Chapter 253 Developing a Mobile Phone System

Chapter 253 Developing a Mobile Phone System

An IQ of 175, in the real world, is definitely a super high IQ. But inside, Xiao Jun is still at a relatively low level. Except for Yu Chuan Tsubasa, who joined the group late, almost all the other high school masters have an IQ close to 200 or above 200.

Although Xiao Jun also used the super soldier serum, it is said that the super soldier serum can increase the brain usage rate by 100. In fact, as a real user, Xiao Jun doesn't think it's that exaggerated. It didn't reach the feeling of IQ against the sky.

First of all, you have to remember the word in the super soldier serum - 100 usage rate of the brain! It's not 100% brain development, and then 100% utilization rate!

In other words, the super soldier serum can increase your brain usage rate, but your IQ is determined innately, and it can hardly be increased the day after tomorrow.

For example, a genius has an IQ of 160. It can be said that this genius may not use his 160 IQ to the limit in his entire life. Maybe only 70? 80 were used?

And Xiao Jun believes that although the super soldier serum has developed the brain to a certain extent and improved the IQ, it has not completely developed the brain. Instead, it develops a certain degree of brain, improves a certain IQ, and at the same time makes 100% utilization of this IQ! Assuming that Captain America's IQ has increased from 120 to 170 after using the super soldier serum, then this 170 IQ can be used at a rate of 100.

If his IQ has reached the peak of human beings, it has been developed to the point where there is nowhere to develop. Why can't he develop a technology that can hang Tony's steel suit?

If Captain America's IQ has reached the highest human peak, why can't he deduce the formula of the super soldier based on some characteristics of the super soldier and some reserved information, so as to re-research the original super soldier serum?

If Captain America's IQ is against the sky, why is there no scientific research method against the sky? Why can't even Tony's IQ be compared, even Hulk's IQ can't be compared?

Based on the bits and pieces of information left over from the super soldiers, the Hulk reversely researched the Hulk serum!

If Captain America's IQ is really against the sky, why did he use a bad shield, and the gold shield later was given to him by others. It is a waste of IQ if I don't research and design a few pieces of equipment for myself with such a powerful IQ!

Anyway, as a real user of Xiao Jun, the super soldier serum is not as magical as the legend says in developing the brain!

However, currently Xiao Jun can indeed achieve a utilization rate of 100 for his IQ of 175. This is the magical power given to him by the super soldier serum. In other words, his IQ of 175 can be used to the fullest.

Take Sheldon as an example, his IQ is estimated to be 210 now, but Xiao Jun is sure that he will never use 100 of his 210 IQ. Maybe he only used 60? 70? 80?

Anyway, Xiao Jun thinks that brain usage rate and developing brain IQ should not be confused. To be honest, Xiao Jun doesn't know what kind of state it will be when a person's IQ reaches the peak of human development. Anyway, none of them has reached the peak of IQ!

Withdrawing his thoughts, Xiao Jun reappeared in it.

Those guys in the group are all showing off the things they got from this monthly reward.

"Boss, what did you get this time?" Shelton asked with concern.

"IQ Skill Card" Xiao Jun sighed.

"Hey, I got the design drawing and technology of the suspension train, I think I'm going to get rich!" Sheldon said with a cheap smile.

Comet Takishima: "Envy!"

Tony: "1! But I got a blueprint of the light speed thruster, and I think the combat power of my steel suit will explode again."

Sheldon: "Damn... envious, jealous and hateful!"

Xiao Jun: ...

Why did everyone get good things this time?

"Boss boss?"

"Looks like diving"

"It's probably because we flaunted our wealth and left."

In the office, Xiao Jun began to think about the current development situation, planning to plan ahead.

The layout of neutrino communication has taken the first step. In the future, he will definitely monopolize the field of communication. By then, he can collect hundreds of billions of dollars in patent fees every year. Well, at that time, the mobile phone must also be listed at the same time!

"The virtual game is also basically done, just waiting for it to be developed and the hardware to be produced."

"It seems that it's time to prepare for my future mobile phone." Xiao Jun touched his chin and said to himself lightly.

When the neutrino communication comes out, my own mobile phone will also come out, which is just right.

"I'm basically not worried about the chip, battery, flash memory, motherboard, etc. in the phone. There are no problems with the hardware. It seems that I need to develop a brand new mobile phone system for my future mobile phone." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

First of all, the Galaxy T1 chip he designed before has hit the world, and he will definitely be able to design even more powerful chips in the future. Besides, if he is too lazy to design at that time, he can just copy the mobile phone chip of Comet Takishima's new mobile phone, and all kinds of hardware will be fine.

Anyway, the mobile phone developed by Comet Takishima not long ago is much more advanced than Xiao Jun's current most powerful mobile phone on earth.

In other words, in terms of mobile phone hardware, from the most core technology chip to the screen, he is not worried.

But he wants to make a brand new mobile phone, and the mobile phone system must not rely on the current Android system on Earth!

If you want to do it, just make your own mobile phone, all of which are your own! Even phone hardware and software!

"Looks like it's time to develop a mobile phone system!" Xiao Jun made up his mind.

First of all, he referred to the mobile phone system of Comet Takishima, the mobile phone system of Shelton, and the mobile phone system of Halliday and others. Then combine what mobile phone system you want to create. Start to finalize the general direction and structure. It is estimated that after one week of finishing, the real development can be started. At that time, you can also ask the steward of the galaxy to help develop it together.

Now that he organizes these things, he has to be watched by the steward of the galaxy, and it can also learn this knowledge. At that time, it will be handy to develop.

"My mobile phone system, first of all, should not be stuck, smooth, can automatically clear the cache, can prevent and kill viruses, and it is best to be more intelligent for workers, easy to use, simple, and humanized!"

Xiao Jun summed up some characteristics of the mobile phone system that I only want!

A week passed quickly, and Xiao Jun had really developed the mobile phone system.