Chapter 76 Virtual games must be promoted by Internet cafes?

Chapter 76 Virtual games must be promoted by Internet cafes?

Comet Takishima: "I said that it was not easy to become popular at the beginning, not because virtual games were not attractive enough, but for other reasons!"

Xiao Jun knew what Comet Takishima meant. He knew that the Oasis virtual game was so attractive. In addition to the virtual reality visual enjoyment of this game, there are also extremely fitting sensory feedback coats, all sensory changes in the virtual world will act on users in the real world. For example, in the virtual world, the hero is hit by a heavy punch. In reality, the hero will also receive force feedback on the same part, but due to the relationship of the game, the force must be far less than in the virtual world.

There are also large-scale interactive peripherals with a large degree of freedom. These peripherals are usually similar to treadmills, with traction lines or other mechanical devices attached around them to simulate scenes in virtual reality games. And large-scale interactive peripherals can also simulate various scenes in the virtual environment for the body, such as running, jumping, overcoming obstacles, etc., so that the information sensed by other senses of the body is as consistent as possible with the human body, and the contradiction of senses is It will greatly reduce and enhance the user's sense of immersion.

Just a few of these are quite eye-catching! Can it be fire?

Anyway, Xiao Jun now really wants to hear what Comet Takishima wants to say!

Comet Takishima continued: "I think the reason why it is not easy to become popular is that it is too expensive, and many people must not be able to afford it at the beginning!"

"I just assume that if we develop the virtual game and the hardware equipment at the same time. However, when we put this game on the market, will it be popular? I think it is likely to be When it's cold!"

"First of all, if you want to play this virtual game, you need to have virtual glasses, and then you need to configure a VR computer. The combination of these two things is estimated to be less than 20,000 RMB. (Based on the current price, production level and technology, I think If you want to lower the price, the manufacturer will lose money!). Then you have to buy VR expansion products, such as 7-channel stereo headphones, VR suspended treadmill, VR body-sensing clothes, VR finger tactile feedback, etc. The combined price It is not something that our common people can bear. Only people like the rich second generation can gather these together.

"Of course, Halliday told us. The simplest set can also play virtual games. That is, virtual glasses, VR computers, suspended treadmills, and finger tactile feedback devices. A total of four things can be played. But only virtual Eyes and VR computers cost at least 20,000 yuan, and treadmills and finger tactile feedback device companies also cost 10,000 yuan. How many ordinary people can afford to buy and play with 30,000 yuan? Not to mention more expensive equipment, such as feedback coats, and even games The highest-level hard equipment, the warehouse, can play games while lying in it. So..." Takishima shook his head and said.

Xiao Jun couldn't help frowning after hearing this. It is true that what Takishima Comet said is very correct!

A game is definitely not expected to be played by the children of the rich and powerful. How many children of the rich and powerful are there? It can't be more than ordinary people, can it?

Therefore, if a game wants to become popular and make money, it still needs a huge base of ordinary players to support it!

Otherwise, it will be cold.

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Jun smiled slightly: "I don't think this is a problem! Although if you want to play virtual games, it is indeed expensive for most ordinary people to invest 30,000 yuan. But ~ unable to hold virtual games is for everyone The attraction!"

"I think as long as the game is developed and the hard equipment is developed, we won't worry about it not being popular. Because we can start from the promotion of the game in Internet cafes at the beginning!" Xiao Jun said with a smile.

"Internet cafe promotion?" Comet Takishima was bewildered.

"Well, now that Internet cafes have transformed into Internet cafes, it is called Internet cafe promotion! I remember when I was a child, I was still an elementary school monk at that time. It was around 2005 or 2006. At that time, most ordinary families were very There are very few computers. Even if there are, they are all garbage computers. It's okay to chat and play small games. But if you want to play large-scale stand-alone games or large-scale online games, hehe, you can't play them at all! You have to run Internet cafe to play!"

"The salary in that era was generally 800 yuan, 1000 yuan, and 1200 yuan or more was considered a good salary! At that time, a mobile phone cost several thousand yuan, and a computer cost several thousand yuan. Therefore, many families could not afford it. Computers. So I can only go to Internet cafes to play games! At that time, ordinary Internet cafes charged 1.5 yuan an hour, and Internet cafes with good environment charged 2 yuan an hour."

"Although the Internet fee is expensive, there are still countless people flocking to it!"

"Later, as the price of computers became cheaper and wages became higher and higher, almost every household could afford a computer, and later developed into owning one. So after 2009, Internet cafes failed! Later, I relied on e-sports games to upgrade After becoming an Internet cafe, it has slightly returned to the decline. However, the current Internet cafes are still not as prosperous as the Internet cafes in the past few years!"

"What do you see from this?" Xiao Jun asked with a smile.

Comet Takishima: "You mean, when we launch virtual games, it doesn't matter if most ordinary people can't afford equipment, we can open virtual game Internet cafes?! Let ordinary players who can't afford equipment come to Internet cafes to play virtual games ?"

"Haha, smart! That's right, that's my plan! Think about it, the lowest-level equipment costs 30,000 yuan, and many people can't afford it. But going to an Internet cafe is always affordable, right? Even if it's a virtual gaming Internet cafe, the investment is huge. So the hourly charge is expensive. Maybe 20 yuan an hour, maybe 30 yuan an hour, or even 50 yuan an hour. But facing the temptation of virtual games, twenty or thirty yuan an hour should be enough for these ordinary people It's still affordable! Now a cup of milk tea costs 15 yuan!" Xiao Jun continued to analyze. Also, you can set up some of these Internet cafes yourself at the beginning. When these Internet cafes become popular, I believe many investors will choose to join! At that time, are you afraid that such Internet cafes will not be opened all over the country?

"That is to say, after we use the Internet cafe model to promote our virtual games, most people will be able to afford virtual equipment in the future. And our player base is already very large. When this virtual Internet cafe closes down, it will Go bankrupt. Has our goal been achieved?" Comet Takishima smacked his lips.

"That's right, haha!" Xiao Jun nodded. That's how he thinks. In fact, it is also a decision based on the experience of previous Internet cafes.

Virtual gaming computers are expensive, and equipment is expensive, so it doesn't matter. You can go to an Internet cafe to play. Although the hourly charge is a bit more expensive, it's better than just watching others play, right?