Chapter 102 Fungus Harvester

Chapter 102 Fungus Harvester

"I understand." Erskine nodded.

After the chat, Xiao Jun thought to himself: "I hope you don't hang up. Otherwise, it will be my loss!"

After returning to Wucheng, Xiao Jun did not tell his family the news that he had earned millions. He planned to wait until his grades were better before revealing to them!

"University starts in one week. It seems that I have to prepare. Now that I have passed the driver's license test, I will buy myself a car." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

"What kind of car should I buy?" Xiao Jun suddenly found himself in trouble.

During this period of time, he also occasionally looked at the car forum or something.

"Low-end cars are not worthy of my temperament, so exclude them."

"If it's a luxury car, don't consider the SUV type. Although an SUV must be very comfortable for driving and shocking, the space is large enough!"

"A bridge car, well, BMW Seven Series and Audi A8 can still be considered. But I always feel that it is not suitable for young people like me."

"By the way, a sports car! This is the standard equipment for young people!"

After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Jun plans to buy a fungus harvester——Ferrari 488!

Didn't there used to be a saying that you would rather cry on a BMW than laugh on a bicycle?

Times are different now.

The sports car is the real fungus harvester, BMW can no longer satisfy the vanity of those fungus!

Xiao Jun dialed Lin Xiaotong's phone: "Hey, beauty, what are you doing?"

"What else can you do, eat chicken. What are you busy with every day during the summer vacation? You don't play chicken with me!" Lin Xiaotong's delicate voice came from the phone, mixed with a trace of resentment. Without Xiao Jun, she would never have eaten chicken!

"Hi~ Anyway, I'm busy. I want to buy a car tomorrow. I have the cheek to invite you to accompany me. Are you free?" Xiao Jun asked with a smile.

"You want to buy a car? Are you going to prepare a tool for flirting with college students in advance?" Lin Xiaotong asked with a smirk.

"No, I just want to buy a car for fun!" Of course Xiao Jun wouldn't tell the truth.

"Okay, where can I buy it?"

"Let's go to Jiangcheng City, the capital of Jiangbei Province." Xiao Jun said. It's only a few hours by car. Because this river city is one of the top five first-tier cities in China. He remembered that there seemed to be a Ferrari 4S shop!

"Okay!" Lin Xiaotong readily agreed.

The next day, Xiao Jun and Lin Xiaotong took the train to Jiangcheng City.

Lin Xiaotong looked at Xiao Jun's handsome side face, and asked coquettishly, "We seem to have quite a few 4S auto shops in Wucheng, right? Why don't you buy them in this city?"

"There's no brand out there for me!"

"Yo, you kid, don't you want to buy a luxury car?" Lin Xiaotong knew that some few luxury car brands are not available in Wucheng.

"It's okay."

"When the time comes, will you drive directly to Beijing to go to university?"

"Sure, I'll take you there then!" Xiao Jun laughed.

"Aren't you a little tired from the distance of thousands of kilometers?" Lin Xiaotong blinked her lovely big eyes.



After the two arrived in Jiangcheng City, they took Didi to their destination.

When Xiao Jun brought Lin Xiaotong to the entrance of this Ferrari 4S store, Lin Xiaotong was a little confused!

"Xiao Jun, don't you want to buy a Ferrari? Where did you get so much money?" Lin Xiaotong covered her red lips with astonishment.

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, but there is no reward!" Xiao Jun continued with a smile, "I won millions in lottery tickets, do you believe it?"

"Your sister, you won't really win five million, right?" Lin Xiaotong really believed what the other party said. Think about it, a high school graduate wants to buy a Ferrari, and either wins the lottery or robs a bank.

She knew that Xiao Jun's family had 6 houses, but they were all real estate. Surely there will not be so many deposits!

"you guess!"

"Hate!" Lin Xiaotong rolled his eyes.

"Come on, let's go buy a fungus harvester!" Xiao Jun walked in.

"What fungus harvester?, bastard! Dirty thoughts~" Lin Xiaotong finally came to his senses, with a tender and angry expression on his face. This kid can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth!

"If your thoughts are not dirty, how do you know the meaning of the fungus harvester?" Xiao Jun turned his head and curled his lips.

Lin Xiaotong: "..."

After entering, the entire Ferrari 4S store was deserted.

After all, this is a luxury car, not everyone can afford it.

So there must be fewer customers coming to see the car.

Anyway, he and Lin Xiaotong are the only two coming in now.

Several saleswomen inside saw Xiao Jun and Lin Xiaotong coming in, one of the saleswomen came up and asked with a smile, "Are you here to see the car or to buy it?"

Well, this question is very level.

If you answer to look at the car, then she will just greet you politely and let you go to look at the car casually. She will not continue to receive you.

If you talk about buying a car, she will follow you from beginning to end, introduce you to various models and answer your various questions.

To be honest, Wu Mengxin looked at Xiao Jun and Lin Xiaotong, and she felt that the other party did not look like they were here to buy a car. Let's talk about the rich second generation, they really don't look alike.

Take Xiao Jun as an example. Although he is wearing branded clothes, they are all the most common brands with a few hundred dollars. Not a luxury brand.

As for Lin Xiaotong, her dress is quite tasteful, but it is only a thousand dollars. It has nothing to do with the kind of rich second generation who have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people.

Take the rich second generation as an example, not to mention clothes, a watch should come. The cheapest one costs tens of thousands of dollars, right?

"Buy a car! I want to buy a fungus harvester, oh no, it's a Ferrari 488!" Xiao Jun touched his nose cheekily.

This sentence made Lin Xiaotong laugh out loud.

The saleswoman Wu Mengxin was embarrassed and shocked!

She never expected that the person in front of her was a rich second generation, well, he was quite handsome and young!

"Okay, I'll show you the car now. The car is over there, please follow me, both of you." Wu Mengxin made a gesture of invitation.

"After you buy a car, how long can you pick it up?" Xiao Jun knew that a sports car is different from an ordinary car. For ordinary cars, some large 4S stores have existing cars, that is, you can pick up the car on the same day you buy it on the same day.

Even if there is no existing car, the new car can be picked up after waiting for 2 weeks for a car of an ordinary brand. Of course, not to mention the super popular car. Some need to wait three months.

However, for a sports car, it basically takes a few months or even half a year or a year to wait!

To be honest, Xiao Jun didn't want to wait that long. He also wants to drive a new car to college!

"It depends on what kind of customized version you have, but it usually takes about 6 months." Wu Mengxin explained.

"Oh, it's been too long! I just want to pick up the car in a few days!" Xiao Jun said.

"This... may not be possible." Wu Mengxin looked embarrassed.