Deer caught in headlight

"Pleaseeeeeeee" Felícia whined, drawing out the word like a child begging for candy.

I shot her a flat stare. "No."

"Pleaseeeeeee nau!" She clasped her hands together, eyes wide with a puppy-dog expression. It was moments like these that made me regret agreeing to be her roommate.

With a sigh, I threw my own pleading look at her. "Guy, no nau."

But of course, Felícia was relentless. She cranked her puppy eyes to full power, and I knew—deep down—that the battle was already lost.

"Fine" I groaned, dragging myself off the bed. I snatched my purse and shuffled to the door, glancing back at the lazy figure sprawled across the mattress. Narrowing my eyes, I muttered, "You owe me big time for this. You know that, right?"

She gave me her usual grin, completely unbothered. "Love you three thousand, dearie."

I rolled my eyes. "Lucky for you, I love you too"

Felícia and I had hit it off the moment we met on my first day at this school. She was witty, outspoken, and had that perfect mix of sarcasm and dorkiness. Being fellow Nigerians only made us click faster. And once we met Greg, the three of us became a tight-knit, inseparable group. Honestly, though, there were days when I felt like strangling them both—they were that annoying.

"Get me the str—" she started to call after me.

"Strawberry-flavored milkshake. I know," I cut her off with a roll of my eyes.

Felícia flashed me a grin so wide she could have been a teenager seeing her crush. "You're the best, Adina"

I smirked. "I know"

As I stepped out of the apartment, I let out a sigh. This was supposed to be my lazy day, but no—Felícia had decided it was the perfect time to send me on a fast-food run. Milkshake and a Big Belly Burger. I swear, that girl was going to pop one day with all the junk she eats.

The fast-food place wasn't far—just a five-minute walk from our building. I got there quickly and placed the order, relieved when they handed me the bag in no time.

But as I turned toward the door, I spotted someone familiar sitting in a corner booth. He was staring out the window, looking every bit the blissful loner he always was.

Zachary Stone.

Every sensible part of me said to walk away, pretend I hadn't seen him. But of course, curiosity got the better of me—as it always did. So, I found myself walking over to his booth and sliding into the seat across from him.

"Hey, Zach," I greeted with a grin. What? Saying his full name was too much effort.

He turned slowly from the window, his trademark scowl already in place. Felícia wasn't wrong—he really was a waste of good looks. Would it kill him to smile once in a while?

"Do I know you?" he asked, one brow arched, his tone as rude as ever.

I blinked. Was he serious? We had literally talked yesterday.

I tried to read his expression, looking for any sign that he was messing with me—but nope. Nothing. Was this guy for real? How do you forget someone in less than 48 hours?

"Wow," I muttered under my breath. "And here I thought you couldn't get any more slap-able."

His frown deepened. "What?"

He ran a hand through his ridiculously curly hair, not that it did much to tame it. Then, with a sigh, he tried again. "Let's start over. Do I... know you?"

I let out an offended snort. Was this a joke?

"I..." I started to say, but he interrupted me.

"Susan?" he guessed, squinting at me as if trying to remember.

Susan? Seriously?

"Betty?" he tried again.

Oh, come on. At least Susan started with an "S" like my name! Betty wasn't even close.

I stared at him, dumbfounded. How could one person be this insufferable?

He sighed again, clearly fed up with my silence, and stood up. "I don't have time for this."

As he muttered to himself, I threw out a parting shot: "You're an asshole, you know that, right?"

He froze mid-step, my words triggering something. Slowly, he turned back to me.


I gave him my best sarcastic smile. "Oh, would you look at that. He does remember me."

"Shit," he whispered under his breath, looking like a deer caught in headlights. He seemed... nervous?

Something about the whole situation felt off. He genuinely hadn't recognized me until I spoke that particular phrase. Or was this just his weird way of messing with me? His poker face was almost too good, even for him.

He dragged a hand down his face, looking exhausted. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Long day. I couldn't... place you right away."

The excuse was flimsy at best, but I decided to let it slide—for now. "Oh," I replied, still squinting at him with suspicion.

Without waiting for me to say anything else, Zach suddenly stood up. "Yeah, uh, I gotta go. Bye."

Before I could get another word in, he was already speed-walking toward the door. But just as he reached it, I caught him mumble something under his breath.

"That was close."

The words sent a ripple of intrigue through me. What exactly was that about?

As I watched him disappear through the door, a slow grin spread across my face.

Zachary Stone, what on Earth are you hiding?