Chapter 284 The first person to join

Chapter 284 The first person to join

"Since I played the "Galaxy" virtual game, I feel that all the games I have played before are rubbish!" Wang Sicong said flatly. What he said was the truth. Compared with the "Galaxy" virtual game, computer games are rubbish. This is the real game, a real game in virtual reality!

"The "Galaxy" virtual game? Why haven't I heard of it? Which company produced it? Is it so tricky?" Chen He was confused, expressing that he didn't know.

"China-made games are launched by Galaxy Games, but Galaxy Games is very proud. Why don't you play together? Oh, by the way, you need to buy a set of equipment. If it's too late, you can only wait." Wang said. Tear the onion and curl your lips.

"Playing, it seems very powerful, I'm going to buy equipment now, where can I buy it?"

"Galaxy Games Company official website!"

At this moment, many rich second generations who love to play games have their eyes on this game, and they are all immersed in it.

Song Jin is a rich second generation. These days, he runs to the Galaxy virtual game chain Internet cafe in the capital every day. Every day when he came early, he would have the opportunity to get on the phone, and when he came late, he didn't care if he didn't have the phone. Instead, I watched others play in the Internet cafe. He even went to another chain of Internet cafes to watch if he had nothing to do.

In the past few days, these two Internet cafe chains are full every minute.

Song Jin is not obsessed with this game, in fact, he found a business opportunity through observation these days!

That's the rhythm of this game's popularity, and this virtual game chain Internet cafe is very worth investing in. He also asked those network administrators. A set of equipment costs close to 30,000 yuan, which many ordinary people simply cannot afford.

But you like to play this game very much, then there is only one way, and that is to play in virtual game chain Internet cafes!

Now the only virtual game internet cafes in these two capitals are full every day, which is a good proof. There are even many people queuing up every day waiting for someone to get off the plane, and immediately run up to play!

Although Song Jin is a rich second generation, he is not the kind of rich second generation who will eat and wait to die. Instead, he follows his father, has a vision, and is good at finding business opportunities. Although he is studying at university now, he has already opened a company. And it's doing well.

His father started from scratch, and he has always been very serious about his education. In the words his father often said, one must be self-reliant, and don't think about gnawing at the old all day long!

So since junior high school, he has always been very sensible, and he was admitted to a key university. He did not choose to study abroad! This is a matter for the future, and we will talk about it later.

Yesterday, he also made a special trip to the second-tier city next door, and went to the virtual game chain Internet cafe there, and the Internet cafe was still full! So now he has made up his mind to open a virtual game chain Internet cafe.

He has done all the calculations. If you open an Internet cafe with 500 people on the computer, even if all of them are platinum cards for 25 yuan an hour, the monthly turnover can be several million. It is estimated that it will pay back in a few months!

Taking advantage of the fact that online cafes for virtual games have not been completely popularized yet, and no one has cooked this piece of meat, he feels that he can be one step ahead of others. Then, after this, he will be the one who eats the soup!

If there are more virtual Internet cafes in the future, the business will definitely not be as good as it is now.

He only needs to be one year ahead of others, and he can earn a lot of money this year.

So he found the contact information and called Galaxy Games Company. He knows that all the Internet cafes that have started so far are invested by Galaxy Games.

"Hello, may I join your chain of Internet cafes?" Song Jin said his purpose.

"Of course! We welcome joining the chain of Internet cafes." The front desk lady smiled sweetly.

Soon, Song Jin came to the headquarters of Galaxy Games.

Talk to Chen Fan.

"Mr. Song, if you want to open a virtual game Internet cafe, we can fully support you. I wonder how big an Internet cafe you want to open?" Chen Fan asked Song Jin with a smile.

"I want to open an Internet cafe that can serve 500 people at the same time. I don't know how much to invest?" Song Jin asked.

"For 500 people to play, 500 sets of equipment are needed, and these 500 sets of equipment alone are close to more than 15 million! As for the decoration and location of the Internet cafe, it is completely up to you. We are only responsible for providing equipment and follow-up maintenance guarantees. However, if you want to open this kind of Internet cafe, the price must be the same as ours, 25 yuan an hour for platinum members, 27 yuan an hour for ordinary members, and 30 yuan an hour for temporary cards." Chen Fan said.

"Well, then I know. I don't know if we buy your company's equipment in bulk. Is there any discount?" Song Jin is very concerned about this. After all, equipment investment accounts for the majority.

"Sorry, because our equipment is expensive, there are no discounts at present. I believe you have played the game. To drive this game, our hardware technology is definitely the best in the world. Therefore, the production cost is very high. To be honest, our current equipment does not make much money. So the boss said that there is no preferential policy." Chen Fan opened the skylight and said clearly.

"However, if you invest in this chain of Internet cafes, I think you can get back your money in a few months, because you are the first batch of people to join!" Chen Fan boasted.

"Okay." Song Jin was a little disappointed, but he also knew that when many things were new, there were no discounts.

Not to mention the hardware with such a good technical content.

In the end, Song Jin bought 500 sets of equipment! At the same time, I plan to open an Internet cafe!

After Song Jin, in the next month, there will be a steady stream of newcomers joining the chain of virtual game internet cafes.

Obviously, most of the first group of people have investment vision. They saw business opportunities from the "Galaxy" virtual game, and saw business opportunities from the popularity of virtual game Internet cafes!

Ten days passed quietly.

The ten-day public beta period has finally passed.

More than 80 Internet cafes have entered the stage of charging Internet access.

At the same time, the "Galaxy" virtual game is also officially launched! The profit model is also open. As long as you die in the game, the pretense will be cleared and lost. But you can save the previous equipment with coupons.

Ever since, Xiao Jun's game and internet cafe officially started to make money!

On the second day, although the Internet cafe started to charge, and the minimum price was 25 yuan an hour, it was still full! Although the full period is not as exaggerated as before, there are always a few hours every day that are full.

Even if it is not full, most of the machines are occupied by people.

In addition to offline and online, many game anchors are playing this game one after another, and many viewers are fascinated by this game.