A Curiosity that overshadows Pity

The shock on Zachary's face faded almost instantly, replaced by a small, unexpected smile. Not what I had anticipated or was expecting, but I was intrigued to see where this would lead.

"I really should have stayed far away from you" I barely heard him mumble, but I was close enough to catch his words.

This only confirmed my suspicions; he had just admitted it, although cryptically. Still, I'd take what I could get.

"You're not going to deny it?" I asked, slightly puzzled. Surely he would challenge my claim. Yet, he appeared so calm and relaxed. Maybe that was just his poker face at work.

With an indifferent shrug, he replied, "Why deny it when it's the truth?" This was not the response I had expected—at all.

"Then why were you trying so hard to hide it in the first place?" I thought this would put him on the defensive, at least a little.

He exhaled softly and ran his hands through his hair. Yup, front-row seat to the mesmerizing display of a gorgeous being in action—wait, that wasn't the right thought for this moment.

Turning toward the railing, he casually placed his hands on it and looked down at the city below. Our university building was quite tall.

"Because that would mean inviting pity," he replied, his words puzzling me.

"Sorry, what?"

"Telling anyone—or everyone—would just mean they'd start pitying me," he said, a Nigerian accent cracking to light slightly. "They'd look at me with those pity-filled eyes. And I really don't want that; it's burdensome." I somewhat understood where he was coming from, although my context was entirely different.

"And besides," he added sarcastically, "did you expect me to announce to you that I have a disorder that makes it hard to recognize faces when I don't even know you? It doesn't make sense, really. You, appearing out of nowhere didn't help matters, either."

I pouted and called out, "Hey, it was purely coincidental!"

Zachary sighed, muttering, "Yeah, that was the worst part, as you weren't at fault"

"But you know what?" He suddenly turned to look at me, catching me off guard. "Why do I feel like you're not staring at me with that pity in your eyes?" He chuckled a little before adding, "Sorry, I can't really read your expression clearly, so I'm not saying it with certainty." I noted the sadness in his tone. He tried to mask it, but everyone knows you can't hide what's swirling in your eyes.

"You're right," I replied with a small smile. "I'm not staring at you with pity."

A deep frown settled on his face. "May I ask why? Don't get me wrong; I'm thrilled you're not giving me that pity look. But why? What sets you apart from the rest of the world?" Curiosity flickered in his eyes.

I focused my attention entirely on him. "It's simple, really."

"And that would be?"

Shrugging, I delivered my answer as straightforwardly as possible. "I'm curious. My curiosity about you overshadows any pity I might usually feel right now."

To my surprise, a full belly laugh escaped him. He removed his hands from the railing and clutched his stomach as he continued laughing. Finally, when he was done, he wiped away the tears that had formed from laughing so hard.

Seriously, though, I couldn't recall saying anything particularly funny. What I said wasn't even meant to be a joke.

He smiled, the corners of his lips lifting. "Maddo, I've never heard anyone say that to me. I guess there's a first time for everything." I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the way he casually dropped 'maddo'—I had almost forgotten that he was half Nigerian for a moment.

"May I ask you another question?"

I shrugged, not really bothered. "Ask away."

"Why me? Of all the people in the entire university, why did you choose to be curious about me? If you haven't noticed, I'm practically the most unapproachable person here." He found the thought amusing, as evident from the grin spreading across his face.

A small smile crept onto my lips as I playfully responded, "But here we are, right?"

"Yes, here we are," he replied, appearing lost in thought.

"To answer your question, I—" My phone vibrated in my jeans pocket, interrupting me.

I fished it out, glanced at the caller ID, and sighed. Great, I had forgotten all about Felícia and Greg. Truly the best friend of the century—if you caught the sarcasm there.

"I'm sorry; I really need to be somewhere right now," I said hurriedly, offering Zachary an apologetic smile.

Waving his hand dismissively, as if to say it was okay, he smiled back at me.

"Well then, see you later, Stone." His last name slipped out almost unconsciously, but he seemed completely unbothered by it.

With a beaming smile, he replied, "As the universe leads." I was pretty sure he meant our eerie, recurring coincidences. And honestly, I was counting on that, too.