Chapter 322 Do whatever you want with money

Chapter 322 Do whatever you want with money

After the award ceremony, many scientists wanted to strike up a conversation with Xiao Jun, but he was not in the mood at the moment, and took Angelica back to the hotel early to rest.

The next day, they flew back to Huaxia by plane!

Sitting on the plane, Xiao Jun was thinking about his life and ideals.

"Brother is considered an excellent person and a rich person now, so he should be able to do whatever he wants!" Xiao Jun was secretly proud. In the past, he also naively thought that after graduation, he would gnaw at the old man and do whatever he wanted.

In fact, the idea at that time was really naive!

Do whatever you want? Dare to ask how many people in this world can do it?

You want to take an instant trip, but the boss of the company does not approve the leave, or you have no money in your pocket.

You want to find Bai Fumei, but you are a dick!

"After working so hard for so long and earning so much money, it's time to squander it."

Not to mention the money he earned before, just the previous 200 billion US dollars, it is estimated that he can get more than 180 billion US dollars in profit! After all, his neutrino communication technology was obtained from the . There is no research fee invested, so the cost is actually a little spent on manufacturing production equipment.

With so much money, it should be possible to be the richest man in the world.

"Then I show off my wealth? It doesn't seem necessary. The whole world knows that I am a rich man now! Sell yourself hundreds of villas? 100,000 suites, on the contrary, it will cause the housing price to continue to rise." Xiao Jun laughed at himself slightly.

"Buying hundreds of top luxury cars? What a cheap way of spending!" Xiao Jun continued shaking his head.

"Buying dozens of private jets? Buying dozens of private yachts? And then posting on your Moments to show off your wealth? It seems that they are all too stupid!"

"Buy a shipyard and build yourself a luxury cruise ship? It's not fun, or I will open a shipyard myself in the future and defeat those world-famous shipbuilding companies."

"I found out that now that I have money, I can really do whatever I want!" Xiao Jun sighed with emotion. For example, the above can be done casually.

"But these squandering is meaningless, it's too stupid!"

"Well, choose 100 best female secretaries for yourself? You can have this one!"

"Ah, let's get and raise dozens of top-quality mistresses? Looks like we can have them too!"

"nonono, how can I be so corrupt and superficial? How can such an outstanding and promising young man like me, the world's number one potential stock, the number 18 student in the school, and someone else's future good husband do such a heartless thing? Things? These things can be pushed back, hehe..."

"I'm going to do something meaningful now!" Xiao Jun was talking to himself frantically.

"What is a meaningful thing?"

"After participating in the Nobel Prize, I was filled with emotions. I feel that I should do something meaningful for China's technological progress. I want to set up an award in China to show the reward and promotion of encouraging Chinese people's scientific and technological exploration. Use!" Xiao Jun suddenly thought of a meaningful thing to do!

Since the most powerful award in the world is the Nobel Prize, it is also the award with the highest gold content!

Why can't he set up one himself? Isn't it just money, he has a lot of it!

"That's right, I'm going to set up a Huaxia Science Award Foundation!"

"Well, it's called the Galaxy Science Award!" Xiao Jun thought it over right away.

This idea and plan took shape in his mind at once!

You must know that many early scientists, physicists, and chemists were poor and poor. They tried their best to do research and solicit funding everywhere. The purpose is to be able to research achievements that promote the development of science and technology in the world, and then become famous!

If Xiao Jun set up awards in this area, one would serve as an incentive, and the second bonus would also be a subsidy for them!

Thirdly, it is mainly because of this award. I believe that many people are striving towards this goal, and it has played a role in driving the research and development of technology. It is definitely a good thing.

The next day, Xiao Jun came to Yinhe Technology Company.

"Su Ci, I have something to tell you." Xiao Jun said to Su Ci.

"I am going to set up a Galaxy Science Foundation to reward those who have made outstanding contributions in various fields. My award is called the Galaxy Science and Technology Award. There are five awards set up below. The first: the Galaxy Physics Award. The second: Galaxy Chemistry Award, Third: Galaxy Medicine Award. Fourth: Galaxy Biology Award. Fifth: Galaxy Literature Award!"

"The prize money for each award is 100 million yuan! An award ceremony is held every year, and one person or a team is selected as the winner for each item every year! But their achievements must be achievements and inventions that promote technology!" Xiao Jun said .

"Ah?" Su Ci was shocked after hearing this, his boss actually wanted to set up such a reward?

"Boss, are you going to imitate the Nobel Prize? Uh, by the way, the bonus doesn't have to be that high, right? One hundred million yuan!" Su Ci continued in astonishment. After all, it is like the famous Nobel Prize, with a prize money of only about 7 million RMB. And Xiao Jun's prize money for one award is 100 million yuan, which is really dozens of times more.

"No, no, I'm not imitating the Nobel Prize. I just want to do something meaningful and motivating for the development of Huaxia Science and Technology. As for the 100 million bonus, the five awards add up to 500 million! Not stingy. How do you say that, the higher the bonus, the more attractive you will be!" Xiao Jun waved his hand to express his indifference.

"By the way, this foundation will start to be established next month, and the awards ceremony will be held as scheduled in November next year. As for the selection criteria, you will send someone to find out the selection criteria. From now on, the awards ceremony will be held on November 11 every year. The date of the ceremony. Now I will give you 2 billion, you go to recruit troops." Xiao Jun said.

"Also, the scientific and technological achievements or achievements of the winners and finalists. If the project is good and I am interested, I will invest heavily in their project. At the same time, if you are interested, you can join my Milky Way Research Institute ! This is an extra reward." Xiao Jun added after thinking for a while.


"Okay, go get busy. By the way, this matter must be publicized to the outside world! We must let those scientists know that next year we will have the Galaxy Science and Technology Award!" Xiao Jun narrowed his eyes and said.

"Yes, Mr. Xiao!" Su Ci nodded solemnly.

Soon, Su Ci went to work on this matter.

A week later, the news of the establishment of the Yinhe Science and Technology Award spread all over the country at once, causing a sensation!