Chapter 305 Nine Dragons Descend

The process of reassembling one's body after being dispersed is also an application of Devil Fruit's ability. Meanwhile, before the body fully coalesces, the Devil Fruit Ability user doesn't possess much resistance. However, even a slight exertion of force is enough for Rowen to use Thunder Clones, diverting Golden Lion Shiki's attention.

He's not foolish!

Golden Lion Shiki truly lives up to his title as the "Skyborne Pirate". His familiarity with the sky surpasses Rowen, to the extent that he can accomplish what even Zephyr and Garp couldn't— finding Rowen's Blink point in the boundless sky.

Experience counts! 

Golden Lion Shiki, in coordination with the cloud lion, didn't immediately launch an attack. Instead, he controlled the cloud lion to first probe Rowen. If it turned out to be genuine, it would make Rowen continue expending some stamina. If not, at least it wouldn't be a total loss.

The sensation of being thoroughly dispersed was far from pleasant, especially for a powerful player like Rowen with Kenbunshoku Haki (Observation Haki). He could even discern during the dispersion process which part was his eye and which was his sole.

However, Golden Lion Shiki underestimated Rowen's cunning power. His battlefield control and his analytical ability for details were even more formidable combat talents than his Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit)!

Since you won't show yourself, then neither will I.

It wasn't until Rowen remotely controlled the Thunder Clones to form Meteor Spear that Golden Lion Shiki confirmed it was Rowen's real body.

But what he didn't know was that this space was under Rowen's control, an extension of his body. With Thunder God's Mark bolstering him, his physical form was actually a burden.

Forming Meteor Spear couldn't definitively prove it was the real Rowen.

Bang... Rumble!!

A single clone's explosion wasn't incredibly powerful— it was strong, but limited. At least it blasted Golden Lion Shiki away. Rowen didn't intend to defeat the enemy with one move. Seizing the opportunity created by the clone's self-detonation, he raised both hands and shouted out.

"Nine Dragons Descend!"

Boom! Ka-Cha!!

Thunderbolts as thick as tree trunks struck around him. The sky had become densely overcast, and amidst the rolling clouds controlled by Rowen, a massive claw extended through the dark clouds, bringing a glimmer of light to the dim world.


There was no deafening roar, only a low hum.

Under the horrified gazes of countless people on the Sky Island and Upper Yard, a Thunder Dragon even larger and clearer than when Rowen unleashed the Eight Dragons Grasping Gems, displayed itself freely, obscuring the sky. 

Head of a camel, horns of a deer, eyes like a rabbit's, ears of an ox, neck like a snake, belly of a clam, scales from a carp, talons of an eagle, palms of tigers— indeed, the Eastern God Dragon, symbolizing auspiciousness and the soul of the nation!

The Thunder Dragon Rowen had created before was but a superficial imitation, with even the details only briefly sketched out in shimmering Thunderlight. However, since witnessing Kaido's Dragon form and hearing the low hum before the Thunder Cloud Sword burst, Rowen had gained a deeper understanding of Dragons.

This Thunder Dragon wasn't as ferocious as Kaido's Dragon form, nor as sacred as the one on the totem. The Dragon's countenance was calm, neither sad nor happy. It was the aura of killing intent hidden between its brows that, even with the Dragon's eyes slightly open, completely suppressed the air.

Lightning is synonymous with destruction and annihilation. Naturally, the Thunder Dragon constructed from lightning was a Dragon of destruction!

But this was not the end...


The same low hum echoed across the horizon, and another boundless Thunder Dragon danced out from the dark clouds! It entwined and danced alongside the previous Thunder Dragon, hovering above Rowen's head, unwilling to depart.

Then... came the third, the fourth, the fifth...

The ninth! A total of nine giant-scale Thunder Dragons, each over two thousand meters long, appeared neatly in the sky. Each low hum resonated deeply in the hearts of the onlookers, and those unaware had long since fallen to their knees.

But they didn't leave. It was as if they were waiting for something, still swirling and not dispersing.


At this moment, Golden Lion Shiki broke through the encircling thunderlight. Even in the state of "Slash and Never Break", his composure couldn't help but be affected by the anomaly in the sky.

"What kind of monster is that?!"

At the same time, thunderlight suddenly flashed amidst the dark clouds, finally dispelling the mist and descending mightily.

The nine Thunder Dragons instantly let out earth-shattering roars, piercing through the dark clouds and encircling the descending arc. Following closely behind, a colossal black sphere, surrounded by the nine Thunder Dragons, resembled a falling black sun plummeting toward the ground.

All surrounding light was absorbed by the giant-scale black sphere, its size enough to cover the entire Angel Island and Upper Yard region. The entire sky and earth were plunged into darkness.

If Golden Lion Shiki's jaw weren't shattered, he would sincerely exclaim, "Spectacular!"

The scene was truly spectacular!

Nine Thunder Dragons, each estimated to be two thousand meters long, descended from the sky around a star-like giant-scale sphere. This magnificent display of heavenly might was something Golden Lion Shiki, with his extensive experience, had only witnessed once in his lifetime.

"The number nine represents the utmost and with nine Thunder Dragons stabilizing the giant-scale Raigo - Thunder Greeting, the explosion would occur instantly with one more or one less Dragon."

Rowen couldn't help but be immersed in the grand spectacle he had created, but he was more aware of his purpose in doing so.

"Let me witness your power! Go, destroy the enemy before us!"


The nine Thunder Dragons finally let out deafening roars, flying straight downwards. Suddenly, as if they were pallbearers for Dragons, the Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere accelerated abruptly.

The air trembled with a "Zii Zii" sound, and even the nearby islands began to disintegrate.

It wasn't the plants or buildings on the islands that began to crumble, but the islands themselves. Before this terrifying thunderous force, they crumbled bit by bit.

The Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere, carrying boundless destructive power, crushed through clouds, and shattered islands, and burst open the White Sea. It surged down mightily.

"No! It's coming for me!"

It was only at this moment that Golden Lion Shiki suddenly snapped back to reality. He commanded the Island Cloud Lion, nearly the same size as the Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere, to roar defiantly and charge into the air.

Then, to Golden Lion Shiki's disbelief, the Island Cloud Lion, upon impact, began to disintegrate bit by bit, like butter meeting a hot knife.


A light sound echoed through the sky, and the cloud lion was completely reduced to powder!

Golden Lion Shiki suddenly realized that the Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere, which seemed far away, had come dangerously close in such a short time!

"I won't lose again!"

At this very moment, evasion was in vain.

Golden Lion Shiki's gaze was resolute, and from his mouth, with his shattered jaw, came words that were indistinct yet incredibly clear.

He raised Kogarashi and Oto with both hands, like a novice practicing swordsmanship, crossing and slashing!


A piercing sword cry reverberated through the world, accompanied by what seemed to be the mournful cry of a sword. The Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere propelled Golden Lion Shiki straight downward, like an unfeeling deity, aiming to crush anything daring to stand in its way.

The Thunder Dragons continued to bite at Golden Lion Shiki, almost instantly leaving the Sea legend charred and emitting a foul odor. Yet he still didn't die. With the added force of both swords, he finally managed to create a crack on the Raigo - Thunder Greeting black sphere.

Then, as if a switch had been flipped, the crack quickly widened, covering the entire sphere, and turning it into a shattered glass-like form.

Immediately after...


At the same time, Kizaru, who had just flown underneath Angel Island using Yata no Kagami's laser, looked at the overwhelming and destructive Thunderlight rushing towards him and a rare expression of shock appeared on his sly old face.


Before he could even utter two words, Kizaru's body was enveloped in the Thunderlight.


(End of this chapter)