Chapter 108 No Money To Fuck

Chapter 108 No Money To Fuck

Ten minutes later, the two agents and Steve returned.

He also brought back the body of the spy Fred.

"Dr. Erskine, unfortunately, the second serum is broken!" the female agent said regretfully to Erskine.

"It's okay, I can continue to build without it." Fred nodded with a smile.

"Yes, Dr. Erskine is right. Although there was a crisis in this experiment, it has passed. Now that the super-soldier serum has been developed. Dr. Erskine, you should start mass-producing super-soldier serum! At that time, we will be able to equip our soldiers in large numbers. Fight against evil forces! The agent told us just now that Steve's combat power is simply terrible. It doesn't look like the strength and speed that humans should have. If our The soldiers have all used the super soldier serum, then our US emperor will become the unique overlord of the world, hahaha..." The general laughed wildly, with a hint of madness in his eyes!

"I, I see." Erskine suddenly realized at this moment that he seemed to have done something.

If the super soldier serum he produced in large quantities was used by those soldiers. The positive effect is that the combat effectiveness of the US imperialist army has greatly increased. The world war will be won quickly.

But what about after the war?

What if these super-soldier serums were used by unscrupulous soldiers?

Isn't the future world going to undergo incredible changes?

Maybe it's because of the super soldier serum that something terrible happens?

After experiencing so many things, Erskine suddenly found that his original intention seemed to have been shaken!

He had access to Steve, but not everyone was as straight as Steve!

"Very good, you have made a great contribution to our American emperor this time. Your glory will be remembered by the American emperor..."

After these high-level people left, Erskine thought to himself: "It seems that mass production is not necessary in the initial stage, and the dose of serum produced in the follow-up will also be weakened. I am afraid that a group of super soldiers who are too strong will come out early, and the whole world will be shocked." Things that shouldn't have happened."

"Also, I'd better use the second serum on myself first. The group leader is right, let me have the power to protect myself first!" Dr. Erskine thought to himself. The reason why he has this idea and the idea of ​​​​changing. The main reason is that he saw the blazing and madness in the eyes of that general and those high-level officials. He understood that justice only exists in the hearts of righteous people.

And many people often only have interests in their eyes!


"Two hours have passed, why hasn't he replied to me?" Xiao Jun saw that Erskine didn't reply to him, which made him very nervous. Is this investment going to waste?

"Group leader, I'm so sorry. I was doing an experiment just now, and my super soldier serum has been developed!" Erskine said.

"What? Has it been developed? How about it, did that Fred catch it?" Xiao Jun was surprised and worried at the same time.

"Fred is dead. Yes, the super soldier serum has been developed. Also, I plan to use the super soldier serum tonight!" Erskine said.

Through Steve's success, he knew that this serum was quite safe to use.

After all it is perfect.

"Okay, listen to me. When you have the power to protect yourself, you will develop more perfect and advanced serums in the future!" Xiao Jun said calmly.

"Thank you to the group leader this time. If it weren't for your prediction, maybe I would die in Fred's hands this time." Erskine was very grateful to Xiao Jun in his heart. You know, no one knows Senator Fred is a spy. This proves that Hydra is too powerful. Even the upper echelons of the US imperialists have been infiltrated.

Only at this moment did he really wake up, no matter where he was, there was always danger. If you don't have the power to protect yourself, your life is in danger at any time!

That's why he insisted on using the super soldier serum on himself as soon as possible.

"That... Dr. Erskine. I also really want to strengthen my physique. Can you tell me how to make the super soldier serum?" Xiao Jun asked with a trace of apprehension.

When Xiao Jun asked Erskine, he hesitated and became confused: "Group leader, aren't you a man of God?"

In his eyes, he can predict, he must be a man of God!

"No, in fact, I can predict this ability, which needs to consume vitality! This is also the reason why I don't use the ability of prophecy casually." Xiao Jun began to flicker and buy miserably!

"Ah? No way! This, this...doesn't it mean that I have harmed you?" Erskine turned pale with shock.

"Nonono, you are a member of my group. As the group leader, I don't want to see any accidents happen to you, so of course I have an obligation to help you tide over the difficulties!" Xiao Jun said righteously.

"Group leader... woo..." Erskine's eyes were slightly red.

Anyway, in his eyes, Xiao Jun is the image of brilliance, kindness, and God!

The opponent consumes vitality to prophesy to him without asking for anything in return. And there are rewards to be collected every month in the group. He definitely met the legendary good group leader!

"Although my super soldier serum can't achieve longevity, it should be able to maintain cell activity and prolong vitality. Maybe this will be useful to the group leader!" Erskine thought to himself.

"Good group leader, in order to thank you for your help, I will tell you how to make the super soldier serum." Erskine readily agreed.

He even specially started to take out various materials and upload them to Xiao Jun.

At the same time, he took out all the core things that existed in his mind. Tell Xiao Jun!

This busy, it took me a long time to pass on the method of making the super soldier serum!

Xiao Jun, who got the super soldier serum, looked at it immediately.

It took a day and a night to finally finish reading it.

After reading it, his originally excited mood was suddenly poured cold water.

"I thought that after I got the method of making serum, I was going to make a super soldier serum for myself. But now it seems too simple." Xiao Jun shook his head helplessly.

He knows the manufacturing method, and believes that it should be possible to manufacture it after some experiments and explorations.

However, the conditions needed to make super soldier serum are too extravagant, and he can't do it at all at present!

First, a fully functional laboratory is required.

That must be kept a secret!

The cost starts at least hundreds of millions.

Second, dozens of scientists are still needed to help.

Third, experimental materials and consumption, which is also a lot of money.

If Xiao Jun didn't have huge financial resources and status, he wouldn't even think about making super soldier serum!

What if you know the method? How can you cook porridge without rice?