Chapter 248 A Paper That Shocked the World

Chapter 248 A Paper That Shocked the World

"However, they questioned me one by one, and felt that my words were empty. I was suspected of bragging. Let me put out a paper to stir up the situation." Xiao Jun thought to himself at this moment.

First of all, since neutrino communication is really going to be done now, he has to come up with some real scientific knowledge in advance. Prove that your company is researching neutrino communication step by step. We can't come up with mature technology all at once. I don't know what people will think? Maybe take your whole company to slice it.

Commercialization of theoretical experiments.

Then he started bombing from the theory to cheer up the fun!

"It just so happens that among the many materials about neutrino communication given to me by Xueboda, there are several famous papers about the early stage of neutrino communication experiments. I can take them out and put them in my world!" Xiao Jun laughed. .

Among the three heavyweight academic papers on neutrino communication, one is the most important, and it is also a paper that has great significance for neutrino communication in the world of Cyboda.

It's called "Neutrino Code"!

The content of the thesis in it is about the research direction of the ethical experiment in the early stage of neutrinos, the research direction of some special properties of neutrinos, the research direction of state factors, and the research direction of change laws! There are also important experimental results on neutrino control observation, detection and so on.

Anyway, this is a paper with a major breakthrough in the basic science of neutrino communication. It is because of this paper that in the world of Saiboda, it has greatly promoted and accelerated the follow-up research on neutrino communication!

Because most of the theoretical and experimental research directions of this paper are correct. Of course, these were later proved by facts!

It was in the third year after the publication of this paper that the world scientists in Saiboda discovered the special properties of neutrinos, and in the fifth year, they directly developed a simple short-range voice communication device.

In the 10th year, the initial neutrino communication began to be practical and gradually matured.

It is the 15th year since the publication of this paper that neutrino communication has truly entered commercialization!

Therefore, this "Neutrino Code" paper has a major role in promoting neutrino communication in the world of Cyberda. At the beginning, this paper won the world's most important science award in the world of Saiboda!

Well, without mentioning the above, in short, it shows that this paper is full of dry goods, and it is definitely a paper with great research value and a clear research direction of neutrino communication!

That is, this important academic paper quickly promotes the practical and commercialization of neutrino communication in the world of Cyberda. Commercialized in just 15 years. It is indispensable!

If Xiao Jun throws out this paper, I believe that scientists around the world who are studying neutrino communication will see it, and it will be a guiding light for their future research direction of neutrino communication!

Perhaps many scientists will continue to study in this direction, and will produce important experimental results in the future.

Maybe more than ten years later, these scientists will develop real neutrino communication technology!

However, Xiao Jun is not afraid of them researching through this paper!

Because I have drawn half of the mature technical equipment design drawings.

It can be said that Xiao Jun can commercialize neutrino communication in the next three years, or even shorter! You scientists estimate that the basic properties of neutrinos have only just been studied three years later.

At that time, Xiao Jun has registered the patent, and the previous research of those scientists is basically in vain!

In this day and age, everything is patented, and it depends on who researches it first and applies for a patent.

For example, two scientists are researching neutrino communication, but the first scientist succeeded in research today and immediately applied for a patent. The second scientist succeeded in research one day later, but the final research results and patents belong to the first scientist. . So the previous research of the second scientist was basically in vain.

One day later, it's all someone else's!

Therefore, Xiao Jun is very calm, you can do research based on this paper, you are not as fast as me on a rocket!

After typing out this paper, the next day Xiao Jun asked his assistant to contact a well-known weekly paper magazine in China, intending to publish his paper!

Xiao Jun finally took a fancy to this "Huaxia Science" weekly magazine.

It is relatively well-known in China, and many scientists, doctors, experts, etc. have published academic papers on it.

The editor-in-chief of this weekly magazine heard that Xiao Jun took the initiative to ask for a manuscript, and of course the other party was very happy.

Generally speaking, ordinary people don't even have the qualifications to publish scientific papers in this weekly magazine. After all, those who can publish papers on it are famous scholars!

But Xiao Jun is different, despite his identity as an entrepreneur, he is still a top student.

First, he created the world's number one mobile phone chip, and later he created the world's number one flash memory. Those two alone are enough to say it all. It's a hundred times better than those theoretical experts who can only talk!

"Mr. Xiao Jun, do you want to publish an academic paper on semiconductor types?" asked the editor-in-chief. After all, the other party felt that Xiao Jun should be at the forefront of the world in this semiconductor field.

"No, what I want to publish is a scientific paper on neutrinos!" Xiao Jun said directly and clearly after receiving the call from the weekly anchor.

"Uh... this..."

But in the end the other party agreed to let Xiao Jun publish the paper. After all, his reputation is there!

So, a week later, a scientific paper called "Neutrino Code" appeared in the "Huaxia Science" weekly.

On that day, many scientists, doctors, experts, scholars, etc. in China saw this paper.

"Xiao Jun? Why don't I have any impression among many scientists? I haven't heard of it!"

"So it's not a scientist of a certain research institute, but the boss of a company? Is the "Huaxia Science" weekly getting worse and worse? It even asked an entrepreneur to publish a paper! What can I see!"

"Boss of Galaxy Technology Company?"

Many scientists frowned when they saw this.

However, after Banking Technology produced the world's number one chip, it has gained a lot of fame, so many people still went in with curiosity.

"Hehe, a semiconductor company actually engages in neutrino research, is it a pain in the ass?"

" about this paper..."

"My God, that's great! It's well-founded, and I'm also studying neutrinos, and the research directions in it have inspired me a lot. I think this direction is right!"

The next day, this paper set off a storm in China and shocked China! It is estimated that it will shock the world in the future!