Chapter 31: First Place

Chapter 31: First Place

You must know that in this kind of Mathematical Olympiad content competition, there are usually very few people who can get full marks. Take the International Mathematical Olympiad competition as an example. Many players win gold and silver medals every year. According to the rules of the competition, each question gets 7 points. The full score is 42 points, and players who score more than 28 points out of the full score of 42 can win a gold medal. But there are not many gold medals with full marks. There hasn't even been a perfect gold medal for several years. This proves that it is not so easy to get full marks in the Olympiad!

After reading the answer to the first question, the group of correcting teachers showed shock in their eyes.

"It is indeed the first time I have seen this novel way of solving problems, and its thinking is very clear and perfect, and I can't find any point of deduction. Every explanation and answer to it are perfect. Let impeccably people!"

"Well, to be honest, I can't find such a perfect way to solve the problem."

"Okay, since everyone agrees, can the answer to this question be given full marks?"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Almost all teachers feel that they can give full marks.

At this time, a correcting teacher suddenly exclaimed, "Look, the answer to the second question seems to be perfect!"

"There is also the third question, which seems to be done correctly. I will see if it can get full marks."

A group of people continued to look at the answers to the second and third questions. When they read the answers individually, they deliberated and picked repeatedly, and finally they found that the answers to the two questions were like magic strokes, and they couldn't find any faults at all!

"So this test paper can get full marks!"

"I feel that the first place is decided. I don't know which school's test paper it is." Because the paper was sealed when it was corrected, the school and name could not be seen.

"Full marks can also be given for the next two questions. Do you have any other opinions?" Yang Huanchang asked to be the chief editor.

"No comment!"

"Such an answer can, of course, be given full marks."

"There was no full-score test paper the year before last, and neither was there last year. I didn't expect it to appear this year. This is definitely genius!"



Soon came the afternoon of the second day.

Today is the day to announce the results.

The auditorium was full of people.

In addition to the organizer, the Ministry of Education, and the contestants, many journalists and members of the media also came.

After all, it was the day of the provincial mathematics competition awards, so of course it was more grand.

Kacha, Kacha, the reporters below are all taking pictures of Kacha.

The auditorium is basically the top ten high schools, as well as some people from all walks of life, reporters, and the media.

"I don't know who will be number one this year."

"I think it must be the first place in Jiangbei High School. After all, it is one of the top 20 high schools in the country, and it has won first place in the provincial mathematics competition for three consecutive years. It is a triple crown!"

"I also agree. Besides, in the past ten years, several students from Jiangbei High School have been able to enter the National Mathematical Olympiad Team, went to participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad Competition, and even won the gold medal!"

"Although Jiangbei High School is very strong, the High School Affiliated with Jiangbei University is not weak either. In the preliminary examination two days ago, I remember that it won first place in scores. I think they have a good chance to continue to be the first in the finals. Maybe they can take Jiangbei Falling off the horse in high school!"

"Hehe, let me tell you, Liucheng High School is not bad; maybe it will become a dark horse."

"If you win first place, you will be directly eligible to participate in the National Mathematics Olympiad in October, right?"

"That's for sure!"

The real release of scores has not yet begun, and many people have already discussed and speculated.

At this moment, Yang Huanchang stepped onto the stage.

"Ahem... Good afternoon, friends. I am Yang Huanchang. The final results of this year's Jiangbei Provincial Mathematical Competition have come out. This time, there are ten high schools competing in the finals. The top three have come out!"

"Now I will announce the results! I will start from the third place and work up."

"It's started, it's started!"

Below, the teachers and students of the ten high schools became nervous.

"Teacher, do you think we will get the ranking this time?" Yang Qianqian asked a little nervously.

"You have solved all three questions; I think there should be a chance." Chen Jianyong was not sure. After all, the other nine high schools in the finals are all very strong. He didn't dare make a promise.

"Third place, Jiangbei High School! The total score is 15 points! The first question got 7 points, the second question got 5 points, and the third question got 3 points." Yang Huanchang announced it with a smile.

Hearing this announcement, the smiles of the teachers and students at Jiangbei High School froze immediately!

"What? We're number three?"


Everyone in Jiangbei High School was stunned. They felt that they should be able to win first place this year, but the result went against their expectations; they just got third!

"My God, I thought Jiangbei High School would win the quadruple championship this year, but I didn't expect it to be third place. It's a pity."

"Sure enough, this year's ranking has become much more interesting than last year's."

"In this way, the first and second places are likely to be won by two of Jiangbei University Affiliated High School, Liucheng High School, and Wucheng No. 1 Middle School. These three high schools are currently the most competitive. "

"I think the high school attached to Jiangbei University must be in first or second place, and Liucheng High School and Wucheng No. 1 Middle School are likely to be the dark horses this year!"

After listening to the announcement of third place, many people were surprised with anticipation!

"It's over, it's over; the strongest Jiangbei High School is only third this year? Then we have no hope at all." Teacher Zhou Li was a little desperate when she saw this.

On the other hand, the teachers and students of the Middle School Affiliated with Jiangbei University became even more excited.

"Haha... There is a game!" They were looking forward to being in first or second place. Because the strongest Jiangbei High School had no hope and just won third place.

"Second place, Jiangbei University High School, with a total score of 16 points, 7 points for the first question, 6 points for the second question, and 3 points for the third question!" Yang Huanchang continued to read.

"I thought Jiangbei High School was cold, and the High School Attached to Jiangbei University would become the first place. I didn't expect it to be only second place, and it hasn't changed from last year."

"So Liucheng High School and Wucheng No. 1 Middle School will become one of the dark horses?"

All eyes were on these two schools.

Because there is still a big gap between other schools and these schools!

As for the ordinary high school, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School, no one was considered at all.

"Okay, now I will announce the first place, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School! The total score is 21 points; the first question has a full score of 7 points; the second question has a full score of 7 points; and the third question has a full score of 7 points!"