Chapter 81 A Cold New Scholars?

Chapter 81 A Cold New Scholars?

Not long after, I went to self-study.

Yang Huiru returned home with Xiao Jun's test paper and continued grading. She really wanted to know whether Xiao Jun got a perfect score in this Chinese test paper!

After eleven o'clock in the evening, she finally finished correcting this Chinese test paper.

"Except for the composition, I didn't miss any of the other questions! And this composition is really well written, it's a perfect composition!" Yang Huiru took a sip of water, slowly reminiscing about what Xiao Jun wrote. composition. She can't be picky about deducting points at all!

"He really doesn't need to review and can get full marks casually?"

"However, although Chinese got full marks, other subjects may not be sure!" Yang Huiru thought to herself.

The next day, Xiao Jun took tests in English, mathematics, and comprehensive literature.

Each time, the papers were handed in within an hour. Yang Huiru was shocked.

On the third day, all his grades came out!

Full marks for all!

This shocked Yang Huiru and other teachers again. Originally, what happened to Xiao Jun in the past half month was known to many leaders. The test of Xiao Jun this time is also meant to be a leader. Now that these leaders all know that after Xiao Jun easily got a full score in the exam again, they all feel reassured. It seems that in a few months, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School will definitely have a student from a top-ranking university in China!

"It seems that we don't need to care about Xiao Jun at all now. What he said is the truth. He has memorized everything that should be learned in high school. I also believe that if he forgets some knowledge points one day, He will go to review by himself. Let's not worry about it!" Chen Jianyong sighed.

He suddenly felt that his group of teachers were all the emperor who was not in a hurry, just worrying blindly!

"I agree with Lao Chen's opinion!"

"That's right, student Xiao Jun's terrifying ability is right in front of our eyes. These test papers are more difficult than the college entrance examination, and he even got full marks casually."

"Okay~" Yang Huiru nodded in agreement.



"Xiao Jun, you still got a perfect score this time! 750 points! So, I decided not to care about you anymore. You can study freely. But I hope you will not be complacent, and you will have to perform well in the college entrance examination. !" Yang Huiru put these test papers in front of Xiao Jun and said softly.

"Hey, don't worry teacher, I won't mess around! I always study in a planned way." Xiao Jun smiled slightly.

"That's good, then you can go back to the classroom."

"goodbye teacher!"


Just when Xiao Jun returned to the teacher and sat down, he suddenly found in his mind that there was a newcomer in the Xueba chat group!

Genetic master Abraham Erskine applied to join the group

agree refuse

"Genetic master Dr. Abraham Erskine?" Xiao Jun had a look of surprise on his face. Other people in the group don't know him, but he knows this person very well!

Because he invented the famous super soldier serum!

"Hey, no, it stands to reason that someone like him has developed a super serum that has a strengthening effect on humans. It should have made a huge contribution to humans. It shouldn't belong to the category of Xueba. It should have risen to the category of Xuedi, right? Why is he still called Xueba by the group? Could it be that he is not qualified?" Xiao Jun was shocked. So it's scary to say that the requirements for learning a god are too high?


"Super soldier serum, if I can get the research materials, can I also develop the super soldier serum?" Xiao Jun's eyes lit up. Who wouldn't want to have the super power to hit a hundred?

Who doesn't want to have great force?

"But it seems that this Dr. Erskine seems to be a short-lived ghost! It seems that I must remind him well. If he dies, how can I get the method of making the super soldier serum from him?" Xiao Jun thought to himself. Besides, if I can point out the other party, I can get favors. Will Erskine dare not give it to him then?

Xiao Jun knew that when Dr. Erskine succeeded in using the super soldier serum, he was celebrating with a group of researchers and leaders. But at this time a Hydra spy named Fred took away another super soldier serum. At this time, Erskine wanted to stop it but was shot by Fred, and died tragically.

I have to say that he is really a short-lived ghost.

Because a total of 2 super soldier serums were developed this time, one was used by Captain America, and the other was snatched by Fred. And the developer Erskine hung up again. So later, no one was able to develop the super soldier serum.

And another super soldier serum was shattered when Captain America was chasing Fred. Xiao Jun felt that he must prevent such a tragedy from happening! How could someone like Erskine die?

Welcome newcomer @Abraham·erskine into the group!

1: Newcomers and new groups, if your IQ is lower than 110, you should pour shit first when you enter the group. Your IQ insults the word Xueba. This is a rule.

2: Newcomers who enter the group with an IQ of less than 150 should get their photos posted first, and those who are ugly should be given red envelopes. This is a rule.

3: Newcomers enter the group with an IQ higher than 180, and there is no reward for joining the group. This is a rule.

4: Don't look for the group owner if you have anything to do, the group owner is very busy. Angry group leader will kick people!

Comet Takishima: Hey, finally a newcomer has joined the group!

Sheldon: Shit, shit, shit!

Halliday: Dr. Gene? Is it genetic research and development? Then it should be more powerful for biology, genetics, chemistry, etc.

At this time, Xiao Jun is also looking forward to whether Erskine has developed the super soldier serum. However, he thinks that it should not be developed yet, and it will not be far from hanging after it is developed.

Soon, three minutes passed.

Comet Takishima: What about the newcomers? Why is it still not bubbling?

Sheldon: This new guy is so tsundere. Didn't come to report!

Halliday: Maybe you are still shocked by the magic of our Xueba chat group?

However, another five minutes passed.

At this time, the group was full of quarrels, especially Comet Takishima and Sheldon, who were very upset with this newcomer, Erskine. Isn't this a show?

Sheldon: Group leader, I think this Erskine is pretending to be cold? Still feel like you are ignoring our Xueba chat group?

Comet Takishima: Sheldon is right! I think he just ignores the majesty of the group leader, he should pour shit first, and then kick out of the group!

Xiao Jun: ...

Although he was also very angry, he was still reluctant to kick Erskine. After all, if you want super soldier serum, you still need to get it from the opponent!

However, Xiao Jun felt that he shouldn't let the majesty of his group leader be lost, so he said: "Let me chat with him privately. It's okay if he's busy, but it's not because he's busy or not bubbling. I kicked him immediately!"