Part 86: Goodbye for Now


After taking a long shower he decided to pack his bags and leave out the clothes he'd wear the following day to save himself the time. Though as he had zipped his bag there was a knock on the door, Dean was pretty confused because by the look on Alison's face he was sure she'd have gone straight to bed. 

Dean still unsure approached the door and as he opened it he was met with Leo having his hand raised as if about to knock again.

"Good night Sir, did something happen?" Dean asked unsure of why Alison's father would make a stop at his room.

"Everything is fine Dean. I just wanted to thank you again for being by Alison's side especially when I couldn't be there." 

Dean let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding in, "Oh, no worries she's had my back as well. We help each other out."

"Either way I just wanted to thank you. Now I recommend you go off to sleep because Alison will definitely wake up early tomorrow." Leo warned.