Part 27: Working together


Dean had just gotten back from the room with his book in hand as he heard them talking.

"So how do you feel?"

Dean stayed on the other side of the doorway to hear the last of their conversation and he couldn't help but smile at Anna's response because he knew that he would also be screaming Alison's name the day she gets over her fear completely.

Dean counted to three then walked into the room to see Anna releasing Alison from a hug.

"I am excited to see how you guys work together."

Alison looked over at Dean with an eyebrow raised," What do you think shall we blow her away?"

"I'll follow if you lead," Dean smiled.

Alison started laughing, "Alright then let's begin."

She got up and pulled over a chair for Dean, " You going to sit down or you plan on working standing up?"

Dean chuckled, "You never miss the chance do you?"

"Nope," both Alison and Anna replied.

Anna then clapped her hands, "Alright people you gonna keep flirting or you gonna start working?"

"WE WEREN'T," Dean and Alison started to reply.

"Shut it and begin." Anna stopped them from going further.

With that, they nodded and Dean opened his book and handed it over to Alison for her to see where they had left off.

Anna peeked over Alison's shoulder and whistled, "You know for a guy you have really good penmanship."

"Umm... thanks," Dean shrugged.

"Leave the guy alone and sit quietly while we work if not we won't finish."

"Yes boss," Anna replied with a mock salute.

Alison shook her head and Dean chuckled.

"Alright boss lady our turn to work."

"You know it." And so they began.

Dean loved working with Alison because everything she added to the lyrics of the song was well thought out and carried meaning, it was as if she were pulling them out of her soul. As he watched her write each lyric in his book he was dazzled she wrote with her head down causing her hair to fall towards her face and every so often she would brush her hair over her shoulder or behind her ear.

Whenever she got a new idea it was like there was a spark in her eyes and he could never object, not that he ever found reason to, being that she was great at what she did.

Every so often she would start to hum while tapping the book and when she didn't like it she would pause and think of a different combination and hum differently.

Dean was definitely amazed when the time came for them to add the melody. Alison went straight to the guitar in the corner and began humming then starting playing. Dean picked up his book, at the page with the final lyrics, then looked over to Alison and she nodded. Then he began to sing.


Alison hadn't thought of anything other than the song once they began, she was proud of the way it had been going. They worked well together and the process went a lot quicker than expected and the entire time she had been fine-tuning the melody in her head to compliment the lyrics.

When the time came she picked up her guitar and started playing, she noticed Dean had picked up the book with the lyrics and she had been singing in her head but she wanted to hear his voice with the melody, so when he looked at her she nodded.

As Dean began she continued playing the guitar and towards the middle of the song she joined in but kept her eyes on her guitar not wanting to look anywhere else.

When the song came to an end she finally looked up to face Dean and he bowed then started softly clapping for her.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!" Anna burst.

Alison had completely forgotten about Anna being in the room.

"The way you guys worked so fluently it's like you had the exact same idea or flow of the song. You were so well connected and then the way Alison just picked up the guitar and started playing and Dean just started to sing it was as if choreographed. If I hadn't seen the process I would have sworn that you guys had practiced it together."

"Perhaps you're exaggerating it a little I mean we still have a few tweaks to fix." Alison interrupted.

"Yeah, then we have to record it," Dean added

"What tweak its perfect go record it now."

"How about you let me do my work then you comment?"

"Alison you better listen here," Alison rushed into the recording booth so she could ignore Anna knowing that she had no idea how to turn on the switch for her to speak to Alison.

Alison then looked over to Dean smiling and gestured for him to join her in the booth. As he entered chuckling she pointed to the other guitar in the corner.

"You ready?"

"Of course once your the one leading the way I'll always follow your lead."

Alison shook her head and smiled, "Alright then on three, one, two, three."

And so they began.


Anna may not have known how to connect to Alison in the booth but she did know how to connect to the speakers throughout the house. Looking at her watch and noting that it was 3 pm she knew everyone should be arriving at any moment and what better way to be welcomed home than hearing Alison and Dean's voices.

"Three, two, one"

Then they began to play together. Anna couldn't help but admire them the way they played together it was as if they'd done it a thousand times before. She knew without a doubt that Dean would be the one to push Alison to reach her dreams and show the world who she truly is. Anna was grateful because she will always be one of the few who got to see it from the start.

Down to the entrance of the family home, Leo and Alexander had just arrived home and opened the door together and came to an immediate stop when they heard the music. Leo listened carefully and once he recognized Alison's voice he ran in the direction of the sound. After realizing it was coming from all the speakers in the house he called Alexander and they rushed to the studio.

Arriving at the studio door they slowly opened the door and Anna beckoned them forward and as they did so they witnessed Alison and Dean working in complete harmony. The way they played and sang together, it was as if they were feeding off each other's energy and reading off each other.