Part 30: Trip to the Mall


Dean was in the backseat as both girls were in the front. Anna was trying to convince Alison to buy a dress or at least a skirt but Alison wasn't giving in and by the way, things were going Alison would definitely be the one winning the argument.

As he was about to end their battle his phone vibrated which caught his attention. He checked his phone to find that his sister had opened a group chat and added his mother as well.

Group Chat:

'Hello, my beautiful family!' - Crystal

'Hello to my beautiful children,' - Mom

'Hi, Mom! Crystal can you explain why you opened a group chat ?'

'Easy. All the cool families have one.' - Crystal

'Since when are we cool?'

'Since I am in college and you are pursuing your musical dream.' - Crystal

'Also because I made both of you. I gave both of you the cool genes.' - Mom

'Thank you Mom.'

'So what are you guys up to this fine Saturday?' - Mom

'I am currently on my way to the mall with a couple of friends.'