Chapter 8: He Has Fallen

Chapter 8: He Has Fallen

Grade 3, Class 18, English teacher Lu Jiazhu stood on the podium, watching most of the students in the last row disappear—about seven or eight people.

"Where did the row of students at the back of your class go today?"

"Mr. Lu, they all asked for leave."

"Are so many people asking for leave?"

  "Yes!" A group of students laughed.

"Okay, let's start class; everyone take out your textbooks."


Jun and Huang Yanzhao, who skipped class, were, of course, playing with their phones in the cafeteria because dinner hadn't started yet.

The time spent playing with the mobile phone passed quickly, and it soon reached eleven o'clock.

"Let's go, let's go to line up!" Huang Yanzhao looked at the time and said to Xiao Jun:

"Come on, I want to eat three fried eggs today!" Xiao Jun licked his lips.

Although they skipped class early, they still had to queue up. Because some students who are in the physical education class also came to the cafeteria in advance. Some skipped classes, like Xiao Jun.

"Hey, Old Xiao, you're here too!" Xiao Jun, who was queuing up, heard Zhou Jiayu's familiar voice, and when he looked back, he saw this fellow queuing up next door.

  "Old Zhou~" Xiao Jun greeted his old tablemate and also saw that many of the people queuing up next door were from his original class. They seem to be in gym class today!

"Isn't that Xiao Jun?" It turned out that the classmates in the class also saw Xiao Jun.

  "It's him. He seems to have gone to class 18, but it seems that there is no physical education class for class 18 today, right? Yes, there is no labor class either!" "

  Then why did he show up in the cafeteria early?"

Several students whispered.

"Needless to say, it must be skipping classes. I heard that skipping classes in ordinary classes is already commonplace." "

Didn't he swear by the head teacher before that he would return to the key class in a month? After transferring to the ordinary class, he will return to the key class the next day. "Skipping class? My God..."

"Oh, he has fallen!" A classmate shook his head.

Yang Qianqian also glanced at Xiao Jun over there, and seeing him chatting enthusiastically with Zhou Jiayu and the others, she couldn't help shaking her head. She and Xiao Jun used to be neighbors. They have known each other since elementary school, and they often played together when they were young.

  "It's hopeless!" Yang Qianqian commented secretly in her heart. She felt that the current Xiao Jun was in a state of eating and waiting to die. There is no fighting spirit at all, no goals at all, and I fall into the confusion of life.

Immerse yourself in the world of online games all day long.

There is no pursuit of any life goals at all. Although she also knew that Xiao Jun's house would be divided into six houses due to the previous demolition, But if you sit and eat, the mountains of gold and silver will eventually run out.

She felt that such a life was meaningless, and she was different, although her family was not bad. But she still studies very hard. Her goal is very clear: to get into the best university in China, maybe study abroad in the future, and then start a business!

She wants to stand on top of the world and look down on everything.

"Uncle Xiao knows Xiao Jun is like this; he must be very disappointed. No, I want to talk to him!" Yang Qianqian thought to himself.

"Tsk, tsk, isn't this Xiao Jun? You skipped class today?" At this time, Qin Linfeng, who was not far away, sneered.

"What's none of your business?" Xiao Jun turned his face and said it expressionlessly.

"Hehe, it really has nothing to do with me. But you have to know—didn't you say that you would return to the key class in a month? It seems that you will never have a chance in your life." Qin Linfeng sneered.

"Don't worry, after one month, you can wait for the live broadcast to eat Xiangxiang!" Xiao Jun said he was neither salty nor weak.

  "You..." Qin Linfeng pointed at Xiao Jun angrily, speechless.

"Okay, I'll wait! However, I've made a bet: what if you can't return to the key class after a month? What are you betting on?" Qin Linfeng said with a grin

"If I can't come back to the key class after one month, I'll broadcast Luo Ben live!"

"Okay, very good; I'll remember it. Don't regret it then!" Qin Linfeng didn't bother to say anything after finishing speaking. Because he felt that he was sure to win, he was waiting for the victory in a month like a proud rooster.

Soon, Xiao Jun finished his meal.

Zhou Jiayu and Huang Yanzhao found a place to sit down and eat.

Suddenly, a beautiful figure appeared in front of the three of them, but before they arrived, the fragrance wafted into their nostrils.

This person is not someone; it is Yang Qianqian.

Yang Qianqian is not only the first in academic performance; she is also very beautiful!

With a height of 1.67 meters, a face with melon seeds, eyes like autumn water, white teeth, and red lips, it gives people a sense of elegance and vulgarity. But when looking forward, there is a kind of elegant and noble temperament that makes people feel ashamed of themselves and dare not desecrate.

That's right, she is an aloof beauty!

I saw Yang Qianqian sitting across from Xiao Jun, put down the lunch box, and said coldly to Xiao Jun, "Xiao Jun, are you really planning to degenerate like this?" Seeing

this old acquaintance Yang Qianqian and Xiao Jun were shocked. Not too cold for her. Even though they were neighbors in the past, they often played together when they were young. We were still at the same table when we were in elementary school. But then the relationship became more and more rigid, and they didn't like each other!

When Xiao Jun was in elementary school, if men and women were sitting at the same table, a line would usually be drawn on the table, which is the famous '38 line'. Whoever's arm exceeds this line is likely to be hit by the opponent or even served by the tip of the compass.

Later, when Xiao Jun was poked by Yang Qianqian with a pen, it hurt too much, so he made up his mind to play tricks on Yang Qianqian. That is, to secretly remove the chair when Yang Qianqian is about to sit back.

Yang Qianqian sat down on the ground, crying loudly.

Then the resentment between the two deepened. First, Yang Qianqian reported to Xiao Jun's father that he often went to Internet cafes to play games.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Jun counterattacked with all kinds of small reports to each other's parents, and then it became more and more violent... The past is really unbearable.

Anyway, the two acted as if they didn't know each other when they were in school, but if they met near home, there would be all kinds of bickering and poking at each other's weaknesses.

"What, my squad leader, Yang, are you here to give me a lecture?" Xiao Jun curled his lips.

"Oh, I don't have that kind of free time. I just want to tell you to study hard and don't disappoint Uncle Xiao! That's all." Yang Qianqian picked up her lunch box and went back to the dormitory after speaking.

But the scene just now was seen by many unknown people eating melons.

"Wow, just now Yang Qianqian was sitting opposite Xiao Jun talking to him, right?" " It

It seems so, but I just don't know what to say." "I'm

  so envious! I want to sit with Yang Qianqian too." "

Damn it, boss Xiao, our squad leader actually came to persuade you. Did the squad leader take a fancy to you?" Zhou Jiayu looked envious after eating a bite of egg.

"Go away, go away." Xiao Jun rolled his eyes at the other party.

(end of this chapter)