Part 41: Maybe More


Dean smiled, glad Alison hadn't changed her view of them and instead was quite comfortable around them. When Alison asked what's good to eat Jake was the first to answer.

"Well since you and Dean are relatively new here let's break it down, everything here is amazing, and depending on your preferred tastes I would recommend something for you. Do you like spicy, sweet, cheesy, mushrooms?"

Dean was the first to respond without hesitation, "Sweet."

Alison turned to him looking at him as if he was insane, "Why would you want a sweet burger?"

"It's just a flavor you can't stop my cravings, I have starved thanks to some people you have no right to judge my food taste."

Alison laughed, "Okay then fine I guess I don't. Well, I love mushrooms."

"What can I say they are delicious." She shrugged smiling.