Chapter 304 Upgrade the Galaxy Steward

Chapter 304 Upgrade the Galaxy Steward

Although Xiao Jun returned to China, Li Wanda did not come back with Xiao Jun, but was sent by him to other regions to contact companies interested in purchasing neutrino technology equipment. After all, the communication equipment has not been produced yet, so at this stage, the two parties can have an in-depth understanding of neutrino communication technology through face-to-face communication.

After all, if a person wants to buy an advanced technology, he must understand it clearly before buying it. It is a fool's behavior to buy it without a clear understanding.

So it is necessary for Xiao Jun to send Li Wanda to travel around and contact those interested companies!

In fact, besides the US Emperor, local communication agencies in many countries and regions are very optimistic about neutrino technology. Some contacted Li Wanda, and some even sent people all the way to Xiao Jun's Galaxy Technology Company for investigation.

Anyway, the company received wave after wave of guests as soon as Su Ci came back these days!

They basically came to learn about neutrino communication technology. When they learned about the awesomeness of neutrino communication technology and equipment, they were all amazed. Many people were amazed on the spot that this neutrino communication technology will become the mainstream in the future.

There is a reason why the United States resists neutrino communication technology so much. First of all, wireless 5g technology is still in the hands of Qualcomm, and it is the standard set by Qualcomm. In other words, the wireless communication industry is still dominated by the US emperor.

Now the neutrino communication that Xiao Jun suddenly turned out to have impacted the dominance of the American emperor in the communication industry. If the neutrino communication is included, not only will they lose their dominance, but the American emperor's Qualcomm and other companies will also lose their dominance. suffered catastrophe. After all, Qualcomm must have obtained the secret support of the US emperor. Otherwise, they wouldn't wear the same pair of pants.

Also, apart from the catastrophe and the fact that the market cake will be taken over by Xiao Jun, their role-playing has also changed. In the past, they were the standard setters of communication. Once neutrino communication became mainstream, they became piglets, and they were slaughtered by Galaxy Technology Corporation. They were the ones who slaughtered others in the past, but suddenly they want to be slaughtered by others, how can they accept it in their hearts?

This is why the United States has always resisted neutrino communication.

But other countries and regions are different. They have also been slaughtered by Qualcomm, and they have been cut leeks over the years. But the situation is different now, with the advent of neutrino communication technology, being slaughtered by Xiao Jun is also slaughtering, and being slaughtered by Qualcomm is also slaughtering pigs!

But neutrino communication technology is many times more advanced than that of your radio classmates. The pig was also slaughtered, why didn't I choose neutrino communication?

This is also except for the US imperialism and several areas allied with the US imperialism, other countries and regions are still willing to contact and cooperate with neutrino communication!

However, the neutrino communication technology is still at least a year away from being listed, so he does not need to come forward in person to receive customers and communicate with overseas companies, and just leave it to Su Ci and other high-level executives.

The most important thing for Xiao Jun to do now is to build a company building for his Galaxy Group. Now that the funds are sufficient, I can finally make it for myself!

But Xiao Jun plans to build this building in Shanghai, not Beijing!

Shanghai is also an international metropolis. Xiao Jun plans to move the headquarters of several companies to Shanghai after the building is completed.

Anyway, he stopped studying a long time ago, and it doesn't matter where he moves to work.

To be honest, Xiao Jun now has several companies under his command. In the future, the headquarters of the entire company can be called Galaxy Group.

At present, the companies under his hands are as follows: Galaxy Technology Company, Galaxy Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd., and Galaxy Games Company.

However, Galaxy Technology Company is his core company, and the products and value of this company are also the highest. Such as super batteries, car batteries, chips, flash memory, neutrino communication technology, mobile phones, etc...

"Mr. Xiao, you want to build a company building?" Su Ci was slightly surprised when he heard Xiao Jun's words in the office, but he was also a little excited. After all, their Yinhe Technology Company is also a big company, and their reputation is very loud. Up to now, there are not many company buildings of their own, and it is a bit embarrassing to say it.

"That's right, I plan to build in Shanghai, and our headquarters will be there in the future." Xiao Jun said lightly.

"Madu is good! Our building can be built in the new area. It has been developing crazily in the past two years..."

"Okay, that's what I thought too. Mr. Wu Yiping also supported me very much and gave me a lot of flexibility in the land. So this time I'm going to invest 5 billion to build a company building. I don't know how big it will be yet. , but it must be 80 floors!!!" Xiao Jun smiled.

"80 floors? We can't run out of them?" Su Ci smacked his lips.

"Hey, we can't use it up in the early stage, so we can rent it to other companies. Besides, as our group grows stronger and stronger, there will be a day when it will be used up." Xiao Jun waved his hand and said indifferently.

"Alright Mr. Xiao."

This project was implemented very quickly, and when the news came out, it was also a sensation.

Although many outsiders were surprised by this investment, they also felt that it was reasonable. After all, the Galaxy Technology Company is developing so fast, it's time to get an iconic headquarters for the company.

Look at those big international companies, which one doesn't have its own company building?

This month, Xiao Jun seldom showed up. After all, the impact of the previous incident was not very good, so he chose to avoid the limelight. During the period, he also flew to meet Lin Xiaotong. After coaxing for a long time, he was courteous again, and finally coaxed this little girl.

"My company is growing stronger and stronger, and I have too many secrets. Whether it is the secrets of black technology or the safety of my life, information security is very important." At night, Xiao Jun lay on his sofa, thinking mind.

He has a lot of secrets, so he needs someone who is loyal to him to help him monitor everything.

"Although the steward of the galaxy is very strong, it is limited after all. If I hadn't upgraded the hacking technology for it last time, otherwise it would not be able to hack in so quickly without leaving any traces. It seems that I need to give the steward of the galaxy Upgraded!" Xiao Jun thought to himself.

Now Xiao Jun's Galaxy Steward is similar to Tony's Jarvis in the early days, maybe better in hacking technology, because Xiao Jun used his own hacking technology to strengthen the Galaxy Steward in this respect. But other aspects are similar to the early Jarvis.

Xiao Jun feels that Jarvis in the early days and the current Galaxy Steward still need to improve in all aspects, and they are still not strong enough!

So he decided to take advantage of the time to upgrade the Galaxy Butler's technology!