Chapter Three

Two hours went by and a huge bang on the door woke me up... Then I realized that I had slept off on the couch... I hurriedly stood up and opened the door... My girlfriends walked in and hugged me tight.

"Sorry we're late... Some clients kept us waiting." Bessie said.

"No... It's totally fine. Now that you're back, let's eat." I suggested.

"Great! I got us food." Pearl said holding out three polythene bags.

"Do you guys want me to grow fat?" I asked laughing out loud.

"What do you mean?" Bessie asked pushing past me.

"Oh! You already ordered for pizza. That's so yummy!" Pearl said.

"Didn't you guys order that?" I asked amazed.

"Of course not." Pearl said.

'i also didn't' I said to myself silently... I began to shiver.

"Pearl! Aren't those pizza guys on strike?" Bessie said.

"Yes... For the past three days... It's still on the Headlines." Pearl confirmed.

"Then who is the delivery guy that dropped this?" Bessie asked again pointing to the pizza.

"Maybe one of Eva's admirers." Pearl mocked.

"If I didn't order this and you girls didn't either. Then who did?" I asked worriedly.

"It doesn't matter... Let's eat please." Pearl begged.

Truth be told, I couldn't eat... I grabbed my phone and walked directly into my room... I made up my mind to fish out who exactly was in my room... I jumped on the bed and got busy with my laptop....

My phone beeped 'my boss' I scoffed before answering.

"Hi!" I stated.

"Have you sent those files?" He asked.

"Definitely sir! Check your mails." I said rolling my eyes.

"Is everything alright over there?" He asked.

'seriously!" I said within me. I was about to speak when a shadow passed through my window... I freaked out but tried to be courageous.

"Eva... Are you there?" His voice called from my phone.

"Y... Yes... I am... Am kinda busy." I lied hunging up.....

I tiptoed towards my window, checking out but saw no one... I carefully locked it firm and retired to bed not after closing my laptop.


"Eva... Eva..." A voice silently whispered my name.

I blocked my ears with my pillow and continued to enjoy my sleep... Suddenly a full force pushed the pillow off my face, causing me to jump up....

I immediately switched the light on and looked directly at the window but saw no one... I stood up and tiptoed into the bathroom to wash my face... On returning, I felt a slight sound coming from my bedroom, on entering a dashing young man was seated on my bed.

I freezed immediately on a spot, unable to scream but observing him instead... I looked at him closely... He had a blue eyes filled with rage and revenge.... I must confess he's extremely handsome with a curly hair, but the grey shirt he wore had blood stains on it...

He stood up and walked close to me... I was vibrating, he stopped a few inches away from me...

"Hi!" His cool and calm voice came.

"No... No... No... I must be dreaming.... Someone wake me up please!" I cried out.

"It's okay... Am not gonna hurt you." He said using his hands to keep me calm...

"Who are you? And what do you want?" I said moving closer.

He smiled and sat on my bed urging me to sit next to him... I looked at him for a few seconds and opened my mouth.

"Aren't you the delivery guy?" I asked amazed.

He nodded and urged me to sit close to him... I gradually moved closer and sat on the bed.

"Am Peter!" He said.

"And a ghost." I said rolling my eyes. He went quiet.

"I was brutally killed by my twin brother." He said sobbing.

"And what has it got to do with me!" I asked cold heartedly

"I have been following you for some days now and am really sorry I kept scaring you." He apologized.

"It's fine." I said rest assured...

"What do you want?" I asked again.

"Revenge!" He uttered and looked at me angrily.

"How do I do that?" I asked vibrating.

"Let's get to know each other gradually." He suggested.

"You already know me. I guess there's nothing left." I said.

"I own a prestigious company runned by the wrong person... May I take you there tomorrow since it's a Saturday?" He asked.

"Talking to you publicly will make me crazy in the eyes of everyone." I said.

"Am sorry but I trust you and that's why I chose you." He said.

"I'll think about it." I said.

He nodded and stood up to leave... He walked towards the window and disappeared into thin air... I swallowed hard and laid on the bed staring at the ceiling...

"I just had a conversation with a ghost!" I whispered and closed my eyes to sleep...

*Hey guys!*

Who could have killed him? Who is Peter? And why Eva? Let's keep reading.

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