OPTM-Chapter 343 Standoff!

On the sea, aboard a Pirate Ship shaped like a fruitcake.

"Big Brother Perospero, we can already see Poly Island!"

A robust man, not sure which son of the Charlotte Family he was, came up to Perospero and asked in a solemn tone.

"Katakuri, our older brother, has been hung on the Cross, but he's still alive!"

"Peropero… It's good that he's alive."

Perospero forced a smile as he answered while the expression on his face turned ugly. He glanced back, and the flagship, Queen Mama Chanter, was shrouded in darkness, barely visible. But he knew that Mama, the Yonko, was right behind him.

Taking a deep breath, Perospero raised his cane and swung it forward. "Anger Legion, get ready to land!"


"Anyone who dares to harm members of the Charlotte Family, kill them!"

"Shut up, asshole! No firing unless Big Brother Perospero gives the order. That's Mama's command!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, a challenger? It's been a long time since we've seen one."

The members of the Anger Legion were excited, led by various strong offspring of the Charlotte Family. They surged toward Poly Island like a silent, black tidal wave, madly charging forward.

But then, a bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from the coast.

"That's… Katakuri!"

Perospero's eyes widened as he watched Katakuri being thrown back, spitting blood amidst the thunderlight. He was a charred figure with not a good patch of flesh visible. Perospero's hands couldn't help but tremble.


So, it was him!

That man known as Soryu (Azure Dragon), the one who prompted Mama to give the order to flee instead of confronting him!

No wonder even Katakuri was defeated… This guy could be said to be the most feared individual in the entire sea, including the other Yonko.

The user of the Goro Goro no Mi (Thunder Thunder Fruit), the Soryu (Azure Dragon)!

"Who gave you the courage to ambush me, Katakuri…"

A regular Thunderlight Fist, carrying devastating power, shattered the layers of Busoshoku Haki-covered mochi that surrounded him. Katakuri's surprise attack not only failed to have any effect but also put him in a dangerous situation.

"You're despicable!"

Although he knew his Busoshoku Haki couldn't withstand the lightning, Katakuri was still horrified to see his attack easily repelled. He gritted his teeth in anger and endured the intense pain, lifting his leg in mid-air.

"I will never let you harm them!"

The shouts from the ship were clearly audible to both sides. For Anger Legion, Rowen not using lightning halfway was not good news. It meant that Rowen wanted to use Katakuri's life to threaten Mama in exchange for sparing the lives of his younger siblings.

It was a scheme that aimed straight for the heart!

Willow Cake!

With a roar, Katakuri swung his right leg, and strips of mochi, now shining black from Busoshoku Haki, shot out rapidly, carving deep and menacing trenches into the ground.

Nothing, be it rocks or soil, could stop them. It was as if they were plowing through the earth, heading straight for Rowen.

"Ridiculous! Do you think you can stop the person I want to kill?!"

This move could even slice through a mountain, but Rowen didn't dodge or evade. He faced the mochi strips head-on, his arm muscles bulging.


In an instant, a deep blue arc of electricity shot out from the sharp tip.


The sound of several mochi strips being cut echoed. More than a dozen, each capable of splitting mountains, were severed. Then, the electric arc continued unabated, sweeping straight toward Katakuri's neck.

"No!" Katakuri's expression changed drastically.



The electric arc flew farther and farther, disappearing in an instant. Almost at the same time Katakuri spoke, it passed directly through the middle of each Pirate Ship.

Viewed from above, the deep blue arc seemed to have no substance, skewering through the edge of the fleet at an angle. Along its path, whether it was wood or metal, human bodies or cannonballs, nothing posed the slightest hindrance.

Then, on this path pierced by the arc, all the Pirate Ships exploded in unison.

Boom… Rumble!!


"We're under attack! Repeat, we're under attack!"

"Quick, save them! Lord Saint-Marc is still on the ship!"

"It's… it's too late."

Explosions, cries of despair, and angry roars echoed incessantly. The formidable Anger Legion was met with a powerful blow, halting their charge in its tracks!

Katakuri's eyes bled as he roared and lunged at Rowen again.

"You monster!"

Rowen's attack on himself was a ruse, while the attack on the Anger Legion was real. With calculated intent, one move from Rowen took out ten of the Anger Legion!

"In fact, this is the most flattering evaluation I've ever heard about myself."

Crack… Tear!

Rowen didn't dodge or evade, allowing Katakuri's mochi, enveloped in Busoshoku Haki, to pierce through his abdomen.

However, the anticipated wail of agony didn't come. Rowen grabbed his arm with one hand and, using the monstrous power from the Thunder-Lightning Stimulation Method, forcibly pulled the mochi out of his belly.

His powerful regenerative ability caused tender flesh to rapidly intertwine, and as soon as the mochi left his body, the thin layer of skin covered the crimson muscular tissue, leaving no trace of injury.


Before he could even be astonished, Katakuri was hit by a bolt of intense pain that surged through his brain.


Watching him fall to the ground, clutching his shoulder and screaming in pain, Rowen shook off the severed limb from his hand. He then turned to look at the noisy Anger Legion, who were as rowdy as a marketplace, and let out a draconic roar.



The heavens and earth changed color, and all things seemed to fell silent.

The chess soldiers and ordinary pirates fell flat on the deck, their eyes rolling white. Those unlucky enough even tumbled into the sea.

Rowen's voice resonated in the dark and quiet sea.

"Big Mom, let's make a deal!"

"Exchange half of the lives of your children present here for the life of Charlotte Katakuri, how about it?"

"What? How does he know?!"

Perospero's eyes widened suddenly. He nervously looked back behind him and then turned back with an unpleasant smile on his face.

"Peropero… Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon), are you telling a joke? Mama didn't come this time. We're here to deliver an invitation to you."

"So, you've come to deliver an invitation…"

Rowen looked at the deck of the Pirate Ship at the forefront of the sea. There stood Perospero, wearing a yellow long robe and holding a candy cane. A smirk formed on Rowen's lips.

"Mobilizing the Anger Legion… I thought you were here for a battle!"


'If it weren't for the fact that I can't beat you!' Perospero's face turned ugly, but he dared not go against Charlotte Linlin's wishes. He smiled with a cold sweat and said, "Anyone facing Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) of the Marines should be cautious, shouldn't they?"

Perospero praised Rowen while handing out a pink card from his pocket.

"I believe there may be some misunderstandings between Vice Admiral Soryu (Azure Dragon) and the Charlotte Family. Mama asked me to come personally and extend an invitation to a tea party."

"Everyone, let's sit down for some tea and snacks, and put any misunderstandings behind us."

Big Mom's tea party invitation?!

For a moment, Rowen was a bit baffled.


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(Hey Guys

I have just posted the last chapter of my novel Galactic Garbage Station on my Patreon, which means that GGS has been completely translated.

I hope you guys can come and read it.

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