Chapter 277 Virtual Game Chain Internet Cafe

Chapter 277 Virtual Game Chain Internet Cafe

"Now that the mass production of the equipment has started, and the virtual game "Galaxy" is in the late stage of development, it won't be long before we can conduct internal testing. It seems that another plan of mine is also on the agenda." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

This plan is - virtual game chain Internet cafe promotion plan!

He has conducted some analysis and market research on this plan before, and feels that this plan will greatly promote and help his current virtual game promotion.

Don't take the world market as an example, just take the Chinese game market at present.

Xiao Jun's current set of virtual game hardware package needs nearly 30,000 yuan to take home. Many ordinary hanging wires can't play this game at all. Then there is only one, you can't afford to invest 30,000 yuan, but you can always afford to go to an Internet cafe, right?

At that time, as long as you experience the fun of this game, even if the Internet cafe charges 30 yuan an hour, you will probably not be able to resist playing it!

Besides, 30 yuan is not as valuable now as it was ten years ago. 30 yuan, a lot of it is a pack of slightly more expensive cigarettes. In some cities, a fast food costs 20 or 30 yuan. If you open a membership to watch videos, you will be charged 20 or 30 yuan more.

Therefore, as long as the game is fun at that time, even an Internet cafe that costs 30 yuan an hour will probably be loved by many young people who are addicted to games.

As for those whose salary is quite high, or whose family is a well-off family or even a wealthy family, they can buy these game hardware and play at home.

"If I promote a virtual game chain Internet cafe now, no one will invest in it. After all, they don't know if my game will be a hit. If they buy my hardware equipment and open an Internet cafe, If the game doesn't become popular by then, they will lose money." Xiao Jun said to himself.

"So, the first batch of virtual game chain Internet cafes don't need to find others to join, I pay for it myself! As long as the game becomes popular and the Internet cafes become popular, there will be a steady stream of franchisees coming in."

"Well, such an expensive Internet cafe charges so much per hour. It is estimated that many people can't afford it in ordinary cities and county towns. After all, where the per capita income is, let alone towns!"

"It seems that the first wave only opened these Internet cafes in first-tier and second-tier cities." There is a reason why Xiao Jun chose to open these Internet cafes in first-tier and second-tier cities. First of all, first-tier and second-tier cities have large populations and developed economies. Don't worry that the people here can't afford it.

Second, if these Internet cafes are opened in third-tier and fourth-tier cities, Xiao Jun's funds cannot afford it. After all, there are so many cities in China, it would be difficult to open even one city. After all, he only has 200,000 sets of equipment.

"Well, there are 5 first-tier cities and 36 second-tier cities in China. In the first-tier cities, each first-tier city will open two virtual game Internet cafes, and in second-tier cities, each city will open a virtual game Internet cafe." In this way, Xiao Jun will open 82 Internet cafes.

Xiao Jun's budget for each Internet cafe is 5 million, which includes shop rent, decoration, staff recruitment, broadband fees, etc. He thinks five million should be about the same. After all, the game hardware inside (virtual helmet, console, universal treadmill, tactile gloves and some auxiliary equipment) does not need to pay any more. It was directly sent by Xiao Jun to the Internet cafe for use.

So the money to buy equipment is equivalent to saving.

For traditional Internet cafes, investing in equipment and decoration for an Internet cafe is the most costly.

It's the same for Xiao Jun's future virtual gaming internet cafe. The purchase of equipment is definitely the only item that consumes the most money. For example, outsiders want to join and open a virtual game Internet cafe. For example, you want to open an Internet cafe with a machine number 500.

The equipment of a machine is close to 30,000, and the equipment of 500 machines is 15 million! This is just a gaming device. Adding in your shop rent, decoration, labor, etc., it is estimated that the investment in a virtual Internet cafe like this will be close to 20 million! Of course, if your decoration is not so luxurious, it is estimated that more than 16 million, 17 million is almost the same.

But don't look at the investment so much, but it pays back very quickly.

For example, if these Internet cafes charge 30 yuan an hour, 500 machines, 24 hours a day, I count it as one machine, 12 hours of which people use the machine, and the remaining 12 hours no one.

That is to say, the turnover of one machine is 360 yuan a day, and that is 180,000 yuan for 500 machines! That's 5.4 million turnover in one month.

Even if you charge 20 yuan an hour, there are several million a month. So it's a matter of paying back for a few months.

Of course, this setting is when the game is hot!

Xiao Jun is very confident about whether the game will be popular or not.

When the game becomes popular, there will be a steady stream of people who will invest in joining the chain of virtual game Internet cafes. At that time... my game equipment will continue to be sold, and game players will continue to grow. This is A win-win plan.

In the afternoon, Xiao Jun came to Galaxy Games Company.

"Xiao Wang, bring me the marketing manager." In the office, Xiao Jun said to his assistant Xiao Wang.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao."

Soon, the marketing manager Huang Weicai walked in.

"President Xiao, are you looking for me?" Wang Weicai asked respectfully.

"Well, that's right. Let me tell you about the task I want to give you. First, I want to make a virtual game Internet cafe promotion plan..." Xiao Jun began to talk to the sales manager.

After Wang Weicai heard it, he agreed very much. After all, he also knows that virtual games are too difficult to promote. The reason is that its equipment is more expensive.

For example, in an ordinary Internet cafe, the investment cost for a machine is only 2,000 to 3,000 yuan. High-end Internet cafes may cost four to five thousand yuan (there must be special channels for buying equipment in large quantities, and there will also be discounts, so the goods you get must be cheaper). But for Xiao Jun, a set of virtual game equipment needs close to 30,000 yuan. So there will be some people who can't afford it.

"Okay, next you have to send most of the people in the marketing department to conduct research and surveys in major first- and second-tier cities to see which locations are suitable for opening Internet cafes! Remember, the turnover of an Internet cafe and the location also have a lot to do. It has a lot to do with it. It must be in a prosperous area." Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"I know this, Mr. Xiao."

"Okay, I'm going to invest more than 400 million yuan to open so many Internet cafes this time, so you must give me a good job!" Xiao Jun said with sharp eyes.

"Yes." Wang Weicai immediately stood up straight and said firmly. He also knew the plan was important. Of course not sloppy.