Part 38: Are You Two Dating?


After rushing into the bathroom she tried to take deep calming breaths as she heard a commotion outside, after hearing the compliments to her music decided to step back by the door and see what would occur next. After hearing Dean support her and knowing that he respected her very much she couldn't help but smile. 

After Dean was being pestered a bit longer she finally decided to speak up, "Actually those are mine, and thank you for liking my song."

Four pairs of eyes turned to face her in an instant, though one pair seemed to have been more worried than the others. Taking a breath of air she took a step forward and picked up her songbook as she made her way to her bag Jake spoke up.

"So are you two dating?"

Dean frozen while Alison burst out laughing, "No why would you think that?"

"Because you are in his room sharing music and Dean is nervous," Jake responded.

Dean flushed slightly and shook his head.