Chapter 317 You have to buy it too expensive

Chapter 317 You have to buy it too expensive

"Hi everyone, I am Xiao Jun, the chairman of Yinhe Technology Company. I am very glad that you can come to the scene. The current remote communication equipment of our company's Yinhe Technology Company has been tested and there is no problem. After two months, so The equipment can enter the mass production stage. The infrastructure work can be carried out in May next year. The infrastructure construction can be completed in September next year! The first commercial operation should be possible in November next year..." Xiao Jun began to introduce in detail.

"Our equipment is different from traditional radio communication equipment. Therefore, its infrastructure construction is very small! Traditional radio communication signal transmission towers, receiving towers, and signal relay stations require a lot of infrastructure construction. Even reached Since the beginning of the 4G era, every village needs to build a signal antenna. But my neutrino communication equipment does not need it. Only one signal relay station is needed for 300,000 square kilometers. This signal relay station also includes signal transmission and reception tower, plus an information processor. That is to say, even a large province in mainland China only needs to build a signal relay station! So you don't have to worry about the time for basic signal construction." Xiao Jun explained this again The key question.


There was a burst of warm applause!

"Okay, there are two charging items in this chamber of commerce, one is mobile communication charging, and the other is mobile phone communication charging." Xiao Jun said. The range of mobile communication charges is actually... To put it simply, the charging objects are companies such as China Mobile, Telecom, and China Unicom. As for mobile phone communication charges, the objects of charge are many mobile phone companies!

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone stretched their necks and pricked up their ears to listen.

"The charging standard for mobile communication patents is 50! That is to say, if a customer of your communication company spends 100 yuan in phone bills in your company every month, I will charge 50 yuan for the 100 yuan! That is 50! The same , The same goes for the Internet access fee, if a customer's monthly Internet package is 200 yuan, I will charge 100 yuan, which is also 50!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

Today's communication is nothing more than making phone calls and surfing the Internet on computers. After all, the phone bill includes the mobile phone Internet fee, so it is calculated in the phone bill package. As for computer Internet access, etc., it is another Internet fee.

"Our neutrino communication surfing the Internet is different from the traditional optical fiber Internet access. Our neutrino network no longer needs optical fiber network cables. It only needs a signal receiving end, similar to the traditional Just like an optical cat, it can receive signals, and this neutrino network receiver leads out a network cable, and it can directly connect desktop computers and laptops to the Internet!" Xiao Jun continued.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone was shocked, not because the neutrino network had surpassed the traditional network technology. But its patent fee is too expensive!

50 ah!

"50? Isn't that too expensive?"

"Hiss... so expensive!"

"I think charging 20 is more reasonable!"

"Hehe, I think charging 10 is the most ideal." At this moment, the entire venue was in chaos.

Xiao Jun sees all kinds of expensiveness of these people.

But he felt that the charge of 50 was very reasonable!

"Everyone, my company charges 50 yuan for mobile communication. Do you think it is expensive? But what I want to tell you is that it is not expensive! Of course, you need to buy the equipment, but the technical guidance and maintenance in the future are all carried out by our company to your technicians. Training! Once your equipment is set up, you can sit back and wait to collect the phone bills and Internet fees of your customers! Your operating costs are not very high. It is only spent on the publicity, promotion, and later equipment of Neutrino Communication Maintain and manage your customers!"

"Besides, our neutrino communication does not require a lot of infrastructure construction. Your traditional radio communication needs a lot of infrastructure construction. So most of your costs are spent on these! And my neutrino There is no need for communication. So your profit is very large! Don't compare my neutrino communication technology with the traditional communication operation mode!" Xiao Jun sneered.

Take 4G construction as an example, let's not say too much, just build a signal antenna in each village, and build a large signal tower in each town. How much infrastructure cost does the whole country need?

Hundreds of billions? Trillions?

There is also optical fiber infrastructure construction, and optical fiber uses cables to transmit the network. If you want to connect to the Internet, every household in every village needs to pull the network cable to you!

Not to mention so much, the cost of these fiber optic cables and those cement poles is a huge amount of money. Not to mention more labor costs, management fees, maintenance fees, etc.!

As for Xiao Jun's, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, whether it's boring on the mobile phone or the computer, it only needs to set up a relay station in one province!

Therefore, these communication companies do not need to invest very large costs! He must charge a patent fee of 50!

Following Xiao Jun's words, the representatives of the communication companies all frowned and pondered, it seemed that what they said was right. They roughly calculated in their hearts that it was indeed the case. No wonder people charge such high patent fees. It turns out that people have already calculated it!

The remaining 50 is their money, but they also need to remove the cost of purchasing equipment, promotion, management, company operation, maintenance and so on. 50 How much profit they can get in the end can only be known after specific calculations.

However, there is no doubt that Galaxy Technology Company must earn much more than them!

Because they don't know how to sell these neutrino communication devices? what is the price How is the later maintenance fee calculated?

"Okay, let me announce the patent fee for mobile phone communication. For the mobile phone, the patent fee is 5! That is to say, for example, if you sell a mobile phone for 2,000 yuan, I will be among the 2,000 yuan. A neutrino communication patent fee of 5 is charged! Of course, you can also purchase my neutrino communication baseband in the future. In this case, our company may consider a discount." Xiao Jun smiled.

There must be a reason why the mobile phone communication patent only charges 5 patent fees. After all, their entire mobile phone was developed by them themselves, and the other party only used neutrino communication technology as network communication. Charging 5 is already very high!

Unlike mobile communication, those communication giants don't need any research and development. They only need to introduce his neutrino communication technology to charge their local customers for phone calls and Internet fees.

After all, Qualcomm also charged like this at the beginning, 5!