Part 35: Trip Back


As they rounded the corner Dean noticed a lone tear on Alison's cheek and as if his hand had a mind of its own he wiped away the stray tear.

"Hey what's wrong?" he asked.

Alison shook her head and took a deep breath, "Nothing I'm just going to miss them."

"What do you mean won't you see them soon?"

"In 3 weeks when we are on Thanksgiving break."

"See not so long."

"I know it's just that this weekend reminded me so much of old times, it makes me miss living home."

"I fully understand but fortunately there is something called a cellular phone that allows for us to communicate with our loved ones no matter how far away we are."

"Oh, how fortunate we are indeed," Alison laughed.

"See now that's much better," Dean smiled.

"So what's the verdict? Was the trip as scary as you thought it would be?"

"Actually I had a great time I wasn't expecting it to go the way it did though I do wish we could've stayed a bit longer your dad is cool."