The flight of the solid cannonball from the Super Electromagnetic Cannon couldn't be described as grandiose. The waves it stirred up were minuscule compared to the various attacks unleashed by Monsters and humans in this world.

But the moment the Super Electromagnetic Cannon touched the ground and an immense amount of kinetic energy exploded, anyone, no matter who they were, would be left in awe!


A dart-shaped white cloud burst between the sea and sky. It wasn't flames, but rather the seawater churned up by the impact.

Compared to the air, the densely packed sea water seemed to lose its weight in an instant, becoming almost as weightless as flames. The boundless sea quivered and rolled upwards, instantly forming a thousand-meter-high white tidal wave!

This was the first time the Super Electromagnetic Cannon had been launched downward targeting the ground after its development, and its power far exceeded what Rowen had imagined.

Observing the Super Electromagnetic Cannon hit the ground at such close range was a breathtaking experience.

Powerful… No, technological!

Indeed, it was the cutting edge of technology!

The vast tidal wave didn't just surge forward; it erupted directly from the sea thousands of meters away. In an instant, it submerged countless ships from the Hundred Beasts Pirates in a torrent of white waves.

The Marine defense line descended into chaos. Emergency red lights accompanied piercing alarms echoing over the sea. Battleships, not even bothering to clear the pirates from their decks, hastily changed direction and fled as if in madness.

Pirates lay on the decks, helping Marines shatter the splashing waves with cannons, screaming loudly.

"Faster! Faster!"

In the face of the unparalleled destructive power of the Super Electromagnetic Cannon, "staying alive" became the common goal of both the Marines and the pirates.

This scene, which should have been absurdly comical, didn't elicit a single laugh from anyone. Everyone was racing against time, evading the pursuing waves.

"It didn't have this much power during the test fire! Was it really designed specifically for Rowen?!" Garp swung his Iron Fist continuously, banging against the sky-like thick sea waves. One after another, the waves shattered like glass, but immediately after, more waves continued to crash.

Looking down from Rowen's height, it felt as if he had thrown a large stone into a fish tank, where ants struggling for survival floated on the surface amidst the splashes.

"After this shot, Kaido must be feeling pretty miserable, right?"

Rowen shivered suddenly, remembering a question.

"Wait! It seems like Admiral Aokiji and Admiral Akainu are also at the impact point!"


At this moment, an inconspicuous little spray burst open at the center of the landing point. Akainu, covered in magma, charged out with a thick brown shell of molten rock. He dared not touch the ground and instead used Geppo to float in the air, gasping for breath.

"This little devil nearly blew me up together with him!!"

Akainu glared hatefully at the sky, and the murderous intent in his gaze sent shivers down Rowen's spine.

Soon after, the sea began to freeze. Aokiji, now turned pure white in an ice-like transformation, climbed out of the Ice Mass.

Brushing off the shards of ice from his body, Aokiji's tone was extremely solemn: "That was close, really close. I almost couldn't climb up from the sea!"

The moment the Super Electromagnetic Cannon hit the ground, both of them were almost simultaneously knocked into Elementalization, swept away by the cross-shattering air currents and into the seabed.

For an Ability user, falling into the sea was almost a certain death scenario! At a critical moment, Aokiji quickly froze the surrounding seawater, creating a structure that enveloped himself, thus avoiding the outcome of being submerged and powerless due to contact with the seawater.

Subsequently, starting from the ice structure, he slowly froze a pathway in the sea, allowing him to return to the surface.

Akainu's molten rock shell worked on a similar principle; otherwise, both of them would have died directly in the bombardment. This was also an advantage for Logia users; they could use the derived elemental material to separate the seawater from their skin, avoiding being rendered powerless.

"We'll need to extend the battlefield further next time!"

Aokiji looked at the remaining ships of the Hundred Beasts Pirates on the sea and the trembling Battleships in the distance, heaving a long sigh.

The aftermath of this shot had nearly halved the members of the Hundred Beasts Pirates!

Perhaps the death toll wasn't exactly half, but with ships thrown down from a kilometer high and shattered, there was definitely half the number!

Adding to the previously suppressed cannons and the ongoing boarding battles, the fleet of the Hundred Beasts Pirates had been severely crippled, with very few ships remaining intact, and even fewer in number!

The might of a single shot had almost determined the course of the battle!

"Perhaps there won't be a next time!" Akainu let out a cold snort and withdrew his gaze, then looked out at the sea.

"Did you see where Kaido went?"

Now that the turmoil had subsided, the sea surface was calm. The deep blue sea was as serene as a sapphire, clean and devoid of any blemishes.

"He was hit head-on by the cannonball. Could it be…?!"

As Aokiji was about to respond, the sea suddenly began to tremble, and the restless waters boiled and burst, forming concentric circles of spray.

Hot Breath!!!


A bright fiery dragon shot straight up from beneath the sea, moving with incredible speed, and the two Admirals had no time to react. They were instantly dispersed into magma and ice by the scorching current.


Nothing could stop that blazing torrent. It cut diagonally through the sky and headed towards the direction from which the Super Electromagnetic Cannon had been fired.

Hua La La!!

Following the hot stream, a massive serpentine shadow surged out of the ice, targeting the Flying Fortress in the sky! The giant creature had a large crimson scar on its abdomen, a trail of bloodshed marking its path, making it appear even more menacing!

"Oh no!"

Akainu and Aokiji were horrified, hastily mobilizing their Devil Fruit powers.

Ice Age!

Ryusei Kazan – Meteor Volcano!

The ice rapidly grew and spread as if it had a life of its own. The frigid air flowed behind the retreating serpent's path, freezing it along with its tail. Rolling lava, accompanied by sharp howling, rained down from the sky, hitting the serpent's head one after another.

However, in the face of the attacks from the two Admirals, the figure only paused for less than a second. It roared in madness, opening its mouth wide, instantly shattering the Ice Mass and extinguishing the lava!

"A Dragon… Ah!"

Even though Rowen had mentally prepared himself after seeing Kaido's true form, he couldn't help but sigh. Totems represented the soul of a people, but to see his own soul on the enemy was something Rowen found difficult to accept.

"Thanks for your help, Thunder Cloud!"

With clenched fists, Rowen's body crackled with high-voltage electricity. Thunderlight emanated from the Thunder Gem, absorbing and accumulating endless power, causing Thunder Cloud to hover in mid-air, pointing towards the sea.

The scorching heat of the Hot Breath washed over him, causing the flesh to dry out, revealing the metallic parts underneath.

Faced with the oncoming blast of scorching breath, Rowen didn't dodge. Instead, he struck with all his might.

Super Electromagnetic Sword!!!

Kaido couldn't avoid the attack, so he could only block it!


As the punch landed, the Thunder Cloud Sword emitted a long dragon-like roar!

In addition to its name, "Thunder Cloud," it had the prefix "Dragon Contract." Now, facing a dragon, the Dragon Contracting Sword · Thunder Cloud Sword seemed to have activated some unknown nature. The electric light surged instantly, converging into a majestic thunderous dragon that shot straight down!


The scorching flames were unable to hinder the thunder dragon in the slightest. In an instant, it was extinguished by the Thunderlight in mid-air. The serpent, flying upward, suddenly lifted its head. The familiar low pressure caused its pupils to gleam with a hint of surprise.

"Hughes Moore?? Isn't he supposed to be dead?!"

With this question in mind, the thunderous dragon struck the serpent right between the eyes. Then, the colossal creature, measuring over a kilometer in length, emitted a deafening wail as it was enveloped by the exploding electric currents, falling from the high sky.


(End of this chapter)

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