Part 78: Thanksgiving Day 4 Part 2


Dean woke to the sound of someone knocking on his door, followed by Alison's voice asking if he was up. Dean sighed as he got out of bed and ran his finger through his hair in order for it not to look completely disheveled. As he opened the door he stepped back and found a very much awake and put together Alison.

"Alison, why are you up so early?" Dean asked while scratching his neck.

"You realize it's a couple of minutes after 9 am right?" Alison laughed as Dean couldn't contain the shock. He thought he had set his alarm for 8 am, though clearly, he was mistaken.

"Oh gosh! I slept in." Dean sighed rubbing his hand over his face.

"Don't worry no one is coming until after midday, so you can take your time to get ready. I'm going to head downstairs and have breakfast with my dad so if you hurry maybe you can join us."