Chapter 119 Challenge a 2-minute question

Chapter 119 Challenge a 2-minute question

Exams start at 9:00 am.

Exam for five hours, that is, end at 2 pm!

At 8:30 in the morning, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the examination room.

A total of 100 teams with 300 people.

In addition to these, there are team leaders, on-site staff and so on.

At this point, candidates have already entered the examination room one after another, looking for their own positions.

"Xiao Jun, don't you bring anything?" Professor Han Jiongda couldn't help asking when he saw that Xiao Jun was empty-handed.

"No!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

"Oh, why don't you bring some source codes, reference books, dictionaries, etc.? These things can be brought into the examination room! You will be at a disadvantage if you don't bring them." Han Jiongda secretly thought it was a pity. Because the participating team members are not allowed to carry any electronic devices. However, it is allowed to carry printed paper materials, including source codes, reference books, dictionaries, etc. But he knew that maybe it was the other party's absolute confidence. It's already at this point, it's too late to bring it!

"Huh? Both of your backpacks are bulging. What are you carrying?" Han Jiongda looked at Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong at this time, and found that their backpacks were bulging, and they must have contained a lot of things.

"No, nothing, miscellaneous things." Wang Hanfei said in a secretive way. They were very afraid of Han Jiongda.

Soon, we arrived at the inspection entrance.

Examiners need to go through strict inspections before entering the venue. The purpose is to prevent them from bringing in any cheating things.


A middle-aged uncle said seriously: "Participants are not allowed to carry any electronic devices. Printed paper materials are allowed, including source codes, reference books, dictionaries, etc. Open your backpacks!"

Xiao Jun didn't bring anything with him, so he was passed by the electronic tester without finding any electronic equipment.

At this time, both Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong opened their backpacks, and there were all snacks inside. No, there seemed to be some books.

"Teacher, can we bring snacks in?" Wang Hanfei asked pitifully. The exam is five hours, and you can't bring your mobile phone in. I can't help Xiao Jun, how can I spend these boring five hours, only eating snacks?

"No, there's free bread and water here. If you're hungry during the exam, you can bring some in!" The middle-aged uncle saw that Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong had brought a bunch of snacks, and his face darkened instantly. He had never seen such a student who came to take the exam! It's outrageous.

"Ah? Can't you take it?" Mo Kong's face collapsed in an instant.

"Teacher, can I bring these books in?" Wang Hanfei took out two books from the bottom of his backpack.

"Internet novel?!" The middle-aged uncle teacher saw this, and his face became even darker. He was very suspicious, did these guys come to participate in the ACM competition? Reference books and dictionaries are not included. He even brought online novels in to read? Do you use the exam time to read online novels?

However, there is no rule that does not allow books to be brought in.

He looked through it, but found no camouflage, and waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go!"

"Thank you, teacher!"

Han Jiongda, who was following behind, almost exploded with anger when he saw this.

Fortunately, he knew that Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong were accompanying schoolboys, otherwise he would have lost his temper.

You just need to bring a bunch of snacks when you come to the exam, and there are also online novels!

Anyway, the candidates who lined up behind were all dumbfounded when they saw this situation.

"Damn it, those three dudes in front are amazing! Are they here for an exam or for a trip? Snacks + physical books of online novels = 666!"

"How did they pass the school election? How did they pass the domestic preselection?"

"Could it be something shady?"

"Why are they so beautiful?"


"Auntie, are you free to take the bread and water here?" Wang Hanfei walked to the place where the bread and water were collected for free.


"Give me six servings! Alas... the snacks have been confiscated, so I can only eat a few more pieces of bread to pass the time."

"I also serve six people!" Mo Kong said.


Most of the candidates from other families receive water, and few people receive bread. After all, the exam time is tight, and there is no time to eat at all. It would be nice to have a drink of water.

These three guys are good, it seems like they are going to have a big meal in the examination room!

After receiving the things, Wang Hanfei said with emotion: "I didn't expect that this ACM Intercontinental Qualifier would be very thoughtful. Prepare bread and water. I'm afraid that the candidates will be hungry after five hours of struggle!"

"Nonsense, a five-hour exam. Many people are hungry at noon. If you don't bring snacks, you will be scolded to death if you don't prepare bread!" Mo Kong curled his lips.

"You two, you can't affect Xiao Jun during the exam, you know?!" Professor Han Jiongda finally couldn't help it.

"Understood the professor, we will read the book quietly by the side." Wang Hanfei vowed.

Han Jiongda: ...

Enter the examination room and find your place.

Han Jiongda could only go to the auditorium and wait.

There were still many people who came to watch this intercontinental qualifier.

However, the situation of Xiao Jun's team was still watched by many candidates around. Because, they are too personal!

"Hey, that team over there really has a personality. They didn't bring in any books, but they brought a bunch of bread and water?"

"I'm not mistaken, are those online novels?"

"It seems that they are very relaxed, and their mentality is so good!"

"That school?"

"From Capital University~ it seems..."

"Hiss... awesome!"

There are still ten minutes before the exam starts.

Everyone is seated.

The radio began to announce the discipline of the examination room and other things.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

"Exam, start now!"

Sitting in front of the computer, Xiao Jun saw that there were already questions on the screen, but there were still eight questions.

But Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong were sitting on the side without heart, eating bread and reading online novels at the same time. Because even if they help to read the topic, they still can't understand it!

Title: Statement of the Problem

We say that a number is a palindrom if it is the sane when read from left to right or from right to left. For example, the number 75457 is a palindrom.

The main idea of ​​the title: Given a decimal number n, judge whether n will ask in base x, x ∈ [2, 16], and output x.


After reading the questions, Xiao Jun's well-developed brain immediately understood the questions, and at the same time, he began to come up with solutions to the questions.

After all, he is proficient in software programming, proficient in mathematics, a master hacker, and has also learned a lot of computer knowledge with Halliday.

Plus his IQ of 150!

"Today I will challenge the speed of one question in 2 minutes!" Xiao Jun thought to himself.