The humanoid entity nodded.

"It's me, this is a clone of my electric current created by my Devil Fruit ability…"

"And there are pirates escaping, immediately escort Mjosgard-Sama back to the base, where Admiral Kizaru is stationed… I will capture the others and come back…"

"Yes!" The Colonel officer nodded excitedly and saluted.

Only now did he remember that Sabaody was not just their group of symbolic Marine soldiers, but also Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Rowen, who had come from the Headquarters… Not to mention a few small-time pirates from the First Half, even if Great Characters from the New World arrived, they wouldn't be able to harm Mjosgard-Sama!

Just that earlier move, the Electromagnetic Barrier, was enough to block most lethal attacks!

"He is truly worthy of the Headquarters' Vice Admiral!" The Colonel officer thought admiringly.

"Then I'll go first, see you at the designated location later." After saying that, Rowen was ready to disperse the lightning clone.


At that moment, Mjosgard-Sama suddenly opened his mouth and called him back. Seeing Rowen stop, the former asked through gritted teeth, "Are you Vice Admiral Rowen?"

Hearing this resentful and angry questioning, Rowen narrowed his eyes silently.

Mjosgard-Sama's full name was Donquixote Mjosgard. Although his relationship with Doflamingo was not good, in terms of their generation, they were cousins.


However, considering Lirisk's presence, Rowen calmly nodded.

"Do you know where Doflamingo is?!"

Mjosgard shouted.

Rowen shook his head.

"Sorry, I am not aware of his whereabouts…"

Before Mjosgard could continue to get angry, Rowen added indifferently, "I only follow orders."

In an instant, Mjosgard widened his eyes, his gaze turning bloodshot. He clenched his teeth, making a grinding sound, and exhaled heavily through his nostrils.

Follow orders?

Whose orders could make Rowen lay a hand on the Celestial Dragons?

Combining recent actions of the various households in Mary Geoise, Mjosgard had an answer in his mind.


"Well then…" Rowen chuckled lightly, and the clone dissipated in place.

(End of this chapter)

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Read my other translated works:-

Galactic Garbage Station

Endless Plunder In High School DxD

Illimitable Until Death

I am in Marvel With Unlimited Cards

Heroes of Marvel

One Piece Thundergod Marine