Part 81: Girl Time


After Anna made her presence known she immediately called girl time and dragged Alison to her bedroom and locked the door after they entered the room. 

"Okay so did I hear correctly and Dean told you he likes you or am I going crazy?" Anna screamed in her face. 

Alison sighed, "Honestly, both."

Anna smacked her arm, "Hey I'm being serious here."

"As was I."

"And what are you thinking? Do you like him that way too?" Anna asked as she gripped Alison by her shoulders and shook her.

"I don't know okay. I don't know," Alison sighed as she removed herself from Anna's grip.

"How do you not know?"

Alison walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, "Because you are the boy crazy one remember I don't date I'm surprised I even have male friends, to be honest."

"Nothing is wrong with dating or having friends and there definitely is nothing wrong with liking a really good guy."