Chapter 5: In-depth Analysis of Hua Yuanguang

Chapter 5: In-Depth Analysis of Hua Yuanguang

Xiao Jun: No, no, no! Everything you said is wrong! I don't think you truly understand Hua Yuanguang yet. If you truly know her, it becomes easier to pursue her.

Kei Takishima: Group leader, please give me advice! If the leader of the group can help me win over Huayuanguang, I will definitely do my best to assist you with any future requests from the boss.

Upon seeing Kei Takishima's response, Xiao Jun secretly thought to himself that he was eagerly waiting for Xiao Jun's advice!

Xiao Jun: Kei Takishima, I believe you should first understand what kind of person Hua Yuanguang is before deciding on the best approach to pursue her. As far as I know, Hua Yuanguang is a very innocent and emotionally clueless girl. She loves helping others a lot. Is this correct?

Kei Takishima nodded vigorously, agreeing with Xiao Jun's analysis. After spending a long time with Hua Yuanguang, he realized that she was a simple-minded and warm-hearted girl. This realization gradually made him fall in love with her.

"Hua Yuanguang has a direct personality and dislikes beating around the bush. She's naturally slow at recognizing emotions. She hasn't realized that your kindness towards her is actually love! So all the romantic settings, encounters, and subtle hints you've created before have been ineffective. There have even been various misunderstandings, right?" Xiao Jun asked with a smile.

Kei Takishima continued to nod in agreement. The group leader's analysis was profound, and he was amazed that the group leader seemed to know everything about his past actions. It seemed like the group leader had the ability to predict the past and the future. Regardless, he believed in the advice given to him.

"Because the Hua Yuanguang you like is naive, she can't grasp your feelings at all. Either she misunderstands or you face repeated failures. Therefore, your previous approach won't work!" Xiao Jun said calmly

Kei Takishima: "So, my previous pursuit methods were wrong?"

Xiao Jun: "Yes! You should express your love in a different way!"

Kei Takishima: "Please enlighten me!"

Kei Takishima, with an IQ of 190, is currently troubled. He couldn't think of a way to make Hua Yuanguang aware of his love for her. He had failed numerous times before, trying various methods!

Xiao Jun: "When dealing with someone like Hua Yuanguang, who is unresponsive to subtle hints, you don't need those indirect methods anymore. I think you should find the right opportunity and directly approach her, loudly expressing your feelings. Tell her that you love her and hope she will marry you!"

Kei Takishima was dumbfounded after hearing this!

"Isn't this approach too direct? It sounds more like a marriage proposal than a confession!"

Xiao Jun smiled and replied, "It needs to be that direct. Otherwise, she won't even realize that you want her to confess that she likes you! And as for the proposal, don't you want to marry her?" Xiao Jun understood that a girl like Hua Yuanguang, who is oblivious to love, requires a direct approach like a marriage proposal.

Kei Takishima:

Kei Takishima was now in a dilemma. Xiao Jun's in-depth analysis of Hua Yuanguang had indeed provided him with guidance on how to express his love in the future. However, he was afraid of being rejected by Hua Yuanguang after confessing his love. That would be


Seeing Kei Takishima's silence, Xiao Jun continued with a strong statement: "If you don't seize this opportunity, you and Hua Yuanguang may never have a chance to grow old together. As the male and female protagonists in that time and space, no matter what, you two will end up together. So I'm not worried at all!"

"Okay, thank you, group leader. I will propose to her at the right time. You can wait for my good news! I'll go offline now." "I'll wait for your good news!"


While Xiao Jun and Kei Takishima were having their conversation, Yang Huiru, standing on the podium in the classroom, noticed that Xiao Jun seemed distracted again.

"Hmph, thanks to my encouragement earlier, he set a goal just now to return to the key class. It was all talk! Now he's daydreaming again." Yang Huiru observed Xiao Jun in the corner, his absent-mindedness indicating that she had lost hope in him. She had given up on him.

Jingle bell...

The class was over.

The morning's final class came to an end.

Many students in the classroom didn't rush to the dining hall but instead used the time to continue studying.

That was the atmosphere in the key class.

If it had been a regular class, most people would have headed straight to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile, Xiao Jun was packing up his textbooks because he was going to move to Class 38 in the afternoon.

Zhou Jiayu, his tablemate, helped Xiao Jun organize his textbooks and test papers.

"Xiao, remember to visit our dorm often in the future!" Zhou Jiayu's tone was heavy. They had been deskmates for a year and had developed a close relationship.

"Don't worry, fat man. I'll be back as your desk mate in a month!" Xiao Jun replied while organizing his textbooks.

"Xiao, don't boast in front of me." Zhou Jiayu rolled his eyes. He doubted that Xiao Jun would be able to return if he continued in his current state. It seemed too difficult!

"Xiao Jun, don't make such grand claims. Sows won't climb trees even if you can return to the key class!" Suddenly, a sharp voice interrupted them.


Upon hearing this comment, some students who hadn't left for the dining hall burst into laughter.

Xiao Jun raised his head and looked at Qin Linfeng, not far away. He wasn't angry at the other person's ridicule. Instead, a smile appeared on his face as he said, "And what if I can come back? What do you say?"

Qin Linfeng and Xiao Jun both liked the same girl next door, and they had a minor disagreement while playing basketball, resulting in a fight and subsequent punishment. Since then, Qin Linfeng has avoided interacting with Xiao Jun.

Now that Qin Linfeng saw Xiao Jun being expelled from the key class, he took the opportunity to mock him, as he often did.

Unfortunately, neither of them caught the attention of the girl they liked.

"If you can come back, I'll livestream Chixiang!" Qin Linfeng sneered, not believing that Xiao Jun had the ability to return to the key class. The chances seemed too slim.

"Very well, everyone heard that. Please bear witness when the time comes," Xiao Jun said, appearing calm and as if he had already won.

"Hmph! Overestimating your abilities," Qin Linfeng scoffed before walking away.

(End of this chapter)