Part 48: Celebrating Part 1


As the classroom erupted into cheers Alison stood in shock, she couldn't believe it. They had done it, she sang for the entire class and hadn't fainted instead she felt as if she was flying as she played. As she was trying to regulate her breathing she stared at her classmates in awe, still trying to convince herself that it wasn't a dream when Dean nudged her arm and discreetly told her to look to one person in the crowd. 

Among the cheering students sat a furious Tina, as their eyes locked Tina scowled even more if it was possible and it was obvious she was muttering under her breath as she glared. Alison couldn't help but try and hide her laugh as Tina's face started turning red. Of all the things that could have made her realize that she wasn't dreaming it was Tina who verified that she wasn't dreaming because, after all the years of knowing Tina she can't ever recall making Tina's face red with anger.