Chapter 62 Final Exam

Chapter 62 Final Exam

"Alas, a future college student from the capital is gone." Principal Li Dadao sighed while sitting in the principal's office. Their school has not yet produced students from top universities. This time, after finally looking forward to one, he turned down such a top school!

Yang Huiru felt distressed when she saw the news, but when she thought that Xiao Jun's house had six suites, she felt that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.


"At the same table, you seem to be on the news again!" Zhou Jiayu said to Xiao Jun next to him with his mobile phone in the last row of the fourth group in Class One, Senior Three. Why do you say it again? He won the first place in the National Mathematical Olympiad and the first place in the International Mathematical Olympiad. He has been in newspaper news several times.

"Huh? What news." Xiao Jun recovered from the sea of ​​books.

"Uh, it doesn't seem like good news. It said that you rejected an olive branch from a top domestic university... What? You rejected admission from a top domestic university?" Zhou Jiayu looked at Xiao Jun in shock. Although he was at the same table, he really didn't know that Xiao Jun rejected this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Yes!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

"My God! Xiao Jun, why are you refusing? Don't you know how many people can't get into a top university like Capital University?" Zhou Jiayu looked at the other party with a puzzled expression. .

"I have my choice~ well, you don't understand the world of the top student~" Xiao Jun smiled slightly.

Zhou Jiayu: ...

On the second day, many people in the whole school knew about Xiao Jun's choice. Many people were puzzled, and some thought Xiao Jun's tail was up. After the college entrance examination, he will definitely be educated miserably in reality.

"Have you heard? Xiao Jun in our class has rejected all admissions from top domestic universities!"

"I got it from the news. It is said that he doesn't like the mathematics department~"

"Oh, isn't this a joke?"

"The ghost knows, maybe it's because of his self-confidence? Haha..."

In the class, many students are whispering in private.

Even many students in this dormitory asked Xiao Jun why he didn't choose Capital University. His answer is that he doesn't like it, and wants to choose the school and major he likes by taking the college entrance examination!

"Hmph, a proud and complacent guy!" Qin Linfeng looked at Xiao Jun surrounded by a group of classmates, and snorted coldly. He likes it very much that Xiao Jun can't get into a first-class university when he waits for the college entrance examination. No, you definitely won't pass the exam!

Anyway, many people just want to see Xiao Jun's jokes.

In the dining hall, Xiao Jun met Yang Qianqian again.

The girl actually sat across from him again.

"Xiao Jun, why did you reject those first-class universities?" Yang Qianqian looked at Xiao Jun and asked in confusion.

"As the newspaper said, I don't like mathematics major." Xiao Jun shook his head and said.

"But... I gave up such a good opportunity. What if you fail the college entrance examination?" Yang Qianqian said in a more tactful way. She felt that the other party would definitely not pass the exam. Don't think about first-class universities for roles with more than 500 points.

"It's okay, I'm very confident in myself, because I'm a top student!" Xiao Jun grinned.

Yang Qianqian: ...

She admitted that Xiao Jun is indeed a top student in mathematics, but he should be a scumbag in other subjects, right?


One month passed quickly.

Today is the day of the final exam.

It's also the end of the semester!

Today, many students in Wucheng No. 3 Middle School don't pay much attention to this final exam, because they are all ordinary class students. Only those key classes pay more attention to this exam.

After all, this is an exam to measure your level. Through this test, you can know what shortcomings you still have and what you need to work hard on. How far is it from the ideal score of the high school entrance examination or how much is it exceeded?

For the students who are at the bottom of the key class, they are nervous that if they do not pass the exam this time, they will still be kicked out of the key class!

As for our classmate Xiao Jun, he is still doing nothing, with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Hi~ Isn't it just an exam, it's so wet~" Xiao Jun sat in the exam room, waiting for the invigilators to hand out the test papers.

The first test in the morning is Chinese!

For Chinese, Xiao Jun is very confident. He felt that even if he didn't use the Xueba chat group, he could get a high score in the test. Of course, he still wasn't very sure of getting a perfect score.

The Chinese test points include pronunciation, font, word order, collocation, reading comprehension, ancient poems... and so on.

People like Xiao Jun have already memorized all the Chinese books, teacher's lecture notes, test papers, review materials, supplementary books, and even dictionaries in the third year of high school. Totally true!

Soon, the Chinese test papers were issued.

The Chinese exam on the morning of the first day of the final exam has finally begun!

After getting the test paper, he started to read it.

Question 1: The dotted words in the following words, each pair of pronunciation is different is ()

A. Supply/confessed - cannoned / imitated - harassing / rambling

B. Playing around/ hooking up - making a fuss / breaking up in a crowd - year-end/meeting by chance

C. Threshold cars/straight columns and horizontal thresholds—beautiful makeup/beautiful men and beautiful women—estimate/do what you can

D. Revealing the truth/revealing the truth-place/putting yourself in the place-tyrannical/prejudice

"The first question is to test the pronunciation of words? It's too simple!" After all, he is the one who memorized the entire Xinhua Dictionary. Do such a topic in minutes.

"Choose D! D. lòu/lù chù/chǔ qiáng/qiǎng!"


It didn't take long for Xiao Jun to solve the 21st question.

21: Fill in the vacant parts of the following famous sentences and articles. (Select 6 questions only)

(1) Curly autumn wind, (——) (Madam Qu Yuanxiang)

(2) He died before leaving the teacher, (——) (Du Fu's zodiac sign)

(3) (——) Who can stand between equals for a thousand years! (Lu Youshu angry)

"Hehe, fill in the ancient poems? I have memorized all the Chinese textbooks for three years in high school. I tested my ancient poems, and they are wet~" Xiao Jun quickly found the original texts of these ancient poems in his mind.

"(1) Dongting waves are under the leaves, (2) the commander-in-chief is full of tears, (3) the teacher is a real name in the world."

Brush up and write down the answer!

Soon Xiao Jun passed the test and finished all the previous things, leaving only the composition.

Composition: Please write a composition with the title "Listen to that (——) voice". You can tell stories about yourself or those around you, express your true feelings, and clarify your thoughts and viewpoints. "

"In order to get full marks for the composition, let's discuss it with the top students in the group." Xiao Jun decided not to write the composition himself.

Because Comet Takishima said that he has read 300 Chinese essays with perfect scores, and with his IQ of 190, there should be no problem with writing essays with full scores.