Part 17: How to Get Away With Murder

Professor Smoak

Derek Smoak was packing his bag in preparation for his next class when his phone rang. As he picked up his phone he realized it was Leo (Alison's Father) calling so he immediately responded, and stepped into the hallway.

"Hello Leo what a surprise.

Hello Derek, I am calling to invite both you and your aunt to dinner at my house on Friday at 6 pm, it will be in honor of the young man who assisted my daughter in her time of need. Will you be able to attend old friend?

Of course Leo I would be glad to attend, though I must ask does Alison know that you have invited me?

No, not as yet, but I need you to be discreet about it and keep an eye on them and do what you must to ensure they both arrive. For, I fear Alison might be unwilling to bring our honored guest and try to cancel in one way or another.

Oh, I see. Of course, then I will do what I can to ensure that they both attend.

Thank you, Derek. I knew I could count on you.

Anytime old friend."

Derek couldn't help but smile, because knowing Alison she would do whatever it takes to get out of having to take Mr. Ozeata to that dinner but he knew for a fact that he wouldn't make her life easy.

"Good morning Professor Smoak, if you have time there is something I would like to talk to you about." Well if it wasn't the brave hero himself.

"Good morning Mr. Ozeata, and sure go ahead."

"Why did you tell the Walkers that I helped Alison? If you don't mind my asking."

"Well, Dean seeing that it was the first time in years that Alison had performed in front of a crowd I knew her father and brother would have loved to see her singing. So I was recording her performance on my phone and I caught you rushing to her aid on the very end of the video before I myself rushed to direct you."

"And you couldn't have cropped out that part?"

Derek was taken aback because he thought surely Dean would have been proud of his actions but it appeared that he wanted to remain anonymous. Too late for anonymity now, Derek said to himself."I don't understand, why would you have wanted me to cut out you helping her?"

"Because Alison isn't the friendly type and I don't think she appreciated it and I surely didn't expect the events that followed."

"Alison is a bit closed off, she is grateful but she doesn't like attention and that is what's causing her to be upset. And oh yes, the dinner! I will definitely see you there Friday night."

"You will be there too?"

"Well yes, seeing that I was just invited. I look forward to seeing you in class Dean but if I were you I'd start heading to your morning session before you are late."

Dean saluted then made his way to his class leaving Derek proud because he knew that Dean would be the one to break Alison out of her shell whether she liked it or not.


Alison couldn't help but feel sad when her brother left, and even though he was stressful she knew he always did everything he thought was right for her so she couldn't help but forgive him.

After Alexander left she spent the rest of her evening locked in her dorm room with her songbook in her right hand and her pencil in her left jotting down new lyrics and thinking of the melodies that will be paired with them.

*beep, beep, beep*

Like many mornings Alison woke up groaning frowning as she found her songbook open next to her and her pencil somewhere lost in her sheets.

She couldn't help but grumble to herself, "One of these days I will get stabbed in the back by my own pencil literally."

She got out of bed and started to get ready for the day thinking about the fact that it was Tuesday and she only had four days to find a way to get Dean to not attend the dinner.

Sighing she got dressed and got her bag ready. With her head held high, she made her way to class thinking of ways to get Dean to back out.

"So how's our best act the falling star?" Tina brought Alison back to earth.

"What do you want Tina?" Alison sighed, upset that she had been distracted from her task.

"I just wanted to make sure you are okay and ready for your next performance. I can't wait to see you fall again."

"Oh, you mean the performance where your mouth was left wide open? Don't worry you won't be in shock anytime soon."

Tina huffed and stormed off.

"So you have a backbone after all," Dean stated from the side.

"When was that ever in question?" She turned and continued making her way to class.

"The fact that you didn't say anything to defend yourself the first time I met her," Dean stated as he walked alongside her.

"I was having an off day don't worry. I'm not a damsel in distress."

"I never said you were."


"Now about Friday is there some type of dress code or can I just wing it?"

"Actually the dinner has been postponed due to certain circumstances."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, sorry"

"Funny, seeing as Professor Smoak was invited just moments ago and told me he was looking forward to seeing us there."

Alison stopped walking immediately, "What!"

"Oh, you weren't aware? Well, let me fill you in Someone by the name of Leo, who I'm guessing is your father, invited him this morning just a few minutes ago."

"You are joking, right? Wait don't answer that if you were joking you wouldn't know my father's name. Ugh"


He couldn't help but smile at seeing Alison frustrated. Her brows creased together and her nose scrunched up. She looked like a cute bunny trying to look dangerous in his eyes.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh, nothing just thought of something funny."

"Hmm okay then."

Alison started walking again and seemed to be thinking of something important.

"What are you thinking about?"

"How to get away with murder."

Dean couldn't help but chuckle his presumptions were right after all. Alison would definitely make his school year interesting, to say the least.