Chapter 224 Life Ray

Chapter 224 Life Ray

In a blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

"Huh, I finally developed the super soldier serum!" Xiao Jun looked at the light blue liquid in the test tube in his hand, and a long-lost smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After dozens of failures, Xiao Jun finally developed a super soldier serum that had no problems and passed all indicators.

You must know that he developed this serum under the formula of Dr. Erskine, and it has failed dozens of times, which is enough to prove how difficult the super soldier serum is.

In fact, it is no wonder that in Erskine's world, both Hydra and the military wanted to re-research the super soldier serum, but they all ended in failure. Or the result of the research is a defective product.

They all know that there is potassium in the super soldier, and the super nutrient solution has also been developed. But they haven't researched the most critical element of life. So it's still a lot worse!

Dr. Erskine told Xiao Jun that after a chemical reaction between potassium and life elements in the human body, a life ray will be formed. It has a certain radiation. But this is healthy radiation. Its function is to radiate the medicinal power of the entire super soldier serum to the entire body, and then stimulate and change every cell in the human body!

"Use a wave first?" Xiao Jun looked at the super soldier serum in his hand, wondering whether to use it or not? If you use it, you will be the first guinea pig. Although there is no problem in the process of development. But the devil knows if there will be problems when it is used.

However, no matter what, this thing cannot be used by others!

Once it is used by others, it is leaked.

Good things must be in your own hands, of course!

"Talk to Dr. Erskine first, then use!"

Soon Xiao Jun found Dr. Erskine for a private chat, and he told him the detailed process of developing the super soldier serum.

Then he reported all the test data of the serum.

"Based on your description, there should be nothing wrong with this super soldier serum, and all the data are normal. The details are similar to the situation when I developed it. There should be no problem!" Erskine said after thinking for a while.

With Dr. Erskine's assurance, Xiao Jun felt that there should be no problem.

Grab this super soldier serum, head back to your own home, and start using it!

Close the doors and windows, draw the curtains, and hide in your room again.

Get water and food ready!

Since this is the perfect version, an improved version of Dr. Erskine, there is no need to use powerful ultraviolet light and other equipment to stimulate the absorption of the serum. This way you can use it directly. Because there is x potion in it, x potion can promote rapid absorption.

Xiao Jun sat on the chair, picked up the super soldier serum in his hand, and injected it into his arm with one shot!

Soon, a burst of cool serum entered the arm.

But this coolness quickly turned to scorching heat!

In the next second, Xiao Jun felt his chest become extremely hot, as if he had a little sun in his body!

And this scorching heat passed to the limbs and bones.

Not long after, Xiao Jun felt that his whole body was extremely hot, as if he was in a furnace.

Sweat soaked his clothes all of a sudden.

"This is the function of the life ray, right? Every cell in my whole body is radiated by it, stimulated, changed, reorganized, evolved..." Xiao Jun gritted his teeth and murmured to himself.

Five seconds later, he found that his body began to hurt extremely, as if every cell in his body was bitten by an ant, it was painful and itchy, very uncomfortable.

And the body still has a sense of tearing!

If Xiao Jun could look inside like in Xiuxian's novel, he would see an emerald green light radiating from his chest, covering his whole body.

Every cell in the body is rapidly being destroyed and then rebuilt...

Not only that, the damage in the body was immediately repaired by the super nutrient solution...

Next, Xiao Jun's brain suddenly lost consciousness for about three seconds? five seconds?

Anyway, when he regained consciousness, he found that his brain was thinking faster and faster, and his thinking became clearer...

"My brain has also been transformed?" Xiao Jun was overjoyed!

After five minutes, Xiao Jun found that the burning sensation disappeared, and his whole body felt relaxed. He also felt that his strength seemed to have been strengthened. The whole body has changed.

First of all, his original height of more than 1.7 meters has now become 1.8 meters!

Second, he found that his eyesight and hearing had improved significantly!

Third, the muscle groups in his body are tighter and more explosive.

"At the beginning, I drew a 2x physical skill card from the group rewards, but it only increased my strength and speed. But it didn't increase my senses. Now that my eyesight and hearing have increased, I guess my crisis sense must have made a breakthrough!" Xiao Jun secretly guessed in his heart. This is all guesswork with reference to Captain America.

"Go out and have a try!" Xiao Jun planned to go out for a walk to see his strength and speed!

Card wipe.

When opening the door, Xiao Jun accidentally unscrewed the handle of the door.

"Damn it, I haven't gotten used to my strength yet, so I can't control it all at once." Xiao Jun turned his head around, feeling a pain in the ass.

He knew that his current strength had improved significantly, and it would probably take some time to adapt and control it.

Soon, Xiao Jun went out, found a secluded place and started running with all his strength.

that speed...


A kick broke a wall casually.

The iron chain, pulled hard, was directly torn!

A car, easily lifted!

After Xiao Jun conducted a simple test, he found that the current self is much stronger than the previous self!

In the following week, Xiao Jun began to conduct tests on various instruments.

Then he came to the conclusion that his upper body strength can bench press 744 kg, press 563 kg, and his lower body strength can instantly jump over 5 meters in height and 8 meters in length without a run-up. Speed ​​attribute, the average speed is 17 meters per second! When sprinting at full strength, the speed can be increased to 26 meters per second!

You must know that the fastest person in the 100-meter sprint world champion is 10.2 meters per second! Xiao Jun has now reached 17 meters per second! This is still the average speed, if he sprints with all his strength, he can reach 26 meters per second! Damn it!

You must know that the average speed of Captain America is 13.3 meters per second, and the full sprint is 20 meters per second!

Xiao Jun is now completely torturing Captain America!

Xiao Jun thinks that it should be because he has used twice the physical skill card before, and now he uses the super soldier serum, which should be superimposed on the physical!