Chapter Eleven

I received a call from the cops, urging me to come over to the station immediately... I hung up and rolled my eyes amongst members of the board meeting... My gaze met with my boss's gaze and I let out a little cough.

"Sir! I have somewhere to go." I paused waiting for a reply.

"Right now? Can't it wait?" He asked.

"It's really urgent sir!" I said and stood up to take my leave...


I bounced into the station and looked around for whom to see... I tilted my head towards the DPO'S office... It was pretty locked.

"Eva!" The soothing voice called out.

I turned around again to see, the helpless Dion, calling out my name... I walked closer to take a good view of her... She looked so shabby and lame.

"What's today?" She asked.

"Monday." I stated and felt a little remorse.

"Miss Eva!" The coarse voice called out.

"Hey officer! I didn't notice your presence earlier." I stated.

"Come along." He said and I followed suit.

"Have your seat." He said after entering his office.

He drew out a file and placed it before me... I scanned through and widened my eyes.

"That's the forensic report." He said.

"I don't understand the genotype aspect." I poured out.

"The first one there is AA and the other is AB." He said.

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Meaning, since two genotypes appeared there, we have two killers... The first print matches with Dion Maxwell and she's AA... Now, the other is unknown. That's the question mark you can see there." He explained.

"Now I understand." I said.

"So, we need a clue of the other killer. Two killers were in the room that same day. The same knife was used, unknown to them, the knife injured the both killers and their blood dropped on the knife... I guess that was why Dion Maxwell hid the knife." He said.

"What do we do?" I asked.

"Just help us with any clue you have... For now, Dion dememded to see you. Persuade her, she might confess." He advised.

I walked out of his office and rolled my eyes towards where Dion was kept... I moved closer and she ran towards me...

Her hair was tangled, reddish eyes I guess due to the tears... She held my hand tight... I faked a smile and kissed her hand...

"I have been longing to see you." She started.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

"No. I admit I killed him but not just me." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"How long have you been dating Peter?" She asked.

"Just that night at the club." I said.

"He's dangerous! You need to be vigilant. He was with me that night." She confessed.

"What! Am I supposed to believe he killed his own twin?" I pretended to ask.

"You have to believe me... He did and I need a clue against him... But he's wealthy enough to shut down things and people. But I know you're honest. Please!" She pleaded.

"Agreed. But how?" I asked.

"Come closer." She said.

I stepped out of the station with shaky legs... I was so confused... I started it, now I have to end it once and for all.

"Hey! My brother is close. He's monitoring you." The ghost said.

"Peter?" I called out.

"Wow! You called my name for the first time." He mocked.

"After helping you out, will you let me be?" I asked.

He stared at me for a while and nodded... Not too long, the Benz pulled up.

"Get in!" He ordered and I obeyed.

"Why are you here?" He asked starting the car.

"I came to check up on Dion." I landed.

"Did she say anything?" He asked curiously.

"No... She ordered me out." I lied.

He stared at me and zoomed off...

*Hey guys*

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