Chapter 35: Yang Huiru's Shock

Chapter 35: Yang Huiru's Shock

First of all, Xiao Jun has a criminal record, and the other thing is that he was absent-minded all day long after he returned to the key class, and he didn't pay attention to the class at all.

Although I got a full score in mathematics, I also won first place in a provincial mathematics competition. But in Yang Huiru's eyes, if you don't study hard, you are arrogant and complacent. If the partial subjects are serious, you will still not be able to enter the key universities in the college entrance examination!

She felt that Xiao Jun was actually very talented at learning; otherwise, how could he have won first place in the provincial math competition? But she felt that Xiao Jun was lazy. I usually don't like to attend lectures, don't like to study, and think about playing with my mobile phone all day long.

She has met many students like this in the past few years of teaching.

Although such students are smart, it is often difficult to get into a good university, or even to fail to get into a university in the end. The reason is laziness! It's very similar to Hu Zhongyong.

"No, I must save this Xiao Jun and urge him more in the future. I can't let him waste such a good condition!" Yang Huiru thought in her heart.

"Xiao Jun, what's the matter with you? Why did you take out the textbook of the first year of high school when I was teaching the Chinese content of the third year of high school?" Yang Huiru stood in front of Xiao Jun's desk and asked sternly. Her pair of beautiful eyes had deeply revealed the questioning look of 'were you playing with your mobile phone just now?

Yang Huiru's words made all the students stare at her in an instant.

Xiao Jun raised his head and looked at Yang Huiru staring at him, but he didn't panic at all. I muttered in my heart that I was so fascinated by brushing the books just now that I didn't expect that I didn't even know the teacher came.

"I'm reviewing the Chinese knowledge in the first year of high school." Xiao Jun was not afraid of Yang Huiru's stern gaze at all and spoke very frankly and leniently. That's right, he was just reviewing his Chinese knowledge in his first year of high school.

As soon as this sentence came out, many students started whispering.

"Tch, what a lame excuse; he must have been playing with his phone or reading a comic book just now!"

"That's right, he thinks he is a top student in a key high school class? I heard that those top students seldom go to review with the teacher in the third year of high school but review by themselves! The top students at this level all have It's my own review plan. At their level, I don't need the teacher's help to review at all." A classmate said it in a low voice.

"I've heard of this too. This kind of top student even reviews Chinese knowledge during math class. It's so hard!"

"Didn't Wucheng No. 1 Middle School have such monsters over the years? They almost passed the key one! It should be that the teacher's level is not enough; they might as well review by themselves."

"En? You reviewed the Chinese knowledge in the first year of high school by yourself?" After hearing this, Yang Huiru's first reaction was to believe you! It must be an excuse to cover up the fact that he was playing with his phone just now. If it weren't for playing with mobile phones, how could you even take the wrong language documents? I didn't get the review materials out either!

It's not like she doesn't know about the kind of school bully she's reviewing by herself. But this time, Xiao Jun only scored 100 points in the Chinese test last time, and he is still too far away from being a Chinese master! At least if you can often get a score of 140 or more in Chinese, you can be regarded as a master in the eyes of the teacher. Obviously, Xiao Jun is not! If so, the last test will not be 100 points.

"Yes." Xiao Jun nodded seriously, regardless of whether you doubted it or not.

"Very good, then I will consider how much Chinese knowledge you have reviewed in the first year of high school! Is it solid enough? If you can pass my test, then you can freely control my classes in the future!" Yang Huiru coquettishly said In her eyes, did this Xiao Jun's tail cock up recently after he won first place in the provincial mathematics competition? She planned to frustrate him today.

"Okay." Xiao Jun's eyes lit up. If this is the case, he can control the Chinese class as he pleases in the future.

"Hmph, let's see how long you can be stubborn." Yang Huiru didn't expect the other party to agree so readily!

"My test is very simple. You said that you are reviewing Chinese knowledge in the first year of high school, so I will ask you to recite a few articles! You should memorize the entire article in memory of Liu Hezhen first." Yang Huiru said it coquettishly. This kind of test is difficult to say; it is simple but not simple. She felt that 90% of people would definitely not be able to recite it. In fact, she was a little bit embarrassing for Xiao Jun.

"Recite the whole article to commemorate Mr. Liu Hezhen? Xiao Jun is going to be cold!"

"I'm sure I can't recite it. Not to mention commemorating Mr. Liu Hezhen, I only want to recite the second and fourth sections. Now the head teacher wants him to recite the whole chapter!"

"It's the third year of high school. I can't recite many texts and poems that need to be memorized in the first year of high school."

"If it's poetry, I probably still have an impression. As for the text, there are too many words, and it's easy to forget after a long time."

Many students felt sympathy for Xiao Jun in an instant. This is because the head teacher put on small shoes.

Xiao Jun ignored the surrounding voices but began to recite: "March 25th, 15th year of the Kingdom of China, the 18th day of the National Capital Women's Normal University..."

Soon, Xiao Jun memorized the entire article. After he finished memorizing, he still didn't stop reciting, and he recited all the notes, central idea, various themes, etc. of this article in an instant.

The next second, the entire class fell silent.

Yang Huiru stared at Xiao Jun with wide eyes and then continued to stare at the textbook. Because the textbooks are densely packed with content. These are all the contents of her previous lectures.

Now Xiao Jun has memorized them all verbatim!

Everyone's expressions now seem to be alive!

"Hiss, have you memorized everything? Even the notes and annotations?"

"How did he do that?"

"Have a super memory?"

Even Yang Huiru was shocked!

"Teacher, I've finished memorizing it, am I right?" Xiao Jun smiled lightly. I have to say that he once again praised this ability of never forgetting. Brushing books is like drinking water.

"No, that's right." Yang Huiru stuttered a little. But she still had doubts in her heart. Well, in fact, it was her unwillingness to admit defeat that was at work!

"He must be very familiar with this text, and I just got this text; I will try again!" Yang Huiru thought in her heart that she should try again.

"You recite the story of You Bao Chan Mountain again and translate it, by the way!" Yang Huiru spoke softly.

„ Oh, the stinky and long travel notes still need to be translated. Xiao Jun muss lose now, right?„

"It must be cold this time!"

Xiao Jun smiled faintly and said, "Baochan Mountain is also called Huashan Mountain. Huibao, a patriarch of the Tang Dynasty, was housed on its site and buried there; hence the name Baochan."

"This is the translation: Baochan Mountain is also called Huashan Mountain. The monk Huibao of the Tang Dynasty built a house here and was buried there after his death."