Chapter 116 I Can't Teach You

Chapter 116 I Can't Teach You

"It's okay, I can handle it by myself. I promised them that next year I will take them to travel abroad for free!" Xiao Jun smiled confidently.

"You... oh..." Han Jiongda was disappointed to see Xiao Jun blatantly excuse Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong. Although he saw that Xiao Jun was very confident. But he feels that this is not self-confidence, but conceit!

Now you easily won the first place in the school election. But it's different when it comes to the intercontinental qualifiers.

At that time, the questions will be much more difficult than the school selection, and the test questions will be more comprehensive. Even test some knowledge points that you haven't read. In this way, you don't have enough time to complete 8 questions alone.

At this time, you need your teammates to help!

Maybe when you can't think of an idea, your teammates will come up with it?

"Although it is said that the sum of a thousand cobblers may not match one Zhuge Liang. As the saying goes, a wise man will lose if he thinks a lot, and a fool will gain something if he thinks a lot. I think it is better for you to change two players. While we are now The school hasn't reported your names yet. If you wait a few days to report, you will have no choice but to change team members!" Han Jiongda said in a deep voice.

Anyway, his point of view is to replace these two oil bottles!

As for Xiao Jun, there is no need to change players, and he doesn't need anyone's help, he can handle it all by himself.

The atmosphere suddenly reached the lowest point of embarrassment.

"I refuse! They passed the exam with me. Why do you want to replace them?" Xiao Jun also refused to give in.

When Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong saw that Xiao Jun dared to challenge the professor, they were worried for him. What if the professor gave him small shoes in the future?

"Hey, you kid have been trying to challenge me, haven't you?" Han Jiongda was annoyed.

He is an upright person, of course he will not do what Wang Hanfei thinks in their hearts! Disdain to do it. Second, he actually likes Xiao Jun's talent. The so-called love of talent. If it had been any other student, he would have yelled at him long ago.

"Okay, if you can beat me, I'll do whatever you want!" Han Jiongda said with narrowed eyes.

"How to bet?" Xiao Jun asked.

"I will give you a total of 50 questions. You can finish them all within one day, and you can do all the questions correctly. I will do whatever you want! If you can answer all of them correctly, it proves that I can't teach you anymore. You can become a teacher Already!" Han Jiongda said.


"Okay, I will sort out the question types when I go back today, and the exam will start tomorrow!"


The two sides have made a bet.

Anyway, in Han Jiongda's eyes, Xiao Jun should lose to him this time. Although Xiao Jun is very strong, he has to admit it. But the 50 questions he asked this time were based on covering knowledge points. The test is very comprehensive!

In addition, these question types are very difficult, much more difficult than the school selection. It is impossible for the other party to answer all of them correctly.

Besides, there is definitely not enough time to complete 50 questions in one day.

People may not be able to finish 8 questions in five hours.

Although Xiao Jun spent ten minutes on one question during this time, the difficulty has increased and the types of questions on the test have become wider. He doesn't believe that the other party can still answer one question in ten minutes. It's a dream!

After Han Jiongda left, Wang Hanfei and Wang Hanfei looked at Xiao Jun pitifully: "Old Xian, do you think Professor Han will write our names on the small notebook?"

"Thinking too much, Professor Han's personality must be good. He's not as beastly as some professors! Don't worry~" Xiao Jun curled his lips.

The next day, Han Jiongda really came up with fifty questions.

"It starts at nine o'clock in the morning and ends at nine o'clock tonight. Take advantage of the 12 hours! You can ask Wang Hanfei to call you for dinner or something," Han Jiongda said.

"It's okay, I can take care of it at noon!" Xiao Jun said confidently.

First of all, he is proficient in software programming and has an IQ of 150. I also learned a lot of computer knowledge from Halliday. Also proficient in mathematics. It is worthy of the title of Mathematics Master.

Because ACM has a lot of mathematics knowledge in the test.

And many computer programs are inseparable from mathematics.

Such as computational geometry, computer graphics, number theory, discrete mathematics, combinatorics and more!

So Xiao Jun can really solve this kind of ACM competition problem in minutes!

"Noon?" Han Jiongda was speechless, this kid just likes to brag. Are geniuses so conceited? Back then, his high school grades were not very outstanding. It can be said that the talent is above average.

But he studies hard every day, N times harder than others. So he was admitted to a first-class university.

He has been working hard all his life, so he killed many of his classmates at the same time. He's up!

Those high school classmates who were with him back then, some of whom were not lacking in talent, are not doing well now. It is because of pride, not persisting, not working hard.

"Well, I need to hit this kid more often in the future, so as not to hurt Zhongyong in the future!"

After brushing and brushing, Xiao Jun started to do the questions crazily.

Time passed little by little.

The first question, three minutes.

The second question, five minutes.

The tenth question is more difficult, ten minutes.


At 12:30 noon, Xiao Jun had already finished all fifty questions.

"Student master, so terrifying!" Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong, who were watching, were beyond shocked!

Not only that, Han Jiongda was also stunned: "It was really finished at noon! My God, it only took three and a half hours..."

If it were him, he might not be able to solve fifty questions in a day. It is estimated to take two days. Although he is a professor, he is not omnipotent.

"It's done, Professor Han, please correct it. Shall we go get you a meal first?" Xiao Jun asked.

"Okay, okay."

Everyone came back from cooking, and after eating, Han Jiongda immediately began to correct.

After more than an hour.

"That's right! My God!" Han Jiongda was shocked again!

He couldn't believe it when he looked at Xiao Jun, his eyes were full of gold, almost blinding everyone's eyes.

Xiao Jun seemed like a piece of gold! in his eyes.

"Hey~ I have to say, I can't teach you anymore. At your level, I think you can enter the global finals!" Han Jiongda said solemnly. He completed 50 questions in three and a half hours, which was the first time he had heard of such a speed.

He watched Xiao Jun do the questions, the fastest three minutes!

People may have no idea for more than an hour, but he has three minutes!

"Then the bet?"

"You won, you can control it as you like! I have to say, Wang Hanfei, Mo Kong, you two may really be able to travel for free next year." Han Jiongda said with a little humor.

"Ahem..." The two were embarrassed for a while.