Chapter 275 Super Machine Tool Design Drawings

Chapter 275 Super Machine Tool Design Drawings

Eberhard is very clear that if their car is fully launched after 2 years, the day lily will be cold by then.

"We have been number one in the world in terms of electric vehicles over the years. However, Galaxy Technology Co., Ltd. and BYD have cooperated. After launching this electric vehicle with a 1,500-kilometer range against the sky, our company is now facing huge challenges and crises. See Come on, we have to speed up our development! Otherwise... the future electric vehicle giant will belong to BYD." Eberhard said with a bad face.

"Yes, Mr. President."

The next day, Tesla held a press conference.

The content of this press conference is that their company's most popular Tesla Roadster 2 will be launched globally in five months, more than one and a half years earlier than the previously scheduled plan!

As soon as this news came out, it attracted a lot of attention in the electric vehicle industry.

A lot of media have reported it one after another, and many people are a little puzzled why it was not fully listed until two years later according to the plan, but now it is more than a year ahead of schedule. Is there some hidden secret?

However, it is indeed good news for those customers who ordered Tesla Roadster2 in advance. After all, it is good news that they don't have to wait another 2 years.

"Tesla is so eager to change the plan, is it because BYD will launch a new model with a battery life of 1,500 kilometers in half a year?"

"Tesla is probably doing this because they are afraid that after BYD's new Tang is launched, their Roadster 2 will be launched more than a year later. It is estimated that sales will be seriously affected!"

"Tesla's biggest enemy today should be BYD. Can it still maintain its position as a giant?"

"Is BYD going to become the world's largest new energy vehicle giant? Will China's main export market for new energy vehicles in the world be in the future?"

Anyway, many media are speculating about this. After all, the cooperation between BYD and Galaxy Technology is to publicize to the world that their new energy vehicles have the world's best battery life.

It can be said that it has played an epoch-making role in promoting the development of new energy vehicles, and it is estimated that the entire new energy vehicles will mature more than 5 years earlier!

Xiao Jun didn't pay much attention to the outside world either. After all, his focus is currently only on neutrino communication and virtual games. He feels that these two pieces are the important items for him to make money in the future.

"Hey, it's time for another month's group rewards." Xiao Jun sat in the office, today is the 1st, and it's another day to start rewards. Some time ago, Xiao Jun got ten NZT48 for the monthly reward during the Chinese New Year. This thing is not very useful to him at present. But keeping it is also useful. Not sure when it will come in handy. Maybe he can study the composition of this NZT48 when he is free, and see if he can develop it.

If you can develop it yourself, it is estimated that you can mass-produce a bunch of awesome scientists.

At this moment, the inside is already very lively.

"Hey, girl Bulma, how about sending some more photos of your private room?" Sheldon smiled cheaply.

"Are you still single?" Tony pouted. He felt that Sheldon was a Diaosi, and as a member of the group, he felt ashamed to be in a group with such a Diaosi. They are also top academics, so why is Mao such a top academic? It's embarrassing for the status of Xueba.

Bulma is cute, but she posted a few new photos of her private house, which made the group boil again.

"Bulma, I heard that you invented the Dragon Ball radar at a very young age, which can detect the approximate location of the Dragon Ball, so can you invent a radar to detect mineral resources?" Xiao Jun asked Bulma, bubbling .

If the other party can invent this kind of radar, he feels that he can enter the mining field in the future.

"Uh, I haven't studied this aspect, but I can try to study it when I have time." Facing the group leader, Bulma is obviously very obedient.

"That's good, if you can research it, I can use the prophecy to exchange technology with you! At that time, I can not only tell you who your real son is, but also tell you about some disasters in the future..." Xiao Jun Smiling and seductively said.

"Okay, thank you sir, I will work hard!"

At this moment, the group rewards finally started to be distributed!


"Ding... Congratulations to the group owner for getting a copy of the design drawings of five super-precision machine tools!"

"Super-precision machine tool? Or are there five types?" Xiao Jun was overjoyed when he saw the drawing of this machine tool. When it comes to super precision, the precision must be very high, perhaps beyond the current precision level of machine tools on the earth!

You know, the machine tool is the aircraft carrier of industry! It is the foundation of the most important foundation of the industrial chain.

When it comes to advanced machine tools, Germany, the United States and island countries are very advanced. But if you want to say that it is the most advanced, it can only belong to the US emperor. Many people probably don't know that the absolute precision record of machine tool processing in the world has been monopolized by the American Empire since many years ago.

Whether a machine tool is advanced or not is mainly related to indicators such as precision, cutting efficiency, cutting force, and reliability. The number of machine tool axes is not the only criterion for evaluating whether a machine tool is advanced or not. Looking at the level of a machine tool depends on its repeat positioning accuracy. If the repeat positioning accuracy of a machine tool can reach 0.005mm (ISO standard, statistical method), it is a high-precision machine tool. ., Statistical method) The following are ultra-high-precision machine tools. High-precision machine tools must have the best bearings and screw screws.

The dimensional accuracy and shape accuracy of typical parts processed by the machining center are compared with the domestic and foreign levels. The domestic level is roughly 0.008-0.010mm, while the international advanced level is 0.002-0.003mm.

Ultra-precision machining currently refers to the size and position accuracy of 0.01-0.3 μm, the shape and contour accuracy of 0.003-0.1 μm, the surface roughness of steel parts Ra≤0.05 μm, and copper parts Ra≤0.01 μm.

Ultra-precision machine tools are mainly used to solve the ultra-precision machining of domestic high-tech and national defense key products. Although the demand is not very large, it is a sensitive technology blocked by foreign technologies. On the other hand, the in-depth research of ultra-precision machining technology and the extension of its achievements will help the development and industrialization of high-precision machine tools that require a large amount of machining accuracy at the sub-micron level.

That is to say, there is still a large gap between the domestic medium and high-end CNC machine tools and the development of some advanced products and technologies abroad, and most of them are in the technology tracking stage.

Now that Xiao Jun has obtained these machine tool designs, he is definitely a trump card!