Part 32: Love


After ordering the chocolates Alison received a message from Alexander.

"Not sure exactly how to recreate this picture, Alison."

Alison sighed and dialed his number, then waited for him to answer the call.

"Alison, what do I do?

Is there anyone in the office that can help you?

No, the office is closed for the day.

I'll quickly drop off Anna and Dean then I will take the chocolates and help you set up.

You are a lifesaver, Alison.

Oh I know, what would you do without me."

Alexander laughed then ended the call.

Alison smiled as she quickly paid for the chocolates then made her way out of the store and began her search for Anna and Dean.

After reaching the store she last saw them she wondered if they would still be there but after hearing a certain laugh and squeal she knew she was in the right place.

"I love it! Perfection Dean, you look great," Anna was rejoicing.