Chapter 93 Nine Dragons Coffin Pulling Video

Chapter 93 Nine Dragons Coffin Pulling Video

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"Although we can't make games yet, we already have this function for making animated videos." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

After all, his semi-finished game engine has already completed the virtual rendering engine, virtual animation, physics engine and scene management. So making virtual videos and short animation effects is absolutely no problem!

"Hey, that's right! I can use my semi-finished game engine to make a virtual video to see how it works." As soon as Xiao Jun had the idea, he couldn't stop the car immediately.

In fact, he just wanted to see how the virtual animation special effects produced by his epoch-making virtual game engine semi-finished product would be!

Generally speaking, game engines can create animated videos. You can also make virtual special effects for movies!

The usual special effects of movies are generally not produced by game engines. Generally, the special effects or animations of movies are produced by using 3D visual animation software dedicated to film and television. For example, the well-known 3D visual animation software includes Houdini (movie special effects magician), Inferno* system, Illusion, etc.

For example, Houdini is a very powerful software for special effects. Many movie special effects are completed by it, among which the "magic fireworks" released by "Gandalf" in Lord of the Rings and the scene where "water horse" smashes down "ring spirit"... the tornado in the day after tomorrow... .. and so on are all made with this software.

There is also the Inferno* system. The Inferno* system running on the SGI super workstation is a multi-award-winning system recognized as the best film and television special effects production system in the world, from Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Tornado, Independence Day, Clash of Heaven and Earth, Starship Troopers, Godzilla, Mummy to the most successful film in the history of film, Titanic. All produced by this 3D animation visual effects software.

Game engines, on the other hand, were previously only used to make game animations and visual effects.

But in recent years, many companies have begun to try to use game engines to produce animation visuals and film and television special effects. And the effect is no worse than those 3D animation visual software!

The most famous is the Unreal 4 engine. Some of the special effects of the Ice and Fire TV series and the movie Aliens are produced by this Unreal 4 game engine. The effect is very good!

In other words, the game engine can not only make visual animations in games, but also can be used to make animations and movie special effects!

Not to mention Xiao Jun's virtual game engine, the animation and special effects produced must be even more against the sky.

"Fuck, I have to watch a video!" Xiao Jun has already made up his mind.

He already had all-around software programming proficiency. It includes the production skills of video special effects. Plus he has the ability of a master of fine arts. It is even more powerful for making videos and special effects.

The most important thing is that although this galaxy virtual game engine is a semi-finished product, the virtual rendering engine and virtual animation capabilities inside are definitely ahead of the current earth level.

Make good use of it, and the special effects video produced will definitely blow the sky!

"What kind of special effects video should I make?" Xiao Jun touched his chin and began to think seriously.

Special effects Special effects are actually video special effects that cannot be realized in reality!

Then you must have a special effect with sci-fi and fantasy colors to be awesome!

"Hey, by the way, fantasy color!" Xiao Jun seemed to have found inspiration all at once.

"I have read a novel called Zhedi before. The picture at the beginning of this novel is really shocking. Countless readers have said that if this novel is adapted into a film and television drama, the current special effects technology is completely ruined. It's gone. My virtual game engine can completely virtualize this image!" Xiao Jun's eyes lit up. He plans to make a video for the beginning of this novel!

In the depths of the universe where coldness and darkness coexist, nine huge dragon corpses pull an ancient bronze coffin, which will last forever...

Xiao Jun recalled the scene at the beginning of this novel, and felt an inexplicable shock in his heart. That kind of scene is absolutely shocking!

"It's up to you—the Nine Dragons coffin-drawing special effects video!" Xiao Jun immediately made a decision.

As soon as he said it, Xiao Jun immediately started to make it on the semi-finished Galaxy virtual game engine.

"Kowloon pulls the coffin in the starry sky, so the background is the cosmic starry sky. The background must be very realistic. This is no problem, my virtual rendering engine can definitely create the most realistic starry sky."

"The next thing is Kowloon. It must have a majestic, eternal, and sacred appearance. It must give people a sense of mythological reality. It seems that the dragon you see is not fake, but real. It appears in your eyes. before..."

"Hey, my virtual game engine is a rendering engine, and the rendered image is definitely the same as the texture of reality! It will be very real at that time. There is no special effect at all. You can also use the nine dragons The details of the appearance are drawn to a super detailed appearance. Even a scale is extremely real."

"My virtual animation can completely imitate the dynamics of these nine dragons, flying coffins in the starry sky..."

"Combined with the ability of my art master, the drawn dragon will definitely be the most beautiful in the world!"

"By the way, there is also a bronze coffin. It must be mysterious, simple, and scalp-numbing..."

Then Xiao Jun also simulated in his mind how to express this dynamic animation, how to present the most shocking sense of the picture...

After getting everything done, it's finally time to start making.

Three days passed like this.

Xiao Jun works for more than 12 hours every day.

He intends to make this video not very long, about 20 seconds or so.

This 20-second thing was produced in three days. I have to say that this semi-finished galaxy virtual game is very powerful! Three times faster than he expected.

After the video was produced, Xiao Jun felt that a background music needed to be added.

"What kind of background music is suitable for it?"

"Kowloon pulling the coffin gives people a sense of fantasy and shocking images. Among them, the bronze coffin gives people a feeling of scalp numbness. It gives people a sense of mythology."

"Then, let's add a melodious bell to the background music."

He felt that the sound of the bell matched this picture, it was definitely the best match!

Boom, boom, boom...similar to the musical background of the ancient bronze bells beating in Shaolin Temple, plus this Kowloon coffin-drawing video. Definitely hits your heart!