Chapter 259 The 5G Era Is Coming

Chapter 259 The 5G Era Is Coming

In the office, Xiao Jun browsed the news on the Internet.

As a boss now, he must watch the news, because some business matters are closely related to the news. You can learn about the business situation in various places from the news. At the same time, the news revealed huge business opportunities.

A successful boss always reads the news!

"The advent of the 5G era? Now we have officially entered the 5G era!" Xiao Jun was not in a good mood when he saw the news. Although entering the 5g era, the network speed of his virtual game has been solved. But seeing Qualcomm, his disgusting company, collecting huge patent fees around the world, I am very upset. At the beginning, his Galaxy T1 mobile phone chip technology could only be sold to Huawei, because he didn't want Qualcomm to earn patent fees!

At present, there are only three main holders of 5G network patents, Huawei, Qualcomm, and Ericsson. In addition to Huawei, Qualcomm and Ericsson have announced their respective standards for 5G patent licensing fees three months ago.

Since an important part of the long and short code technology is in the hands of Qualcomm, the development speed of Qualcomm 5g is significantly faster than that of Huawei. Not long ago, Qualcomm announced that it will support devices using Qualcomm 3ggrelease15 to launch 5g terminals at the end of 2018. This makes Huawei, which will be able to launch 5G mobile phones early next year, a little unprepared. The Qualcomm chip Snapdragon 855 will be officially launched in October this year. The Snapdragon 855 will be the world's first chip equipped with a 5G baseband. Many mobile phone manufacturers want to obtain global rights. According to related news, the world's first 5G mobile phone may be exclusively sold by Lenovo.

Qualcomm has clarified the patent royalties to be charged for 5G technology. The patent royalties are based on a percentage of the selling price of the mobile phone. Among them, the 5G patent fee for single-mode mobile phones is 2.275, while the multi-mode mobile phones that are common on the market now charge 3.25. patent fees! It seems that a patent fee of 3.25 yuan is charged for 100 yuan.

In addition to the 3.25 fee for 5g, there are other Qualcomm patent fees around 5, which add up to 8.25, which is still a percentage of the retail price of mobile phones. Taking a thousand yuan phone as an example, Qualcomm will charge a 1,000 yuan mobile phone. Patent fee of 82.5 yuan.

A few months ago, Qualcomm just announced the first batch of 5g technology partners, and basically all Chinese domestic mobile phone brands are listed! (except Huawei, because it also has its own patents in 5g).

This not only means that these Chinese companies will use Qualcomm's 5g technology, but also means that they need to pay high patent fees. It is estimated that after the gradual popularization of 5G mobile phones next year, many domestic mobile phone manufacturers will pay Qualcomm more than 300 billion yuan in patent licensing fees every year!

300 billion RMB!

This is just the 5G patent fee charged by Qualcomm in China alone. In the global market, how many hundreds of billions of patent fees does it charge a year?

Anyway, most mobile phone manufacturers in the world work for Qualcomm for free!

He doesn't need to provide any mobile phone technology, just you need to use 5g communication, you just pay the patent fee obediently.

In fact, this is also the reason why Xiao Jun wants to develop a new communication technology by himself, hey, I will develop a new communication technology by then, let Qualcomm eat dirt!

At that time, all domestic mobile phone companies will use his neutrino communication technology, and the whole world will use its neutrino communication technology. At that time, he can raise his legs and collect patent fees.

Hmph, it's time for Qualcomm to be completely finished!

"Let's work harder now, try to get all the neutrino communication technology out next year, and try to enter the commercial market in the year after next!" Xiao Jun still hopes to finish this important project as soon as possible.

Because, once this thing is done, he will be soft on making money. At that time, there will be huge capital for him to make other investments.

"My dear, I will go back to the capital next week and I will have three days off. Then I can finally accompany you." That night, Lin Xiaotong talked to Xiao Jun Jiaodi on the phone.

The two usually communicate by WeChat and phone, and they don't see each other once in a month or two. The main reason is that Lin Xiaotong is busy!

To be honest, the two are now in a long-distance relationship!

Especially Xiao Jun, what a young, strong, energetic and handsome guy. It takes two months to send one shot, that feeling is too suffocating!

Have to say, long-distance relationship is very painful!

"Really? Well, then I'll take you flying, hehehe." Xiao Jun smiled meanly.


The two chatted for a while and then hung up.

The next day, Xiao Jun didn't go to the company, but drove his Ferrari 488 to his alma mater - Capital University!

Because he promised the school's leaders, he will give lectures to freshman computer majors today!

Well, it's not a lecture, it's a kind of speech. In the words of the counselor, that is, you share your life experience in college, entrepreneurial experience, and then motivate and encourage these students. Will suffice! What a success study and business study speech!

After all, Xiao Jun is famous now, he is a successful person, and he is still so young, so he is a benchmark for entrepreneurship! Inspirational words from a successful person must be famous quotes from celebrities.

There are some words that have different effects when spoken by a celebrity than by an ordinary person.

In Xiao Jun's understanding, what kind of nonsense celebrity quotes, in fact, many people understand a lot of truths, but some big truths become famous quotes when they are spoken by celebrities. Let countless people pursue it as the truth. But the same sentence came out of the mouth of an ordinary person, probably no one would be fooled, and said that if you understand so well, why is your monthly salary still three thousand and five?

In layman's terms, you are successful, you are rich, and everything you say is right. You have no money, no money to say a joke!

When Xiao Jun came to the school, he was quickly received by the school leaders. Both parties exchanged some polite words and drank a cup of tea. Xiao Jun went to class led by the counselor Luo Huafeng.

There are eight classes of students attending this class, four classes of computer science and four classes of information engineering. It takes place in an indoor stage hall. Fortunately, this indoor stage hall is large enough to accommodate 8 classes!

Usually, this hall is also used for cultural evenings, awards evenings, speeches and so on.

In the background, Luo Huafeng said to Xiao Jun: "Student Xiao Jun, you can do whatever you want later, the main purpose is to share your entrepreneurial experience, your history of struggle, of course, the most important thing is to inspire these students, and have a positive impact on their future. Give a guidance speech on employment, life planning, and entrepreneurship."

"No problem!" Xiao Jun nodded.

This time the speech lasted for an hour and a half. It is estimated that after talking about his experience, it took most of the time. A few more bullshit later, almost.

No way, who told him that he is so famous that he can attend classes and give speeches!