Part 55: The Dance Part 3


To say that he was tired was the least Dean still felt drained and was contemplating going to the dance later that evening, but he knew that Alison wouldn't hesitate to call the guys and ask for their help dragging him there. In the end that is what forced him out of bed, sighing he walked into the bathroom and washed his face then brushed his teeth. When he was done he felt more awake, which helped fight his want to jump back in bed, so he picked up his phone and double-checked the time. 

Dean couldn't help but groan, it was 6 pm, meaning it was time to get dressed and make his way to Alison's dorm room. Dean quickly connected his phone to the charger so that it'd have a higher percentage charge when the time came to leave. He then walked to his desk, picked up the bag that was on top, and lugged it into his bed. As he sat on the bed he began pulling out the different parts of the costume and began sorting through them.