Chapter 157: One Meal Operation As Fierce as a Tiger

Chapter 157: One Meal Operation As Fierce as a Tiger

"Hiss..." Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong looked at each other, it sounded awesome.

Although they were still playing soy sauce this time, they still took a breath when they saw how powerful the enemy was. They still hope that Xiao Jun can win the championship.

But looking at these two champion contractors now, I feel that the chances are a bit slim.

Xiao Jun's heart is not disturbed now, when the time comes, he will let the whole world see what it means to be as fierce as a tiger in one meal operation!

The opening ceremony of the day passed in such a boring way.

The opening ceremony is nothing more than listening to the speeches of the leaders of the organizers, various ceremonies, some performances, media interviews and so on.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the official finals the next day.

More than one hundred participating teams were concentrated in a huge gymnasium examination room.

All participating teams entered the arena one after another, and Wang Hanfei and Mo Kong were still playing soy sauce this time.

Bring in a pile of bread and water at the entrance.

"Well, the only bad thing is that you are not allowed to bring in snacks." Wang Hanfei said regretfully.

"It would be even better if you could sleep in the examination room." Mo Kong said in pain.

The coaching staff following behind were all twitched when they heard this, you guys are so handsome!

After each team found their location in the examination room, after waiting for about ten minutes, the International College Student Programming Global Finals finally started!

All teams have entered the tense reading mode.

In the judges' seat, these idle judges began to whisper to each other.

After all, no one would submit the answers so quickly at the beginning of the exam.

"Do you think this year's champion will be St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, or Moscow State University?"

"Last year's winner was Moscow State University, so I think this year's winner should be St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics!"

"It makes sense. After all, these two universities have taken turns being the champions for a year!"

"Hey, the championship has nothing to do with other teams."

"It is estimated that there will be no dark horses this year."

"Instead of guessing the champion, it's better to guess which team can answer the first question first in how long!"

"I think at least half an hour. This year's questions are a bit more difficult than last year's. Even a strong team like Moscow State University will take nearly half an hour to solve the first question, right?"

A group of judges are discussing the essay.

Below, a group of examinees are answering various nervous questions.

But 99.9% of people are thinking hard.

After all, it needs your thoughts inside!

It's not something you can do just by looking at the topic.

Topic: OneveryJune1st, theChildren'sDay, thereillbeagamenamed "cra ngballoon"onTV...

The main idea of ​​the title: Given two integers n and m (assuming m>n), please judge whether there is a scheme such that nf1f2..., mF1F2..., where for any i and j, fi≠ fj, fi ≠ Fj, fi ∈ [2, 100] and fj ∈ [2, 100].

After reading the topic, Xiao Jun began to think quickly.

His IQ is 160, but his brain quickly recalls the computer knowledge in his mind.

"Judging whether two completely different schemes can be obtained by factoring the given two integers n and m (the factor range is 1100)?"

"If you want to output smaller numbers, if and only if m, n are in all factorizations, n can be factorized but m cannot..."

"Find all the factorizations of m and n, and then judge according to the given constraints!"

In just three seconds, Xiao Jun found his own way of solving the problem.

Putting his hands on the keyboard, he tapped frantically at the speed of his 19-year single.

Five minutes passed quietly.

Xiao Jun submitted the answer to his first question.

In front of the judges' desk, a machine reminded candidates that they had submitted their answers to the first question.

"Huh? Did you submit the answer so soon?"

"It's only been five minutes!"

"Someone submitted the answer in five minutes? I heard it right!"

A group of judges were shocked.

This is definitely an unprecedented show operation!

"Hey, it's not the team from the National University of Moscow, but the team from the Capital University of China!"

"The five-minute answer must be wrong. I think they are too anxious. The more they want to hurry, the more they will face the danger of a time penalty!" A judge shook his head, obviously not optimistic about this answer.

In any case, the judges started to make corrections.

It didn't take long for them to discover to their astonishment that they did the right thing and couldn't find any faults!

Accepted. Passed! (AC)!

At the same time, the staff hung up a "FIRSTPROBLEMSOLVED" balloon for Xiao Jun's group!

On the electronic screen, the ranking is also displayed - Capital University, first place!

"Fack? The first problem was solved in only five minutes?"

"I don't have blind eyes, do I?"

"Are you sure it's not fake?"

"Hiss... how could it be so fast, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I obviously don't have any ideas in my head yet..."

"Everyone is an elite, why is the gap so huge?"

"It turned out to be the little-known Capital University! Not St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics..."

Anyway, all the candidates at the scene were beyond shocked!

Not only that, but it also made the world's top teams look at Xiao Jun's team with admiration.

"Come on everyone, don't be influenced by others. Although it is very good to be able to solve the first problem in five minutes, it does not mean that every problem can be done like this!" Team leader of St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics He comforted the other two team members.

At this time, it is not only a test of knowledge, but also a test of psychology, which is also very important.

However, at ten minutes, Xiao Jun submitted the answer to the second question again.

Not long after, the judges were shocked again.

When the ranking was updated on the huge electronic screen above his head, Xiao Jun was still the first team, but he answered both questions correctly. Everyone in the examination room could not remain calm. There was faint sweat on his forehead.

At fifteen minutes, Xiao Jun also got the third question right.

His team hung up the third "FIRSTPROBLEMSOLVED" balloon!

"Captain, I don't think I can calm down now. I have been seriously influenced by the Beijing University team. They are too powerful! We have no idea for the first question." A student from St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics The member said bitterly to the captain.

"..." The captain didn't know how to comfort him, because he was also very anxious at the moment. The enemy is too fierce, one operation is as fierce as a tiger!