Chapter 179: Become Famous Again

Chapter 179: Become Famous Again

"Tell me, why did you steal the mainframe from my Galaxy Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd." Xiao Jun asked with a sullen face.

"I, I didn't steal it!" After Boris's face froze for a second, he quickly shook his head like a rattle. Only at this moment did he realize that the person in front of him turned out to be a member of Yinhe Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd. But how did the other party know that he lived here?

Could it be that damned Song Junyi betrayed himself?

What a mess in his heart at the moment. He felt that if he hadn't gotten into a fight with this host overnight, he would have run away long ago. I won't be knocked at the door by others now.

Mistake! Mistake!

In fact, he didn't know that Song Junyi didn't even know that Xiao Jun was looking for Boris. It is estimated that the current Song Junyi is still flattered thinking that maybe he has not been discovered.

This is the psychology of gamblers.

Sometimes people tend to be dazzled by money and do some stupid things.

Anyway, now Boris insists that he did not steal. After all, the software on that host has disappeared. He just came and pushed it clean.

I just insisted that I didn't steal it!

He decided in his heart that after he got out, he must report the bastard in front of him to the bottom of the prison! Compensation for medical expenses, mental damage expenses...

"Didn't steal it? That host belongs to my company, why did it show up here?" Xiao Jun smiled coldly.

"That host has your company's name written on it? Is this my host?" Boris grinned. Although he is miserable now, he would rather die than surrender.

If you admit it, then GG.

"You don't admit it? Very good!" Xiao Jun continued to kick the opponent in the face.

This time, the force was greater, and Boris' nose bridge was broken.

"Aw!" The sound of killing pigs sounded again!

"Should I recruit?" Xiao Jun smiled coldly, and raised his foot again, ready to step on it.


"Pa" is another kick.

But this Boris is worthy of being a professional commercial spy, and he still has a bit of patience.

"Looks like I'll give you a little stimulation!" Xiao Jun smiled coldly. There is absolutely no need to feel sorry for this so-called arrogant American imperialist.

Xiao Jun stepped on the opponent's hand with one foot, and then slowly rubbed hard.

Kacha Kacha...

"Aww! Falk, it hurts me so much!" Boris was in cold sweat on his forehead and his back. He was twitching from the pain, and burst into tears.

"Speak or not?"


"Very good, next is your other hand." Xiao Jun smiled cruelly.

If he hadn't possessed hacking skills and quickly found the root cause, maybe his software would have been leaked. So there is no need to appease this kind of scum.

"Crack, click..."

There was another long howl, which was much more tragic than killing a pig.

"Below is your third leg!" Xiao Jun smiled coldly, giving people a feeling of scalp numbness.

"I said, I said..." Finally, Boris couldn't stand it anymore.

"Okay, let's start." Xiao Jun took out his phone, turned on the camera and started recording video.

"I really want to steal your company's Galaxy special effects software... After some investigations in advance, I planned to start with your company's internal employees. So I chose Song Junyi. Ask him to help me steal your host computer, because it contains this software..." Boris said it all out of his nose and tears.

"Who on earth appointed you?" Xiao Jun asked coldly.

"There is no one else, but I have taken a fancy to this software!" Boris insisted, he knew that if he exposed the buyer, he wouldn't have to be in this circle anymore. So he bears the consequences himself.

Afterwards, Xiao Jun questioned him again, but the other party still insisted on himself, and there was nothing he could do.

That's the only way.

"Hmph, Song Junyi! It seems that you will have to go to prison." Xiao Jun shook his head. But it just so happens that this matter can deter the employees of the company and let them know that there is no good end to leaking the company's software.

Then Xiao Jun sent Boris to the pai office. And gave this video to the other party.

I believe Boris will be cool this time!

As for Xiao Jun's beating him, I believe he can't afford to cause any trouble.

Can only be beaten in vain.

Even if he dares to sue, Xiao Jun can settle with money in minutes, so he has nothing to fear.

Besides, this is Huaxia! He couldn't help being rampant. Those people who have carefully observed that the other party is a commercial spy, probably want to call it good.

After finishing Boris, Xiao Jun returned to the company!

At this time, Song Junyi was working in the company. Although he lost a mainframe, Yang Jianzhuang quickly replaced him with a new mainframe.

"Papa papa!" Xiao Jun clapped his hands and said loudly when he came to the company, "Everyone come here, I have something to announce!"

In an instant, hundreds of employees gathered.

"I've already found out about the theft of the mainframe this morning. It wasn't a thief, but something sloppy inside our company!" Xiao Jun looked at Song Junyi who was on the side.

"What? An inner ghost appeared?"

"Someone from the company did it?"

"Why did he steal the host?"

"Could it be that you want to..."

Each employee was shocked after hearing this, you look at me, I look at you.

On the other hand, Song Junyi's face was pale at this time, and his heart was very confused. He wondered why Mao himself was discovered?

"Boss, who is it?" Yang Jianzhuang asked angrily.

What he hates the most is the kind of food that is eaten inside and out. As the supervisor, it is also his dereliction of duty.

"He is Song Junyi!" Xiao Jun said coldly, and at the same time took out his mobile phone and played the video recorded earlier.


Everyone is a fryer.

All of them looked at Song Junyi in unison.

"Damn it, that gringo gave him 5 million? Did he defect?"

"It deserves it!"

"It turned out to be like this!"

"Song Junyi, what else do you have to say?" Xiao Jun said lightly.

The other party didn't make a sound, but his legs were trembling and his face was ashen.

"Hmph, go and surrender yourself!" Xiao Jun snorted coldly.

"Also, I hope that this kind of situation will not happen again in the company in the future, otherwise, I will still be unable to eat and walk around!" After Xiao Jun finished speaking, he entered his office.

A group of gossiping employees were left to point and point at Song Junyi.

At the same time, some of these employees used to have small thoughts, but now they are all shocked.

In the end Song Junyi was of course fired and arrested by Jingcha. I don't know how many years the sentence will be.

A few days later, Xiao Jun received the news that the movie he used to do special effects for "Battle Horse Cangxiong: Battle of the Imperial City" was released!