Chapter 193 New Rewards

Chapter 193 New Rewards

In addition to Huawei, several other mobile phone companies came to get this super battery within a month.

In the end, they won a total of 10 million orders!

All are based on the patent license fee of 40 yuan per battery.

10 million is 400 million RMB.

Adding the previous 1.5 billion, 120 million, and the current 400 million, the total is a large order of 2.02 billion RMB. After paying taxes, the rest is basically pure profit. This made Xiao Jun a billionaire all of a sudden.

"With these billions, I will have the capital to do what I really want to do." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

The things he wants to do the most at present are as follows, first, to manufacture steel battle suits, second, to manufacture super soldier serum, and third, to build a commercial building for himself, and the underground can be transformed into an underground laboratory. Fourth, develop virtual game hardware.

These things are projects that cost a lot of money.

"It's still difficult to manufacture steel suits without a large-scale laboratory. Let's wait for a while. Super soldier serum will also need a large and sound laboratory. Both commercial buildings and underground research institutes must be built!"

"As for the final development of virtual game hardware, I haven't even developed the virtual game engine yet, so I still have to wait."

"So, my first goal is to build a commercial building and a research institute!" Xiao Jun thought to himself.

First of all, after building a commercial building for yourself, all your companies can move here to form a group.

Second, when building this commercial building, he can design certain things for himself. For example, the underground research institute, his research institute will definitely be enough by then. Just like the Osborne Industrial Building in Spider-Man, there are hidden research institutes in people's homes.

"To build a 50-storey commercial building can easily cost over a billion dollars. At present, I have enough funds, but 50 floors is still a bit low." Xiao Jun thinks that building a super building belonging to his own company and his own private research institute should have at least 100 floors, right?

"Looks like we still need to earn more money!" Xiao Jun finally decided to develop more obscenely first.

Besides, the expansion of his current companies needs funds, and the new companies he will open in the future will also need funds. It would be a little too hasty to build a commercial building with the money that has just been acquired.

In case other places need money at that time, he won't be able to get it out!

"Galaxy Steward, how are you learning the new code and virtual game engine design and development materials I gave you?" Xiao Jun asked Galaxy Steward.

"Reporting to the master, the new code has been learned, and the virtual game engine development materials you gave me have also been studied. At the same time, I have also studied the data of your semi-finished Galaxy virtual game engine and other things." The steward of the galaxy replied.

"Very good, then the artificial intelligence in this virtual game engine will be developed by you. Remember, follow the ideas and directions I gave you to develop."

"Good master."

"Also, in addition to developing this, the virtual collision detection system in the virtual game engine is short of 1,210 small programs. I have given you the development materials of these small programs. You can follow this direction and requirements, as well as its development materials. Help me develop them." Xiao Jun ordered.

"Good master!"

That's right, Xiao Jun intends to develop these small programs for the other party, and then he will conduct the final assembly test.

He wasn't worried at all that the steward of the galaxy couldn't handle it.

After all, he taught the steward of the galaxy a lot during these days.

For example, writing new codes in the virtual game engine, writing materials, requirements, and development directions of various programs in it.

That is to say, based on these things, Galaxy Butler can replace Xiao Jun to continue developing the game engine, so that Xiao Jun can free up a lot of time.

If Xiao Jun didn't give Galaxy Butler anything and asked it to develop a virtual game engine, it would definitely not be able to develop it. After all, it is not Skynet, and it has not reached the level of creativity that Skynet can create.

But it's different now. First of all, Xiao Jun gave Galaxy Butler a lot of information about developing a virtual game engine to learn from, and at the same time gave it information and directions on what program to develop next. In addition, more than half of the virtual game engine has been completed, so it will continue to help Xiao Jun develop it, so there is no problem.

Even if you encounter any problems and don't understand or can't develop them, you can ask Xiao Jun online, Xiao Jun can give it guidance and correct mistakes anytime, anywhere!

"Hey, with the bank butler's help, my virtual game engine should be completed faster than originally planned." After all, he has limited time every day, and sometimes he doesn't even have time to develop this game engine.

But Galaxy Steward is different, it does not need to rest, and can continue to develop 24 hours a day!

Xiao Jun believes that the Galaxy virtual game engine can be developed in the second half of the year!

On this day, Xiao Jun was dozing off in class at Capital University. The teacher lectures on it.

Suddenly, Aite inside appeared in his mind.

Sheldon: Xiao Jun, boss, give out rewards in the group. You have received them all, why don't you receive them?

"Oh?! Almost forgot!" Xiao Jun suddenly woke up from his doze. Last night he played chicken with Lin Xiaotong until after four o'clock in the morning. So I was a little drowsy in class early this morning.

Last night, when Lin Xiaotong was filming night scenes, he basically filmed for half an hour and waited for 2 hours. So when I sat down and was bored, I asked Xiao Jun to play with me.

Well, he couldn't refuse his little girlfriend's request, so he didn't go to bed until about five o'clock last night, and got up early in the morning to go to school.

"Have you all smoked?" Xiao Junjin asked.

"Hey, I got it, this time I got something good, a super metal material formula, this metal will be able to enhance the defense ability of my steel suit!" Tony showed off happily.

"Virtue!" Shelton pouted.

"Get the reward!" Xiao Jun didn't bother to argue with them, so he got the reward first.

"Congratulations to the group leader, you have drawn a superb cooking skills card!"

"Pfft why do I need cooking skills!" Xiao Jun doubted.

Exquisite Cooking Skill Card: A superb cooking skill from a certain culinary master in a certain time and space. Once used, you will have incomparably exquisite cooking skills. Cook a good dish and keep a good woman!

Xiao Jun: ...