Chapter 43 The Monthly Rewards Are Here

Chapter 43 The Monthly Rewards Are Here

"How is it possible? Didn't he perform poorly in class before? The teacher didn't understand the questions, and he couldn't do the practice questions. Now I have finished three questions in half an hour. I just thought about the idea of ​​the first question. come out!"

"Pretend, he must have been pretending before!"

"We were all fooled by his acting skills."

Wei Tao and the others had expressions of shock and astonishment, as well as the feeling of being tricked.

"But he finished three questions in half an hour, surely not all of them?"


In the office, several teachers were correcting the test papers for the first exam.

The test papers of thirty people were graded soon. The score is being counted at this time!

"It's beyond my expectation that this Xiao Jun got full marks again!" Mr. Zhou said in surprise.

"I was also very surprised. I thought his performance in class disappointed me. I didn't expect this kid to be independent! He usually doesn't take classes seriously, but only takes exams seriously. I still think that what we teach is useless to him ?" Teacher Zheng teased.

"This kid! Interesting~" Liang Chaoqiang also shook his head. Anyway, Xiao Jun's impression in his eyes now is—skin!


In the afternoon, Liang Chaoqiang and all the teachers appeared in the multimedia classroom together.

"Good afternoon, everyone. Your first exam results are out this morning! When I finish reading the report card, the four students with the last four rankings will be eliminated." Liang Chaoqiang said in a deep voice.

After the students below heard this, many of them showed solemnity and nervousness on their faces.

After all, no one knows if the four people who are about to be eliminated will be themselves?

"The training camp of the National Mathematical Olympiad Team is cruel. It is only the first test now, which is the first elimination. The subsequent elimination will become more and more cruel. Well, if one of you is eliminated, don't lose confidence. This It's just a certain failure in your life. You must learn to face failure in the future, find the reason from the failure, and make yourself stronger!"

"Okay, now I'm going to read the report card, starting from the first place!"

"First place, Xiao Jun, full marks!" Liang Chaoqiang read with a smile.


The twenty-nine students in the multimedia classroom were stunned and shocked.

"What? Full marks!?"

"I made it in half an hour... and got a full score?! You are indeed a gold medalist with a full score in the National Mathematical Olympiad. The current exam is also easy to get a full score."

"This is the evildoer, this is the genius evildoer!"

"I feel that he is stable this time, and he must be a member of the last six players~"

Countless students had the word "shock" written on their faces. If there were a few more words to add, it would be—too shocking!

Xiao Jun was not very surprised when he heard his results.

"Second place, Wei Tao, 19 points." There are three questions in this exam, each with 7 points, and the full score is 21 points.

"The third place..."

Soon Liang Chaoqiang finished reading the report card.

When the bottom four students heard their grades, their faces turned pale. They knew they were eliminated in the first round.

The days of the training camp passed day by day, and Xiao Jun usually went to class as usual. Anyway, he will still listen to the teacher's lecture. When I have nothing to do, I will ask some questions that I don't understand to the two top students in the group.

During the exam, I still asked the two top students in the group to help.

Before I knew it, more than half a month had passed. At this moment, 5 elimination exams have been conducted. Xiao Jun was still not eliminated. On the contrary, Wei Tao's trio, no, it should be called the Three Musketeers of Hengshui No. 1 Middle School, who were eliminated in these five rounds of elimination exams. It has to be said that it is a joke like irony!

However, in the past half a month, Xiao Jun has learned a lot of mathematics knowledge.

First of all, he memorized the Olympiad knowledge explained by the teachers during the training camp. Then go through your own study and the explanations of the group of scholars. At least if there are ten questions now, he will definitely be able to solve three questions. It's no longer like before that you can't do a single question.

The main reason is that his IQ is too low, otherwise the rate of doing questions will still increase.

In addition, he didn't just learn about the Olympiad. Comet Takishima and Sheldon have also explained to him a lot of other aspects of mathematics in the past half a month. It can be said that his mathematical knowledge has improved in an all-round way!

The mathematical knowledge stored in the brain is absolutely massive!

The Xueba chat group is very active today.

Today is the day when the monthly rewards are issued, and the three of them are all eagerly waiting for the rewards to be refreshed.

Comet Takishima: Hey, I don't know what I'll get for this monthly reward, I'm so looking forward to it!

Sheldon: It's the first time to receive monthly rewards, so excited!

Xiao Jun: Why hasn't it been refreshed yet?

Comet Takishima: What is the group leader so anxious~ Why don't you tell us about the 365 tricks you mentioned last time to pick up girls?

I have to say that both Comet Takishima and Sheldon are bad at picking up girls. Especially Comet Takishima, if Qin Hailang hadn't given him a trick before, he probably wouldn't be in the pastoral light yet.

As for Sheldon, this guy is also a guy with high IQ and low EQ, and he is still single now!

Suddenly, Xiao Jun found that people who seem to have high IQs in history seem to have low EQs!

Such as Beethoven, Kafka, Newton, Nobel, Napoleon...

Let's take Naporon as an example, a king of affairs and a master of learning! Definitely a man with an IQ off the charts. But his wife made him green again and again, marrying him only for his wealth and status, he still loves desperately, and he doesn't know that his wife doesn't love him at all. Alas, three seconds of silence for him.

Group announcement: The monthly rewards have been distributed, please collect them by yourself.

Group owner Xiao Jun Red Packet Group member Takino Comet Red Packet Group member Sheldon Red Packet

"'s finally released."

"Get it!"

Xiao Jun directly clicked on his own red envelope.

"Congratulations to the group leader for getting an IQ +5 skill card!"

"Hey, what I lack the most right now is IQ. It's good to get an IQ card." Xiao Jun was overjoyed. But he was a little puzzled. He is just a student. He only got an IQ +2 card last time when he was at the top level of Takishima Comet. How did he get +5?

But soon he saw an explanation under the red envelope: every monthly reward of the group leader has a halo bonus for the group leader. In other words, the equipment released is often higher than the current level of the group owner!

"So that's how it is. The chat group secretly gave me a little trick. All the rewards I get have a chance to increase the chance of exploding equipment. I like it!" Xiao Jun became even happier.

Xiao Jun immediately used this IQ skill card!

"Hey, I'm also a person with an IQ of 125 now!"