Chapter 147 No Money to Build Chicken Leg Technology

Chapter 147 No Money to Build Chicken Leg Technology

"Hey, no, it seems that the first thing I want to do now is to get myself a personal and exclusive laboratory!" Xiao Jun suddenly thought of the most critical question.

Researching and manufacturing Super Soldier Serum requires labs, equipment, materials, and more.

Researching and crafting Iron Suits requires labs, utensils, materials, and more.

In the future, research on the hardware of virtual games will also require a laboratory...

"It seems that I have to rent a laboratory now!" Xiao Jun's current financial resources simply cannot buy a large laboratory. At least he is not good in the capital. If you can't buy it yet, rent one first!

You must know that many laboratories of small and medium-sized companies are rented laboratories.

After all, if you want to build a large laboratory, you can't do it without hundreds of millions. Remember, it's still the lowest level of laboratory.

After all, building your own laboratory includes the cost of land, buildings, equipment inside, and so on.

That's a lot.

In the evening, Xiao Jun began to pay attention to the information about the rented laboratory on the Internet.

There is also a lot of information about laboratory rental on the Internet, including laboratories from all walks of life, such as materials, minerals, energy, medicine, information...

Three days later, Xiao Jun found a more suitable laboratory. This laboratory is about 300 square meters, which is completely enough for the initial needs.

If you want a large laboratory in the future, you must build your own secret laboratory.

The initial labs are just a transitional period.

The location of the laboratory Xiao Jun fancy is in the outskirts of Beijing, and the annual rent is about 3 million. It is mainly a laboratory of 300 square meters, whether it is big or small. Although 3 million sounds expensive, it is the price in Beijing. If it is not in the suburbs, it will be more expensive!

The laboratory is on the 22nd floor of a building.

The entire building is a laboratory, all of which are for rent. Each laboratory inside represents a company.

After all, many companies must have their own laboratories!

Xiao Jun went to see the laboratory the next day, saying it was a laboratory, but in fact it was empty. What kind of laboratory do you want, and you need to redecorate it.

Just take the biological laboratory as an example, which needs: office, general laboratory, sterilization room, preparation room, changing room, buffer room, sterile room, culture room, etc...

Of course, this kind of laboratory is a large-scale laboratory, and it can also be regarded as a factory-type laboratory.

Xiao Jun plans to change this 300-square-meter laboratory into two different combined classification laboratories. Among them, 100 square meters are used for the research of steel suits, and the remaining 200 square meters are used for chemical and biological types.

After all, the experiment of super soldier serum must use chemical and biological equipment and other systems.

Find a seller and negotiate a contract.

Xiao Jun called the other party the first year's rent of 3 million at one time.

The next step is how to design and decorate this 300 square meter laboratory.

After finding a professional design company, Xiao Jun combined his own requirements, and a week later the design drawings came out. Then it's work!

This time the renovation will cost about 2 million!

After all, there needs to be some equipment embedded in the wall, floor and other equipment, as well as various professional decorations for the laboratory. Besides, it is 300 square meters, and it needs about 2 million.

After finishing everything, Xiao Jun sighed: "This is just 5 million yuan for decoration and rent, and then we will have to buy some equipment, experimental tools, materials, etc. I guess it will cost a lot of money!"

"Sure enough, the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. But relying on mutation will never be considered in this life. We still have to rely on technology!" Xiao Jun sighed in his heart. No money to play chicken leg technology!

In the Marvel world, Spider-Man, mutants, etc. are the representatives of the poor relying on mutation.

Those who rely on technology, such as Tony, Hulk, and Captain America.

Although Captain America did not pay for the super soldier serum, the super soldier serum was indeed developed by technology! It was also made with money.

"The renovation will take a few months, and a lot of materials will need to be purchased at that time. It will take at least half a year before this laboratory can be used." Xiao Jun rubbed his chin, but he is not in a hurry to use it right now. .

The sudden spending of 5 million made Xiao Jun feel that scientific and technological research is indeed a waste of money. It seems that you still need to work hard to make money.

Besides, there will be not only these two long-term experiments in the future, but also other types of experiments. Without enough financial resources and status, he can't do many things.

A month passed quietly.

It's also near the end.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and I have to say that a year flies by so quickly.

"Hey, today is the day when the monthly rewards are issued."

"Look at what we got this time!" Xiao Jun immediately clicked on the chat group and began to receive his own rewards.

"Ding dong... Congratulations to the group leader for prescribing 5 nzt48 tablets!"

" turned out to be this magical medicine!" Xiao Jun rang out when he heard the name. nzt48 is a drug that appeared in the movie "Never Ending". It can activate the potential in the brain and stimulate the nerve endings in the brain within 30 seconds. This drug can be called the "Viagra" of the brain.

nzt48: Can instantly develop and use 100 brains. After swallowing the pill, I found that I not only had a photographic memory, but also had strong language skills, full of energy, clear thinking, and quick actions. I could even recombine and sort out some details and information that were not easy to notice at ordinary times, and draw inferences in an instant. Personal charm The index soared sharply.

This drug will open up every nerve joint in you, so that you have a vivid memory and super intelligence. And can learn a complex language within a day, can easily understand complex formulas and equations, and can also gain the favor of anyone in a short period of time (the effect of the medicine is one day).

After reading the introduction, Xiao Jun frowned: "Is this the perfect version of nzt48 pills?"

He knew that in "Never Ending", this kind of pill has huge sequelae. Its drug effect time is one day, and it will return to its original shape once the drug effect is over. After taking nzt48 frequently and stopping the drug, you will have a splitting headache, vomiting and dizziness. At the same time, you will find that there are many blank places in your memory.

But the production of the above chat group does not have this side effect, which means it is the perfect version?

"5 nzt48 pills, so I can have 5 days to develop and use my brain 100 times. If I use it wisely, I may get good results." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

Even the skill card that increased intelligence by 200 was drawn last time, maybe the whole brain was not fully developed.

But this one, is definitely 100 uses of the brain!